Your time as a pharma rep will leave you woefully unprepared and glaringly exposed


You don't really realize how fake the charade of pharma sales is until you
get into the real world of jobs, and see how your phantom skill set translates
into nothing, aside from working for a caterer or pizza place…

Have your fun working part time and making really good money for as long
as you would like, but be couscous in the back of your mind that one day it
will come to an end, and it won't be pretty.

Those with kids to feed and send to college are even more at risk than singles
that are ready to mingle.

Proceed with caution people..The real world of jobs ain't pretty.


Re: Your time as a pharma rep will leave you woefully unprepared and glaringly expose

I fully realize the joke of a job that being a drug rep is. A pathetic joke. That, coupled with the fact that your job is teetering on the brink of extinction.

Hence, I work about three hours daily for Merck, then take the rest of the time to work for myself. You should all be doing the same. Merck has become my second income and I've never slept so well. My string of jackass CTLs can't even upset me even a little anymore. This job has become inconsequential; now, I'm just cleaning Merck's clock for an extra $10K per month. I haven't loved my Merck job this much for many years.

FU Merck!

Re: Your time as a pharma rep will leave you woefully unprepared and glaringly expose

It's a job for children pretending to be adults. How important is your job when no one notices when you don't show up for it?

Re: Your time as a pharma rep will leave you woefully unprepared and glaringly expose

I fully realize the joke of a job that being a drug rep is. A pathetic joke. That, coupled with the fact that your job is teetering on the brink of extinction.

Hence, I work about three hours daily for Merck, then take the rest of the time to work for myself. You should all be doing the same. Merck has become my second income and I've never slept so well. My string of jackass CTLs can't even upset me even a little anymore. This job has become inconsequential; now, I'm just cleaning Merck's clock for an extra $10K per month. I haven't loved my Merck job this much for many years.

FU Merck!

This is an example of a smart Merck rep…The 15'ers are the ones that get it…Give Merck as little as possible, and do your own thing on their time, whether it be selling pain creams, starting your own business, buying vending machines or a laundry mat or flipping houses…

Don't waste your time on the actual Merck job…the execs that run the company are the biggest scammers of all people…


Re: Your time as a pharma rep will leave you woefully unprepared and glaringly expose

It's a job for children pretending to be adults. How important is your job when no one notices when you don't show up for it?

I always said the same thing…no one cared if I showed up or not…

that was a big part of what made the job sooooo depressing...

Re: Your time as a pharma rep will leave you woefully unprepared and glaringly expose

This is an example of a smart Merck rep…The 15'ers are the ones that get it…Give Merck as little as possible, and do your own thing on their time, whether it be selling pain creams, starting your own business, buying vending machines or a laundry mat or flipping houses…

Don't waste your time on the actual Merck job…the execs that run the company are the biggest scammers of all people…


I spend at least 20 of my normal business day hours working on my rentals. I have not a bit of guilt, having seen what's happened to so many of my former colleagues.