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Zoll medical or High base Pharma job?


What would you do? High base is well over 6 figures. W 35k bonus. Not sure if the plan at Zoll is attainable and realistic. Seems like its all talk and the Dms and recruiters are selling a bill of goods. Thoughts?

Stay in pharma if you can tolerate the BS and useless reports. Here the reports are many and the forecast is not based on actual results or reported metrics. So imagine your current job with an unobtainable forecast. Ask recruiter or manager how many times the position has been filled or how many TMs have been through the territory's main cardiology STEMI hospital? More than 2 and you are dead in the water from jump street. ITS A SHIT SHOW run by incompetent morons.

My pharma base is $106. Made $131 in 2013. Recruiter telling me that ave Zoll rep makes $150. Not believing based on what I'm seeing here.

Stay in pharma. Every job has aspects you will not like dealing with but in this case, keep the devil you know. This place is a circus. You have all the responsibility with zero authority. The $12/hour assistants have more say over your business than you do. You need their permission to provide the service you sell. The leadership at this company hates sales people and views them as a necessary evil.

Does anyone out there know about life on the Temperature Management side of the business? Same corporate culture as LifeVest? Is this a revolving door position? Any intel on the manager in FL? Degree of micromanagement? Realistic quotas? Are many reps really making the $150,000 they're selling candidates? Common obstacles in this position and company?

Stay in pharma. Every job has aspects you will not like dealing with but in this case, keep the devil you know. This place is a circus. You have all the responsibility with zero authority. The $12/hour assistants have more say over your business than you do. You need their permission to provide the service you sell. The leadership at this company hates sales people and views them as a necessary evil.

Couldn't have said it better. Constant war between field and corporate. Those $12hr assistants control many aspects of your business & could care less about it. They even control your support reps (and constantly fuck them over), control the inventory (woops, sorry I forgot to send systems...my bad). It's always an uphill battle with these people. They fail to realize the only reason they have a job is because of what goes on in the field. A retarted baboon could do these peoples jobs - worthless.

Stay in pharma. Every job has aspects you will not like dealing with but in this case, keep the devil you know. This place is a circus. You have all the responsibility with zero authority. The $12/hour assistants have more say over your business than you do. You need their permission to provide the service you sell. The leadership at this company hates sales people and views them as a necessary evil.

Sad to say, this is true. Well said. From the top down there is no respect for salespeople.

Do you mean that the manager will set you up? You said "they will put you in questionable HIPAA practices with your hospitals"? Can you tell me what you have heard their practices have been? Do they create a problem for you with the hospitals?

Do you mean that the manager will set you up? You said "they will put you in questionable HIPAA practices with your hospitals"? Can you tell me what you have heard their practices have been? Do they create a problem for you with the hospitals?

Can you read??? You have thousands of threads here. Obviously you believe in cafe pharma since you took the time to ask a question here. Now take the time to read all the most recent threads!!! If you have a secure job, stay. If you have a job where your going to be laid off, stay. If your unemployed, stay unemployed. Unemployment is better than losing your reputation.

Do you mean that the manager will set you up? You said "they will put you in questionable HIPAA practices with your hospitals"? Can you tell me what you have heard their practices have been? Do they create a problem for you with the hospitals?

STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, READ.......you do not even have to THINK. Your answers with examples are provided in hundreds of posts.