Your DM's Know Everything...

By September 1st you will either have been offered a job or terminated by your new manager or current manager.

If you're still here on Sept 1 then congratulations get out there and sell like your hairs on fire. If you've been let go, then you'll wish that you used the month of August to apply and interview. That goes for managers and reps. Again, not because you don't like Forest or Actavis, but because you're a responsible adult and we all go to work for selfish reasons.

If you're a manager and still doing ride alongs...SHAME ON YOU, unless your coaching someone on how to interview, you're just invading someone's space. And if they lose a job, and you prevented an interview, you should have to pay that reps rent. No one wants to leave or take it easy, but standing by and waiting while presented with this kind of uncertainty is irresponsible.

There are only two outcomes anyone guaranteed, do I have a job or not. Being responsible, do I have a job at Actavis or do I go to company X?

You know what? Screw you! I'm a DM of long tenure, and from my lips to Gods ear, I don't have a freakin clue who is staying or who is going. To come on here and bash those of us : reps and managers, who continue to do what we get paid for is flat out asinine. I'm sorry if the pay checks you're cashing offend you- feel free to return the money. I'm in the field with my folks every day, and in fact I trust them to be doing the same because they are honest, hard working and trustworthy professionals. I believe my team is offended by the hand wringing juveniles like you who post such blithering " woe is us" BS. Do the true grown up pros a favor and don't ever try and speak for us- dumbass kids like you make the rest of us look bad.

By September 1st you will either have been offered a job or terminated by your new manager or current manager.

If you're still here on Sept 1 then congratulations get out there and sell like your hairs on fire. If you've been let go, then you'll wish that you used the month of August to apply and interview. That goes for managers and reps. Again, not because you don't like Forest or Actavis, but because you're a responsible adult and we all go to work for selfish reasons.

If you're a manager and still doing ride alongs...SHAME ON YOU, unless your coaching someone on how to interview, you're just invading someone's space. And if they lose a job, and you prevented an interview, you should have to pay that reps rent. No one wants to leave or take it easy, but standing by and waiting while presented with this kind of uncertainty is irresponsible.

There are only two outcomes anyone guaranteed, do I have a job or not. Being responsible, do I have a job at Actavis or do I go to company X?

Think about what you just said friend. Let's cut through all the ways you try to soften it up. You believe that you company X deserves to pay you money to look for a job. incredible, truly.

You know what? Screw you! I'm a DM of long tenure, and from my lips to Gods ear, I don't have a freakin clue who is staying or who is going. To come on here and bash those of us : reps and managers, who continue to do what we get paid for is flat out asinine. I'm sorry if the pay checks you're cashing offend you- feel free to return the money. I'm in the field with my folks every day, and in fact I trust them to be doing the same because they are honest, hard working and trustworthy professionals. I believe my team is offended by the hand wringing juveniles like you who post such blithering " woe is us" BS. Do the true grown up pros a favor and don't ever try and speak for us- dumbass kids like you make the rest of us look bad.

DM here leaving early for work: this poster is a FRAUD. Any DM worth his salt knows that the reps are freaking faking a lot of calls. I HAVE TO GO IN EARLY to prepare for the new calls. I am in a high volume area and my reps fake over 35% of their calls. No PClubbers here! I have 14 reps and only trust 3 to work an honest days work. I have No Knowledge of any immenent layoffs and expect I will have to 'covrt' for my lazy 12 reps. That's my tale of woe. We DMs have to put up with a lot of crape.

DM here leaving early for work: this poster is a FRAUD. Any DM worth his salt knows that the reps are freaking faking a lot of calls. I HAVE TO GO IN EARLY to prepare for the new calls. I am in a high volume area and my reps fake over 35% of their calls. No PClubbers here! I have 14 reps and only trust 3 to work an honest days work. I have No Knowledge of any immenent layoffs and expect I will have to 'covrt' for my lazy 12 reps. That's my tale of woe. We DMs have to put up with a lot of crape.

Reformed Ex-DM Here:

Covering for "Fake Calls?" No.

Most of your time is dedicated to finding new ways to justify your obsolete existence. Outside of ride alongs, what do you actually do? What is an "OFFICE DAY?" Forwarding yet another voicemail that one of your reps sent in? Yeah, the same voicemail that says the same exact thing as all the other voicemails? Busy work, like "reviewing" spreadsheets and "business plans" you had your reps do? Call trackers? Basically a whole bunch of crap that gets in the reps way of doing their jobs but is exactly how you must do yours? Or how about some old war stories from the Lexapro days when access was wide open and coverage was spot on? You know, the stories where you are so seemingly unaware of how today is nothing like those days? And that, no, your rep won't throw a glass of coffee in a Dr's face to get them to write?

As an Ex-DM I am ashamed that I did all of the above, but I have been reformed and am spreading the gospel on this very site.

Reformed Ex-DM Here:

Covering for "Fake Calls?" No.

Most of your time is dedicated to finding new ways to justify your obsolete existence. Outside of ride alongs, what do you actually do? What is an "OFFICE DAY?" Forwarding yet another voicemail that one of your reps sent in? Yeah, the same voicemail that says the same exact thing as all the other voicemails? Busy work, like "reviewing" spreadsheets and "business plans" you had your reps do? Call trackers? Basically a whole bunch of crap that gets in the reps way of doing their jobs but is exactly how you must do yours? Or how about some old war stories from the Lexapro days when access was wide open and coverage was spot on? You know, the stories where you are so seemingly unaware of how today is nothing like those days? And that, no, your rep won't throw a glass of coffee in a Dr's face to get them to write?

