Zimmer in Kansas City

She's never delivered. Hopefully Stacy can get us another smaller company to support our hip and knee needs like the guys in St. Louis have. Crazy times call for crazy action!

Quite a few. It is messy in KC...JR is lost and doesn't know what to do so she just hides. The reps are fighting about commission and compensation. Corporate just shakes their heads because they know they can do nothing. It is a disaster.

History just repeats itself in KC! 6 years ago and it's still the same.

Kinda surprised she is still employed here. Her and the other gal had interesting relationships with their male customers from what I remember. Not sure if it was true but it was interesting for sure.

Pretty clear after our National Sales Meeting that neither of the 2, SL or JR, will be around much longer. Only question is who will take over but that is becoming clearer everyday.

A group of Biomet guys have already have already met with them as a group to all be on the same page. The weak, older Zimmer guys will kick and scream like they always do and if they leave the younger Biomet side will cover and won't miss a beat!! It's time!

Looks like the next step is to bring in hatchet man John Tarintino to clean house and start over with his own guys, unless Mason Jones makes another run at it. Replacing Jackie Ross should be the first overhead reduction.

The last sentence in this post from 2012 says it all. The only difference from this post from then to now is that Mason failed where Burke and Whitman have succeeded! Jackie has been the problem for a decade and Stacy will go down with her unfortunately!