I guess your the ones complaining about the loan as well! You all are truly clueless and have no idea what you are talking about. I have never had an issue and have proactively sent back inventory from my accounts to be more efficient. Have never missed a case and have gotten what I need from my operations team when I have asked for it because I plan every case. You just don’t need large Inserts for every case. Pretty simple! My usage rate on large poly is less than 2%. If you pre plan your case and discuss with your surgeon, you will know what you need. Hell, have the hospital buy a set and put it on the shelf just in case! But then again, you probably can’t get that done either. I can pretty much guarantee you that you will not need a 18/20 poly for a 5ft female, why ask for it? If you template a case and it looks like you might need it, then ask for it.