Zimmer in Kansas City

I am in Oklahoma and just got a call to submit for interview with Zimmer. Who is JR and is she running the district? Kudos for the help.

Jackie? She is the director of knees. There will be some openings as today was the last day to have non-competes signed. Those that don't sign on the dotted line will be fired.

No one is going to get fired. This distributor cannot afford to lose any more business going to the competition. As long as you don't sign your non-compete agreement you will be fine. If you sign it, though, you are screwed and they will own you and your business. Corporate will try and play hardball but we all know they have nothing to back it up. Stay strong!

There is a corporate shop replacing the distributor in pa. now. Cutting comm. and blowing smoke up the reps butt. TIME TO RUN FROM THIS CORPORATE GREED. iF THIS MODEL WORKS YOU CAN SAY GOODBYE TO THE DISTRIBUTOR MODEL!!!!!!!!!!!

Quite a few. It is messy in KC...JR is lost and doesn't know what to do so she just hides. The reps are fighting about commission and compensation. Corporate just shakes their heads because they know they can do nothing. It is a disaster.

General Electric management is using Kansas City as the lab rat experiment. Typical GE style is to lose the business, lose the reps, start the culture over in GE style. Deep pockets think longer term.

Now we have interum, inept management, we are on our way to GE world. Z Reps stock goes down with loss of business, rendering them useless to other companies. Too bad they can't grow a pair while they still have some business. They are brain washed thinking that companies won't fight their non-compete battles for them and put them in an adjacent territory while they fight it out. There actually is safety in numbers.

Soon, very soon, Crim can go back to waiting tables when Cook jumps ship.

no, the local doctor cook. his rep from zimmer is a guy named crim. the previous thread stated "when cook jumps ship" or stops using zimmer, i thought cook already stopped using zimmer.