Zogenix report card

It always feels soooo good to be right! Okay, so I was off by a couple of months. I can still stand here, pound my chest as scream - TOLD YOU SO BITCHES! What will RH and his Glaxo cronies do next. Whatever it is - invest early...then get out before reality sets into the market. He is a great promoter!

It always feels soooo good to be right! Okay, so I was off by a couple of months. I can still stand here, pound my chest as scream - TOLD YOU SO BITCHES! What will RH and his Glaxo cronies do next. Whatever it is - invest early...then get out before reality sets into the market. He is a great promoter!

You see...Unfortunately most people cannot comprehend what you just stated...It's all entirely true. This was yet another "make a quick buck" biopharma bullshi* move by another old Big Pharma Boys Club. But nobody wants to hear and accept reality. The days of pulling this gig off have long since passed. And yet...there will always be that gullible young boob that will fall for this type of thing. The goons at the top have their golden parachutes all ready....and the unemployment line awaits for everyone else. I wish you all the best. Get out of this dead industry and do something that gives you fulfillment and purpose. Not making money for shareholders that don't give a damn about you or your family.

Not Roger Hawley's. He's done this shell game 2-3 times and made millions. Promised and sold the world to financial supporters and Sales Forces who's lives he has brought destruction. He's your best bud - up until he sells his options high and leavs you with your pants downs, bent over with soiled panties and some discomfort. Yeah...it's like that

Now I know that whoever posted the original complaint about Zogenix has no idea what they're talking about...there are no share holders, Zogenix is STILL a private company and while we all have stock options, the company is not yet publicly traded so stock options are an investment in the future, we're NOT answering to share holders.

You're obviously bitter so I won't attempt further explanation because with an attitude like that your lack of sales performance will weed you out. Good luck in your career search.

You stupid, silly little Rabbit! Roger Hawley thanks you for your stupidity. He has once again proven to be the Snake Oil salesman he has always been. My advice - Anything he gets his hands on jump in and OUT early! Before He does to make your bank. POS