Zogenix report card

I give it a D. The concept is cool, but the reality of managed care is a different story. Management is pretty much a boys club from past Biotech's that involved RH and MT. Completely clueless. But as usual, they will hang around until they make their quick cash and bail out just like they always do. Only to start something like this all over again in a few years.

Wow! Whoever posted this, either doesn't really work at Zogenix or is definitely in the wrong job and should look elsewhere fast! My guess is that they aren't performing so they're looking to blame someone else.

Your comment could not be further from the truth. The Zogenix culture is the best I've ever been a part of in my 2 decades of experience in large and small pharma, the leadership is accessible, transparent and open to hearing from the reps in the field. For this reason, a lot of people took pay cuts, came out of retirement, and even stepped down from DM jobs to be a part of the what Zogenix was building.

Chances are, whoever hired you had hundreds of other resumes so if you're so unhappy, let someone else who could appreciate it have the job.

Oh and by the way, the people (men AND women) running this company have no intention of making quick cash and selling it off to the highest bidder.

If you're waiting for your managed care situation to improve before you can sell something, you are in the wrong industry so run away as fast as you can. Plenty of people in the company are blowing out their bonuses EVEN in areas with formulary restrictions!

You couldn't be further from the truth. This place is a joke, and any moron with little experience would not know any better. Managed care has EVERYTHING to do with success or failure at this job. And the track record of upper management is such to suggest anything other than what you are saying. It's all about the shareholders asshole....so blow the smoke up some newbes ass before you make moronic statements. Experienced people know better...and so should you.

Wow! Whoever posted this, either doesn't really work at Zogenix or is definitely in the wrong job and should look elsewhere fast! My guess is that they aren't performing so they're looking to blame someone else.

Your comment could not be further from the truth. The Zogenix culture is the best I've ever been a part of in my 2 decades of experience in large and small pharma, the leadership is accessible, transparent and open to hearing from the reps in the field. For this reason, a lot of people took pay cuts, came out of retirement, and even stepped down from DM jobs to be a part of the what Zogenix was building.

Chances are, whoever hired you had hundreds of other resumes so if you're so unhappy, let someone else who could appreciate it have the job.

Oh and by the way, the people (men AND women) running this company have no intention of making quick cash and selling it off to the highest bidder.

Where is Zogenix located? It must be located in fuking fantasy land. What adult could you every imagine you are fooling with such a pile of utter non-sense boot licking ass kissing baloney. Let me guess who you are? You must a astellas manager. fkin idiot

Now I know that whoever posted the original complaint about Zogenix has no idea what they're talking about...there are no share holders, Zogenix is STILL a private company and while we all have stock options, the company is not yet publicly traded so stock options are an investment in the future, we're NOT answering to share holders.

You're obviously bitter so I won't attempt further explanation because with an attitude like that your lack of sales performance will weed you out. Good luck in your career search.

Sinking fast. I give it an F. Initial idea was good-reality is something completely different.

Interesting...I have a geography with about 25% true no-access physicians, yet I surpassed my quarterly goal at about 118% with all these "horrific managed care roadblocks". It wasn't easy, but that's my reality. Sometimes you have to go around the bump in the road, not just sit and wait for it to move. On the Zogenix team we are all owners of the company and we have to make it happen...or not! My family is counting on me to make it... A defeatist attitude will just get you defeated. So, I guess I won't see you in line at the bank.

Interesting...I have a geography with about 25% true no-access physicians, yet I surpassed my quarterly goal at about 118% with all these "horrific managed care roadblocks". It wasn't easy, but that's my reality. Sometimes you have to go around the bump in the road, not just sit and wait for it to move. On the Zogenix team we are all owners of the company and we have to make it happen...or not! My family is counting on me to make it... A defeatist attitude will just get you defeated. So, I guess I won't see you in line at the bank.

Keep drinking the Koolaid. Any experienced rep with real world knowledge knows that managed care has EVERYTHING to do with success or failure with this job. Some people are out there busting their ass to get this gadget through with minimal results and aggravated physicians/staff. That is the reality of this situation, and not some Tony Robbins rah rah bullshit smoke screen to get you "on board" with the rest of the brain dead management here. Maybe managed care at this joke of a company should get their act together more and take "accountability" for doing their job correctly. The princess in managed markets should work more on her social skills dealing with people. Keep believing what these dolts are telling you. The only line you will be seen at is the unemployment line after this venture falls apart....and the top execs walk away with their golden parachutes.

Who was the brilliant brain who decided to topple the injection market for a whopping 3% market share? Hope all you Zo folks out there keep your eyes open to new job possibilities. You may need it in the future.

Spoken like a typical pharma rep...So many people in this industry have no idea how to truly sell anything. How many signatures/calls did you get this week? Awesome, good job, because that's all you need to do to be successful in pharma? That mentality is exactly why so many pharma reps have the reputation of not being able to sell. I can only imagine how you position SDP when you go into offices, "Can I get a signature?" Success! One call, one signature, off to a great day. Try actualy getting into a true conversation with a doctor and not just asking for a freaking signature like a UPS driver. There are managed care issues everywhere but there are tons of successful reps on the Zogenix side who are getting offices to do prior auths because it's the fastest, most effective migraine therapy and they've convinced their offices of that fact. There are Astellas reps doing the same thing. You have to help the offices by being a resource, not just a moron asking for a signature. Cheesy? Maybe, but it seems to be working pretty well in a lot of cases. Figure it out and stop being a baby!

