Zoll medical or High base Pharma job?

Everyone, count your blessings and be fortunate you are still here representing a product that is a lifesaver. If you cant sell it, you're not trying. Move on please and find something less challenging or taxing to waste your career on. Zoll is a place for winners, not complainers!!

Clearly disconnected with the real world, customers, clinical data, guidelines, field, employees....more like an outright lie.

Everyone, count your blessings and be fortunate you are still here representing a product that is a lifesaver. If you cant sell it, you're not trying. Move on please and find something less challenging or taxing to waste your career on. Zoll is a place for winners, not complainers!!

DAM you are slow!!!!! We can and do sell the product dumbA** How do you think you have a job without us?? That's what I thought.. It's you ridiculous quota increase that keeps Reps leaving and pissed off. Find a job less challenging...OH wait let me show Dr. Idiot the life saves or the same study I've showed them 100 times...... So where do I get MO's HUMMMMMM... NO REALLY TELL US something that works! Ive been here for 3 yr. I'm running out of crap to talk about. You have NO comment because its involves doing unethical things that we HAVE to do every day to keep up with quota..
BTW Hitler and Germany was for winners all others got the gas chamber.. I guess we are the Jews..Screw you about being a winner. How about we meet and well talk about who a winner is. Take a few hr to get there.

DAM you are slow!!!!! We can and do sell the product dumbA** How do you think you have a job without us?? That's what I thought.. It's you ridiculous quota increase that keeps Reps leaving and pissed off. Find a job less challenging...OH wait let me show Dr. Idiot the life saves or the same study I've showed them 100 times...... So where do I get MO's HUMMMMMM... NO REALLY TELL US something that works! Ive been here for 3 yr. I'm running out of crap to talk about. You have NO comment because its involves doing unethical things that we HAVE to do every day to keep up with quota..
BTW Hitler and Germany was for winners all others got the gas chamber.. I guess we are the Jews..Screw you about being a winner. How about we meet and well talk about who a winner is. Take a few hr to get there.

Agreed. Power and authority are being used here to cover up some pretty unethical behavior.

DAM you are slow!!!!! We can and do sell the product dumbA** How do you think you have a job without us?? That's what I thought.. It's you ridiculous quota increase that keeps Reps leaving and pissed off. Find a job less challenging...OH wait let me show Dr. Idiot the life saves or the same study I've showed them 100 times...... So where do I get MO's HUMMMMMM... NO REALLY TELL US something that works! Ive been here for 3 yr. I'm running out of crap to talk about. You have NO comment because its involves doing unethical things that we HAVE to do every day to keep up with quota..
BTW Hitler and Germany was for winners all others got the gas chamber.. I guess we are the Jews..Screw you about being a winner. How about we meet and well talk about who a winner is. Take a few hr to get there.

LOL Very true, our quota sky rocket but how do we keep up the MO's? I'm having problems warping my mind around this. What are you giving us Zoll, besides a higher quota? Use the clinical studies that we showed 1,000 x? Physicians say they are giving me ALL there patients. This is a NO win situation!!! How do we get increased MO's without having RN look at charts (solo purpose of LV, HIPAA violation) or you want us to be in hospitals "Go sell the LV" Thats what you said!!!! OH Yes to look for patients, talk to RN or anybody that might have looked at patients charts for us or even for there own financial benefit of getting money as a PSR. Why would you want us to put RN or staff in possible HIPAA violation?
Lets get this straight. Does Zoll think its ethical for a RN in ICU, PCU, or heart floor that has access to pt charts and look at info for the sole purpose they can get paid $160 to fit the patient with the LV? Zoll should make this practice unethical because you want to keep staff and RN license safe.
I fear for my job!! You fired the person for possible HIPAA violation and looking for patients or in there charts(or that's what was posted). I'M NOT sure whats legal and what NOT Legal.. YOU keep telling people to go to work, sell, and do that HOW?? Without violating rules? WORK how? Go look in charts that's the last step after the Dr. are telling me they give me all the patients. YOU want me to go behind there back's..... DO YOU HEAR ME!! How do you want me to work??? You don't have sh*t because you want us to do anything for the MO money! Again Ive showed all clinical studies, case reports, life saves,re-orders, alerts that are JUST noise. They are getting pissed I keep bring up "Barry-ism" EXPLAIN PLEASE beside your lame a** "JUST sell something"
I am barely making my number but will be impossible in a few months..You are making the TM's break rules to meet quota or we get fired! I feel dirty inside and think what I am doing is wrong. There are NO medical device company wondering around the OR trying to find surgeries. They cant be in OR unless they get called for a case because it's HIPAA violation to be looking at the surgery scheduled or talking to staff for possible cases.. Why do you think we are different? Zoll never says don't go into hospitals unless you have a order because there is no reason. Talking to RN about patients with out the MO is HIPAA violation. CRAP all TM's do that. You never tell us not to. We all have at least one special Rn that trusts us. ZOLL put's me in questionable violations daily and I don't like it and If I bring this up in person you will fire me or find a reason.. You don't need a reason you will apparently make up something up like you have already in Texas. Case management is picking up on this and asking why am I in hospital, there is no order's. They are right. ANY Answer would help beside your lame "its easy to sell" I hope you understand.. I SELL A LOT OF vest, quota is over $65,000 seg. That's around 1.5 million a year for you dicks at corporate saying "get off the sight" "go to your hospital's" "sell something you looser" So F*** you saying that to me and everybody else that violates rules daily for you greedy bastards. We looks at this sight for help and guidance and knowing we are no alone.

