Zimmermet CMF or Stryker

Why come on Stryker forum if you dislike Stryker that much?

because after many years there I had a great group of friends in the division. they, and the group at large, deserve to know what is happening. there is so much behind the curtain bullshit that management pulls it is really unbelievable. most salesreps just have their blinders on so tightly that they never know what to look for. I was not one of those reps.

Stryker reps are like trump- they are full of shit and draw attention away from themselves in any way possible so that you don't focus on the fact that they are just the fucking worst.

They'd rather focus on people that wised up and left their precious CMF team then the fact that they are on a sinking ship that is also on fire, with no life boats, and they don't know how to swim. Go back to slinging some cheap dura and covering cranis.

You take this out of hillarys book?? Lol. Democrats are busy fucking little kids and pretending to be your friend. I'd rather be a stryker tool then a kid fucker.

because after many years there I had a great group of friends in the division. they, and the group at large, deserve to know what is happening. there is so much behind the curtain bullshit that management pulls it is really unbelievable. most salesreps just have their blinders on so tightly that they never know what to look for. I was not one of those reps.

Maybe you should call your great group of friends and talk to them directly. I'm not sure to many people take what they read on this website seriously or put your name behind what you post! that is if you truly want to help people. I know your upset bc you were terminated and replaced seemlessly by another rep but that is the way it goes my friend. These are Strykers customers, not yours and if they choose to do business with Stryker that is their choice regardless of whose screwdriver is better.
Now go home and get your f*cking shine box!

Maybe you should call your great group of friends and talk to them directly. I'm not sure to many people take what they read on this website seriously or put your name behind what you post! that is if you truly want to help people. I know your upset bc you were terminated and replaced seemlessly by another rep but that is the way it goes my friend. These are Strykers customers, not yours and if they choose to do business with Stryker that is their choice regardless of whose screwdriver is better.
Now go home and get your f*cking shine box!

Wrong on two points. I left on my own, not on strykers decision. I don't expect you to believe me, but then again I really don't care if you do. And my friends know where I stand too. Posts here are more for the reps at large. Most in our region read this site, even management. So if our region read it, you better believe other regions do too. Second point, they are not Strykers customers, they are mine. If you think the relationships belong to Stryker and not he rep, you truly are delusional. Why do you think business flips when the rep leaves? Many are dictated to use one vendor or another due to contracts, but do so begrudgingly. The ones that have a spine and will fight for their rep are the ones that push business away from Stryker. Now run along and cover those weekend cases. Your competition is in the hospital right now flipping business because your screw drivers aren't good. Better tell them you have a contract, after all this is Strykers business... right?

Maybe you should call your great group of friends and talk to them directly. I'm not sure to many people take what they read on this website seriously or put your name behind what you post! that is if you truly want to help people. I know your upset bc you were terminated and replaced seemlessly by another rep but that is the way it goes my friend. These are Strykers customers, not yours and if they choose to do business with Stryker that is their choice regardless of whose screwdriver is better.
Now go home and get your f*cking shine box!

Wrong, there aren't any stryker CMF reps that have left on their own who currently work for another CMF company. That's just not true. You know it and we know it. Which means you were Fired. Just like Trump said to the Democrats "Your Fired"

Good luck in your future endevours but take ownership in the fact you were fired.

DD left on his own you twat. Everyone knows that, and stop trying to spin some bill only bullshit and he was under pressure. Sorry your egos got hurt. All you can do now is spread lies or crack jokes. Go back in your holes and lick your wounds.

as have many others. You think all the ex synthes or Kls people Stryker hired were fired from their jobs? No, they left on their own. Just like many have left Stryker for other CMF companies. Like the post above says, sorry your ego got hurt. Now get out there and cover that zmc bro, they need you in the case.

Maybe you should call your great group of friends and talk to them directly. I'm not sure to many people take what they read on this website seriously or put your name behind what you post! that is if you truly want to help people. I know your upset bc you were terminated and replaced seemlessly by another rep but that is the way it goes my friend. These are Strykers customers, not yours and if they choose to do business with Stryker that is their choice regardless of whose screwdriver is better.
Now go home and get your f*cking shine box!

Then scrap your noncompetes and let's see what you've got, you self righteous arrogant shits!

I know of 2 people that left, both into better paying jobs and both work less. No one had a mole I know lol. I left stryker (recon&trauma) after 18 months for a better paying/less working job also. Sounds like you haven't had any offers from a competitor or just any company regardless at all. Get off the stryker tit and understand you can make more money and work way less. You have the stryker ego stryker wants, but your inexperience in this industry and how to make it work for you shows.

I know several dozen who got put on plan and then got fired.

They tell everyone they left for a better position, but we all know better.

Only you know everything. Like the poster said, you are stuck sucking on the stryker tit while others have figured it out. Your life sounds pretty miserable by your posts. You should quit and find a job where the stress is less and your anger turns into something better. You are not happy with your job and you couldn't make it more obvious.

Only you know everything. Like the poster said, you are stuck sucking on the stryker tit while others have figured it out. Your life sounds pretty miserable by your posts. You should quit and find a job where the stress is less and your anger turns into something better. You are not happy with your job and you couldn't make it more obvious.


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