Zimmer in Kansas City

Are you for real? FDA has hard a hard on for Big Blue for years with recalls and other issues. Biomet never had a problem, ever with them. All of a sudden Zimmer buys out Biomet and now there is an issue with the FDA. Zimmer heads should have seen this coming a mile away. The combined company of Zimmer and Biomet is awful. I am trying to get out. ZB is not half the company that Biomet was.

Are you for real? FDA has hard a hard on for Big Blue for years with recalls and other issues. Biomet never had a problem, ever with them. All of a sudden Zimmer buys out Biomet and now there is an issue with the FDA. Zimmer heads should have seen this coming a mile away. The combined company of Zimmer and Biomet is awful. I am trying to get out. ZB is not half the company that Biomet was.
biomet has the highest rate of infection in the ortho community
your knee implants are causing infection and amputations and its all because zimmer bought a shit hole
you walk in zimmer then walk in biomet tell me which one is cleaner physically and take a deep breath if you can in biomet without choking
maybe biomet was good at one time but the recent management and owners destroyed that but you hold on the the sinking ship
I wont throw you a thing but a boat anchor of biomet knees and hips
oh and recalled poly which should float

biomet has the highest rate of infection in the ortho community
your knee implants are causing infection and amputations and its all because zimmer bought a shit hole
you walk in zimmer then walk in biomet tell me which one is cleaner physically and take a deep breath if you can in biomet without choking
maybe biomet was good at one time but the recent management and owners destroyed that but you hold on the the sinking ship
I wont throw you a thing but a boat anchor of biomet knees and hips
oh and recalled poly which should float
Please provide the source for your infection rate claims. Is this in the literature? Is it from a particular hospital that you are familiar with? OR, are you making wild ass claims that could land you in hot water? I have no dog in this hunt, would just like to know where you are getting this. You have made some very bold statements. If you can back it up, we would all like to see it. If not, shut the hell up and go play with your computer.

Please provide the source for your infection rate claims. Is this in the literature? Is it from a particular hospital that you are familiar with? OR, are you making wild ass claims that could land you in hot water? I have no dog in this hunt, would just like to know where you are getting this. You have made some very bold statements. If you can back it up, we would all like to see it. If not, shut the hell up and go play with your computer.

thats funny
why don't you go do your own investigating and let me know what you find
go ask fda
thats all the backing up I need
good luck blind man

thats funny
why don't you go do your own investigating and let me know what you find
go ask fda
thats all the backing up I need
good luck blind man

I have no dog in this hunt and am not the original interlocutor who asked for evidence of your claim. However, you are the one who made the claim. If all you have to support your position is "go ask FDA" then we can safely assume your claim is false and/or you don't understand the sources from which infection rates are derived.

Quite a few. It is messy in KC...JR is lost and doesn't know what to do so she just hides. The reps are fighting about commission and compensation. Corporate just shakes their heads because they know they can do nothing. It is a disaster.

From 2012 to now it seems nothing has changed! Time to clean house is now.

The current trend is to expand successful distributors and get rid of ineffective leaders whether direct or independent. Stacy and Jackie have failed over the last year and signs point to further decline if ZB stays the current course.

Corporate has the chance to do some significant changes here again. Lets see if they can get it right this time. There is a lot of upper management that is not needed. Start with JR. The only thing she is good at is shopping and having lunch dates. Totally useless and clueless.

Rob Delp is the one who can have a positive impact on ineffective management. Useless and clueless describes our current situation

Stacy and Jackie did what they were asked to do, kept the reps from bailing to competition. Now that everyone is locked down with new contracts their time here is done! New management taking over soon gang and it'll get interesting to say the least. If the reports are true it's going to to be very interesting very soon here!

That's how mergers work. Make obvious change early and keep things steady where there are issues and deal with them later. With the reps under contract later is coming soon. It sounds like a change has been long overdue there anyway.

They are starting to streamline the merger process and getting rid of duplication where they can save money. Stacy and Jackie are being replaced with no loss of business in the field...smart move. All of the reps are signed, sealed and delivered. The new guys take over and ZB saves all of that money plus the benefits savings.

Stacy is lobbying hard to remain with the new organization. Not sure if they keep the office here or just run a warehouse with a much smaller staff to handle instrument and implant needs locally.

What happened in Kansas City? Used to be a powerhouse. When Jackie took over it's steadily declined for the past 6-7 years. With Stacy the bottom seems to have completely dropped out. Corporate has to make a change!