Zimmer's New Knee System...Persona

I guess your the ones complaining about the loan as well! You all are truly clueless and have no idea what you are talking about. I have never had an issue and have proactively sent back inventory from my accounts to be more efficient. Have never missed a case and have gotten what I need from my operations team when I have asked for it because I plan every case. You just don’t need large Inserts for every case. Pretty simple! My usage rate on large poly is less than 2%. If you pre plan your case and discuss with your surgeon, you will know what you need. Hell, have the hospital buy a set and put it on the shelf just in case! But then again, you probably can’t get that done either. I can pretty much guarantee you that you will not need a 18/20 poly for a 5ft female, why ask for it? If you template a case and it looks like you might need it, then ask for it.

I guess your the ones complaining about the loan as well! You all are truly clueless and have no idea what you are talking about. I have never had an issue and have proactively sent back inventory from my accounts to be more efficient. Have never missed a case and have gotten what I need from my operations team when I have asked for it because I plan every case. You just don’t need large Inserts for every case. Pretty simple! My usage rate on large poly is less than 2%. If you pre plan your case and discuss with your surgeon, you will know what you need. Hell, have the hospital buy a set and put it on the shelf just in case! But then again, you probably can’t get that done either. I can pretty much guarantee you that you will not need a 18/20 poly for a 5ft female, why ask for it? If you template a case and it looks like you might need it, then ask for it.
You’re somebody’s bitch

You didn’t read the message....only 2% of my knee cases need those inserts and I request them and get them when I think I will need them. Nobody’s bitch...just committed to my business and doing it the right way.

I guess your the ones complaining about the loan as well! You all are truly clueless and have no idea what you are talking about. I have never had an issue and have proactively sent back inventory from my accounts to be more efficient. Have never missed a case and have gotten what I need from my operations team when I have asked for it because I plan every case. You just don’t need large Inserts for every case. Pretty simple! My usage rate on large poly is less than 2%. If you pre plan your case and discuss with your surgeon, you will know what you need. Hell, have the hospital buy a set and put it on the shelf just in case! But then again, you probably can’t get that done either. I can pretty much guarantee you that you will not need a 18/20 poly for a 5ft female, why ask for it? If you template a case and it looks like you might need it, then ask for it.

Templating for poly thickness? Huh?

I guess your the ones complaining about the loan as well! You all are truly clueless and have no idea what you are talking about. I have never had an issue and have proactively sent back inventory from my accounts to be more efficient. Have never missed a case and have gotten what I need from my operations team when I have asked for it because I plan every case. You just don’t need large Inserts for every case. Pretty simple! My usage rate on large poly is less than 2%. If you pre plan your case and discuss with your surgeon, you will know what you need. Hell, have the hospital buy a set and put it on the shelf just in case! But then again, you probably can’t get that done either. I can pretty much guarantee you that you will not need a 18/20 poly for a 5ft female, why ask for it? If you template a case and it looks like you might need it, then ask for it.

Such a pompous corporate tool.

Do you use K-Y or do you just bend over and take it?

Templating for Poly thickness is a little much, but you don't need 4 sets of 18/20 Poly for the 4 knees you are going to do in a day. It’s really not that big of a deal what is being asked. Just be smart about it.

The 18-20 poly isn’t the issue if you’ve been here for more than a few years. This is just the tip of the iceberg. What we are being told is a fraction of what is really going on.

Templating for Poly thickness is a little much, but you don't need 4 sets of 18/20 Poly for the 4 knees you are going to do in a day. It’s really not that big of a deal what is being asked. Just be smart about it.

No but you do need 4 sets (well 5 at most companies) of the core sizes, which we're not getting.

Office wanting us to flash trays from case to case to case. Just ridiculous, ice age orthopedic minds running ZB

This website is full of fuck ups, r*****s, and trolls. In my 15 year career I've never burned 20mm poly on primary knees or had a 911 call to get a 20 to a location. Maybe used 4-5. Zimmer Biomet has issues just like every other orthopedic company, but focus on things that matter like growing your business.

Every company does indeed have issues and it’s how you deal with these issues tells what type of company/leadership you have. Blaming surgeons and their technique is ridiculous and silly. Just tell us the truth for once! Management and their inability to be honest is telling.