Spoken like a typical pharma rep...So many people in this industry have no idea how to truly sell anything. How many signatures/calls did you get this week? Awesome, good job, because that's all you need to do to be successful in pharma? That mentality is exactly why so many pharma reps have the reputation of not being able to sell. I can only imagine how you position SDP when you go into offices, "Can I get a signature?" Success! One call, one signature, off to a great day. Try actualy getting into a true conversation with a doctor and not just asking for a freaking signature like a UPS driver. There are managed care issues everywhere but there are tons of successful reps on the Zogenix side who are getting offices to do prior auths because it's the fastest, most effective migraine therapy and they've convinced their offices of that fact. There are Astellas reps doing the same thing. You have to help the offices by being a resource, not just a moron asking for a signature. Cheesy? Maybe, but it seems to be working pretty well in a lot of cases. Figure it out and stop being a baby!
BRAVO Zo rep. You have it all figured out. i wanna be just like you. NOT. In case you haven't reviewed the situation, Astellas reps have TWO products to sell, and this one is a low man on the totem pole. Just like Flomax. Yes, it is supposed to be sold, but our other product is the flagship product of the company. Thanks for your highly intellectual lesson on selling. Try selling more than just your primary concern, and then get back to us. Loser.

Zogenix is a total scam. If you read their S1, they claim 1 million Americans suffer cluster headache, which is the figure in the Merck manual. Anyone in headache treatment knows that figure to be the extreme upper range of potential patients and is extremely optimistic and at worst intentionally misleading. Considering the company is run by sales & marketing and business development insiders and not headache experts this is not a surprise (and yet, these geniuses came up with "Zogenix" for the corp name!). Too bad for them their product is inferior to several others, and they will ultimately be competing with the deep pockets of companies like J&J who have the best distribution networks already in place. This company will be a pink sheet in no time, after they've cleaned out investors with their IPO. Keep your eye on the short action, its going to be a glorious play.

laughable stuff. The thing makes people bleed more than needles and has to be refrigerated most of the time or it goes bad. ZOG MUST KILL BUZZ LIGHTYEAR. At your rate it will take 100 years before there is return on investment.

I'm sure it's difficult running around collecting signatures all day long. If I were starting a company, that would be the first thing I look for in a salesperson...how many sigs did you get per day? If you are a rep selling Sumavel, it's of little wonder why you're not hitting your numbers. Refrigerated? Bleeds more than needles? Moron.

A small percentage of the reps are actually making money off of this thing. Someone else said it earlier in this thread. It's all about managed care. Period. The company is a joke ran by a bunch of boys club morons from other failed Biotech startups like Intermune (sp) and Valient. Once this place shits the bed....the boys club will regroup at another small startup, and start the process all over again. It's what they do. All they care about is their stock options. I've seen this happen for years. Don't believe anything until you do your homework. Good luck.

Are they fucking kidding??? What is so fucking great about a 30-year old migraine drug in a "new" delivery system?!? Give me my Imitrex pills any time. Unbelievable. I hope they aren't financing that fancy new building in Glenview with this. There are 26 million people in the U.S. with migraines. Their docs aren't going to prescribe this fancy new needle-free crap when generic Imitrex is available from multiple suppliers. Sounds like Astellas management is even worse than Takeda's; they are making the same STUPID decisions and have NO PRODUCTS.

I give it a D. The concept is cool, but the reality of managed care is a different story. Management is pretty much a boys club from past Biotech's that involved RH and MT. Completely clueless. But as usual, they will hang around until they make their quick cash and bail out just like they always do. Only to start something like this all over again in a few years.

Then leave. Clearly you are not a good enough salesperson to get this job done. Go back to big pharma, where you run around in a POD like a UPS delivery man collecting signatures for drugs that are advertised on tv.
You clearly should have NEVER joined this co. Zogenix is the BEST culture, management team, etc. that I have ever been a part of. But I also worked BTB jobs that actually required me to sell, work hard, and think outside the box. This opportunity is for someone that is entrepreneurial, self-motivated, and driven. This is not a typical pharma job, and unless you have sold tier- 3 drugs, probably not the place for you. Sounds like you just want to lay blame on your lack of success on everyone but you. This is not for everyone. So instead of bitching about it, get out. Let someone that sees the bigger picture and has the experience to be successful here have the opportunity. You just sound like a whiney brat.
And, what other "get rich quick" companies have RH and MT started and bailed on? School me, because I am drawing a blank. Its cool- you can't cut it. No problem, but stop your complaining, and start looking for a softball job that doesn't require the skills you need to be successful at Zogenix.

So I'm just curious, you think that the problem with SDP is 100% the fact that pharm reps at Astellas cannot sell a tier 3 product? You blame the performance on pharma reps not really selling or don't have the ability to sell. Let's just say that is the case, let's move this product to a "bill and pay / bill to pay" platform. Therefore, doctors can charge (with a small mark-up) Managed Care, can provide it in-office as an acute therapy ect, ect, ect.... So my "stupid" pharma ass can bring actual value to my doctor instead of detracting from their time. Is this feasable?
Take a look at this platform Zogenix and truly be a biotech company. Is this Ast. Rep