My two cents ----> 1$1$ ---> Who cares one way or other? Its a personal decision. Both options are opportunities. Depends what you want or not. What are YOUR passions? Who cares others? Some people medicine motivated. Others want money. Others want flexibility. Single moms challenged being in pace maker or other medical sales. Applause to single moms! ;-0---> Pros and Cons to everything. Specialty PHARMA seems good career choice with never ending changes and access. Hospital sales people generate good salaries and fair bonuses and best schedules. I have heard people with Zoll at meetings downgrading pharma when they reach medical sales. Why? It is not your choice to make decisions for others. Different people different needs and probably make more $$$$ then you. ;-0

LOL Very true, our quota sky rocket but how do we keep up the MO's? I'm having problems warping my mind around this. What are you giving us Zoll, besides a higher quota? Use the clinical studies that we showed 1,000 x? Physicians say they are giving me ALL there patients. This is a NO win situation!!! How do we get increased MO's without having RN look at charts (solo purpose of LV, HIPAA violation) or you want us to be in hospitals "Go sell the LV" Thats what you said!!!! OH Yes to look for patients, talk to RN or anybody that might have looked at patients charts for us or even for there own financial benefit of getting money as a PSR. Why would you want us to put RN or staff in possible HIPAA violation?
Lets get this straight. Does Zoll think its ethical for a RN in ICU, PCU, or heart floor that has access to pt charts and look at info for the sole purpose they can get paid $160 to fit the patient with the LV? Zoll should make this practice unethical because you want to keep staff and RN license safe.
I fear for my job!! You fired the person for possible HIPAA violation and looking for patients or in there charts(or that's what was posted). I'M NOT sure whats legal and what NOT Legal.. YOU keep telling people to go to work, sell, and do that HOW?? Without violating rules? WORK how? Go look in charts that's the last step after the Dr. are telling me they give me all the patients. YOU want me to go behind there back's..... DO YOU HEAR ME!! How do you want me to work??? You don't have sh*t because you want us to do anything for the MO money! Again Ive showed all clinical studies, case reports, life saves,re-orders, alerts that are JUST noise. They are getting pissed I keep bring up "Barry-ism" EXPLAIN PLEASE beside your lame a** "JUST sell something"
I am barely making my number but will be impossible in a few months..You are making the TM's break rules to meet quota or we get fired! I feel dirty inside and think what I am doing is wrong. There are NO medical device company wondering around the OR trying to find surgeries. They cant be in OR unless they get called for a case because it's HIPAA violation to be looking at the surgery scheduled or talking to staff for possible cases.. Why do you think we are different? Zoll never says don't go into hospitals unless you have a order because there is no reason. Talking to RN about patients with out the MO is HIPAA violation. CRAP all TM's do that. You never tell us not to. We all have at least one special Rn that trusts us. ZOLL put's me in questionable violations daily and I don't like it and If I bring this up in person you will fire me or find a reason.. You don't need a reason you will apparently make up something up like you have already in Texas. Case management is picking up on this and asking why am I in hospital, there is no order's. They are right. ANY Answer would help beside your lame "its easy to sell" I hope you understand.. I SELL A LOT OF vest, quota is over $65,000 seg. That's around 1.5 million a year for you dicks at corporate saying "get off the sight" "go to your hospital's" "sell something you looser" So F*** you saying that to me and everybody else that violates rules daily for you greedy bastards. We looks at this sight for help and guidance and knowing we are no alone.

Applaud you for recognizing and speaking out for most of us. So what you are saying is quota is unattainable with out eventually getting fired or forced to break rules or putting us or others in violations. Listen corporate.

My two cents ----> 1$1$ ---> Who cares one way or other? Its a personal decision. Both options are opportunities. Depends what you want or not. What are YOUR passions? Who cares others? Some people medicine motivated. Others want money. Others want flexibility. Single moms challenged being in pace maker or other medical sales. Applause to single moms! ;-0---> Pros and Cons to everything. Specialty PHARMA seems good career choice with never ending changes and access. Hospital sales people generate good salaries and fair bonuses and best schedules. I have heard people with Zoll at meetings downgrading pharma when they reach medical sales. Why? It is not your choice to make decisions for others. Different people different needs and probably make more $$$$ then you. ;-0

We better gve you change back for your stupid comments. Sounds like your on meds. Go back to pharma. You sound just motivated enough to get to a hospital and have coffee. Some people are medicine motivated??? WTF does that mean. Pros and cons of everything? Who hired this slug? F-ing tree hugger.

We better gve you change back for your stupid comments. Sounds like your on meds. Go back to pharma. You sound just motivated enough to get to a hospital and have coffee. Some people are medicine motivated??? WTF does that mean. Pros and cons of everything? Who hired this slug? F-ing tree hugger.

Hey,, now I do like the house wife stick figure I think it goes like ;0-----> LOL I like the vagina!!!!!! LOL LOL