As an Ex-DM I am ashamed that I did all of the above, but I have been reformed and am spreading the gospel on this very site.

This email explains why you are an "ex" DM. A great leader is not trying to justify his job by completing some type of sort of task list. Ex.. Spreadsheets, reports, etc.. Your job is to help your team make more money by helping them get better. Period. There are many different ways to do this. A field ride is oy one small part of this. With some reps your interaction with them might minimal and some more, it depends on the rep and what they need. This type of check the box mentality is not leadership, it's simply "managing" and it's garbage.
There are some DMs that get this.

This email explains why you are an "ex" DM. A great leader is not trying to justify his job by completing some type of sort of task list. Ex.. Spreadsheets, reports, etc.. Your job is to help your team make more money by helping them get better. Period. There are many different ways to do this. A field ride is oy one small part of this. With some reps your interaction with them might minimal and some more, it depends on the rep and what they need. This type of check the box mentality is not leadership, it's simply "managing" and it's garbage.
There are some DMs that get this.

Good post. My two cents: Many DMs are so ego-driven they only think of themselves. The old days of Lexapro? they were productive and anything went.

I have seen the fake call rates rise with the amount of paperwork we foist on our reps. They are trying to do their best. Have done hundreds of ride alongs. By doing these I have mentored my best reps. Most fake the calls just to 'make their numbers'

Bottom line : way too much paperwork and not enough people skills among the new reps. And P Club is a joke. I made DM because I hit P club three times in 5 years. Just luck.

As a senior (age wise) DM I look forward to retirement and handing off my area to a young turn and burn rep.

Good post. My two cents: Many DMs are so ego-driven they only think of themselves. The old days of Lexapro? they were productive and anything went.

I have seen the fake call rates rise with the amount of paperwork we foist on our reps. They are trying to do their best. Have done hundreds of ride alongs. By doing these I have mentored my best reps. Most fake the calls just to 'make their numbers'

Bottom line : way too much paperwork and not enough people skills among the new reps. And P Club is a joke. I made DM because I hit P club three times in 5 years. Just luck.

As a senior (age wise) DM I look forward to retirement and handing off my area to a young turn and burn rep.

Too much paperwork? Are you effin' kidding me? Fake calls when they can't hit the number? THIS IS THE EASIEST JOB ON TGE PLANET!!!! it's obvious to anyone reads your post and has had a real sales job outside if pharma that you sir are a lazy asshole. I am glad you are not my manager.

Your DM knows the deal already and is just riding it out until the 19th. Don't by the lies about being in the dark or that they are in the same position as is simply not true. They already know their fate and likely yours.

More shit.

Sure, ok. 350 DMs know every territory breakdown and were sworn to secrecy. We know that h continued anxiety hurts sales (and we make more money if you do btw) but we are simply waiting a few more weeks with the sole purpose of screwing with you. Man you got this entire thing figured out.

Too much paperwork? Are you effin' kidding me? Fake calls when they can't hit the number? THIS IS THE EASIEST JOB ON TGE PLANET!!!! it's obvious to anyone reads your post and has had a real sales job outside if pharma that you sir are a lazy asshole. I am glad you are not my manager.

Hitting Pclub three times is not lucky-- especially of you did it in the last few years with no blockbusters and more drugs to sell. With that said if you did it back in the day and had awesome partners around you, then yeah you were lucky. Also number of pclubs as a rep helps for credibility as a DM but beyond that has no guarantee of being a great leader. They are two totally different jobs. Multiple Pclubs as a DM does carry more weight bc there is no way they happens if the majority of the team is doing well (a rejection of a great leader)

Hitting Pclub three times is not lucky-- especially of you did it in the last few years with no blockbusters and more drugs to sell. With that said if you did it back in the day and had awesome partners around you, then yeah you were lucky. Also number of pclubs as a rep helps for credibility as a DM but beyond that has no guarantee of being a great leader. They are two totally different jobs. Multiple Pclubs as a DM does carry more weight bc there is no way they happens if the majority of the team is doing well (a rejection of a great leader)

Is not doing well

Hitting Pclub three times is not lucky-- especially of you did it in the last few years with no blockbusters and more drugs to sell. With that said if you did it back in the day and had awesome partners around you, then yeah you were lucky. Also number of pclubs as a rep helps for credibility as a DM but beyond that has no guarantee of being a great leader. They are two totally different jobs. Multiple Pclubs as a DM does carry more weight bc there is no way they happens if the majority of the team is doing well (a rejection of a great leader)

Rejection??? Seriously . Bravo ........ (Reflection )

Hitting Pclub three times is not lucky-- especially of you did it in the last few years with no blockbusters and more drugs to sell. With that said if you did it back in the day and had awesome partners around you, then yeah you were lucky. Also number of pclubs as a rep helps for credibility as a DM but beyond that has no guarantee of being a great leader. They are two totally different jobs. Multiple Pclubs as a DM does carry more weight bc there is no way they happens if the majority of the team is doing well (a rejection of a great leader)

Sorry, but this post not an intelligent post.
Either you haven't given a lot of thought & understanding to your thoughts or you may just lack time in the industry to understand the complexities of our business. P Club has a lot to do with luck & I have won it 3 times myself. Actually if you win in today's environment & the number of counterparts & crossover then you are even more lucky to win.