ZOLL Fired me on FALSE HIPPA allegation's

Just recently all PSRs lost access to their patient tracking on LVN (there was a whole thread dedicated it). I wonder if this has anything to do with it (HIPPA violations)?

I feel for you. Nobody deserves this kind of hit right before the holidays. However, I can't get over the fact you keep mentioning a severance package. Are you implying Zoll can buy your silence - there goes your credibility out the window.

The fact is, Zoll has a large gap between themselves and PSRs. The company itself does not provide any training on how to target patients to PSR candidates. If anything, the ridiculous goals set-forth by management inspire TMs to delve into this gray area. Zoll has their bases covered because every PSR signs an anti-kickback clause in their contract. If anything the liability falls to individuals and not company as a whole.

Again, I'm sorry this happened to you, but I think you have a lemon case here.

Not sure about that. Just because you sign something doesn't absolve the company of all legal responsibilities. Illegitimate contracts by unethical companies are being thrown out by the courts all the time, especially when someone can demonstrate it was just a way for the company to cover their ass at the employees expense.

Not sure about that. Just because you sign something doesn't absolve the company of all legal responsibilities. Illegitimate contracts by unethical companies are being thrown out by the courts all the time, especially when someone can demonstrate it was just a way for the company to cover their ass at the employees expense.

I completely agree with the above poster. I've heard that when companies try to cover their common practices up by making you sign something that everyone knows it's almost expected or accepted to do the job, it's generally grounds for a class action law suit.

I just did some checking on our organization- and Lifevest doesn't even have an inhouse lawyer (general counsel)! What kind of rag-tag piece of sh*t company is this!?!

Awesome product, great data and easy to sell. I am hopeful the rest of the sales team learns from your mistakes but also reads into your passion about how good our product is and really just how nice they have it over here!!

Then why do over a hundred employees leave every year? If it's easy and the product is so good and everyone is compensated so well?? Please explain??? What's the answer???

This might help cover your lost wages for Deformation of character 45 million. Looking at that web sight I can retire!:)

Gambro Healthcare Agrees to Pay More Than $500 Million in Medicare Fraud Case

The relator in the case received more than $45 million for helping the government to uncover allegations that Gambro Healthcare:

This isn't in the same league. It's not a whistle blower suit for fraud or kickback. it's simply a wrongful termination suit and possibly a defamation suit if the wrongful cause for termination is made public. If the hospital deems it is necessary for you to have the patient's information, then it is not a HIPPA violation. Also, if you have a written agreement with the hospital allowing you access to the patient's information, then there is also no violation.

I would file a wrongful termination suit against the company and also a defamation suit against the regional manager and name the company as a defendant since it was done as an employee and also against the regional manager personally. He cannot simply accuse you of a crime and you could be keeping both him and this company from harming someone else in the future.

Regarding recording the phone call, in most states this is legal. In states where it is not legal, you can use the transcripts of the call as evidence or use the actual recording to rebut their testimony in criminal cases and in most states, also in civil cases.

Good luck with it and also in finding another position.

Just recently all PSRs lost access to their patient tracking on LVN (there was a whole thread dedicated it). I wonder if this has anything to do with it (HIPPA violations)?

A lot of CYA changes will be coming. This poster talk's about the PSR's being credentialed as we all are to be in able to get into hospitals or to fit patients. I have asked hospitals and they do want them credentialed who reimburses them? My PSR have said they will not pay the money!! Its only a matter of time before this is a problem and we CANT fit in hospitals. Any answers or just sweep it under the rug and I said nothing....

Well do. The great thing is when they told me to get on conference call I knew something was up so I recorded the termination!! I have the whole conversation so the TRUTH will be told!!! I've learned in the past that company's are chickenshit and will lie and say we didn't say that, so I've learned to record everything :) Have fun explaining this ZOLL. The crap thing is I wouldn't said anything if they would have given me some kind of severance or ability to provide for my family till I get another job.


Did this all work out for you? Did you pursue using the recording? Since you are no longer posting, I'm assuming you are getting a severance? Good luck with it. Hope it works out!


Did this all work out for you? Did you pursue using the recording? Since you are no longer posting, I'm assuming you are getting a severance? Good luck with it. Hope it works out![/QUOTE

I would like to speak with this person before signing anything.
Thorpe, Hatcher & Washington, LLP
2214 Main Street
Dallas, TX 75201
Phone: 214-969-5500

Last week i spoke with them, I heard they were trying to settle on some "low" amount (10-15K is my guess, how it was explained) and must stay off sights. I said screw that you have the first amendment rights and I make more than that every month. It would cost them 3x more than that for them to hire attorney to just look at the case. Cheep bastards!!

They attacked your character and it will be difficult for you to get another job. It sounds like they are trying to squash any and all communications on this site so they can keep telling lies to new employees. If they really want to do what is right they should be settling with you for at least 6 figures and promising a good reference for future employers. More than anything they are worried about the larger implications of what they are asking reps to do with getting data, how they are sharing what data is needed to get approvals or clear exceptions and very worried about the PSR self referral and hippa violations of looking through charts to get patients when they are not the patient assigned to them in the hospital.

If they want you off the site and that seems to be a hot button for them, I would sign off on it but or nothing less than a big 6 figures as they trashed your character and what they are doing can bare long term federal consequences. Minimally you have a wrongful termination, but I think you can open a big hornets nest for them with federal consequences. Make them pay.

They attacked your character and it will be difficult for you to get another job. It sounds like they are trying to squash any and all communications on this site so they can keep telling lies to new employees. If they really want to do what is right they should be settling with you for at least 6 figures and promising a good reference for future employers. More than anything they are worried about the larger implications of what they are asking reps to do with getting data, how they are sharing what data is needed to get approvals or clear exceptions and very worried about the PSR self referral and hippa violations of looking through charts to get patients when they are not the patient assigned to them in the hospital.

If they want you off the site and that seems to be a hot button for them, I would sign off on it but or nothing less than a big 6 figures as they trashed your character and what they are doing can bare long term federal consequences. Minimally you have a wrongful termination, but I think you can open a big hornets nest for them with federal consequences. Make them pay.

Please make them pay!!! I was terminated and I was at 117% to plan for my 2 year career at Zoll. I was 53 years old and told my boss that his direction and marching orders were inappropriate policies and were costing me business and my reputation. I was terminated for Insubordination. Where do I sign up?

There is a email address circulating around I heard you can tell your story too. They are getting first hand information from violations or things Zoll condones we do that is not legal or may be in violation of hospital rules. I will get address ASAP. This may help the poster out with his case as well.

remember that Lifevest does not have any legal personnel, nor any policy experts on privacy, and has never publicly taken a stance against certain practives. Since the whole practice began before JP arrived, be sure to identify the people responsible for the decisions and current practices. Anyone who threatens the field with ridiculous quotas, makes people sign that they don't do certain things but there's no way to meet targets unless you violate them (and the company looks the other way *wink*wink), and simply fires people in a burn and churn, is about as unethical and vulnerable as they come.