Your DM's Know Everything...

Hitting Pclub three times is not lucky-- especially of you did it in the last few years with no blockbusters and more drugs to sell. With that said if you did it back in the day and had awesome partners around you, then yeah you were lucky. Also number of pclubs as a rep helps for credibility as a DM but beyond that has no guarantee of being a great leader. They are two totally different jobs. Multiple Pclubs as a DM does carry more weight bc there is no way they happens if the majority of the team is doing well (a rejection of a great leader)

Yes I made Pclub 3 times in 5 years. I misspoke it was not just lucky breaks. I did work my ass. Off and had some great reps. What disappoint s me is the gradual degradation of the quality of the new reps. They lack the detailed product knowledge we oldsters had. So many are bragging about all their fake calls and working only several hrs a dsy- if that. My RD is aware of this and has confided that there has to be a turn around or we will all go down. Wall Street is watching how management responded to tI his crisis.

Sorry, but this post not an intelligent post.
Either you haven't given a lot of thought & understanding to your thoughts or you may just lack time in the industry to understand the complexities of our business. P Club has a lot to do with luck & I have won it 3 times myself. Actually if you win in today's environment & the number of counterparts & crossover then you are even more lucky to win.

Sure you have.......... Zero people believe you

DM here leaving early for work: this poster is a FRAUD. Any DM worth his salt knows that the reps are freaking faking a lot of calls. I HAVE TO GO IN EARLY to prepare for the new calls. I am in a high volume area and my reps fake over 35% of their calls. No PClubbers here! I have 14 reps and only trust 3 to work an honest days work. I have No Knowledge of any immenent layoffs and expect I will have to 'covrt' for my lazy 12 reps. That's my tale of woe. We DMs have to put up with a lot of crape.

Sorry but I'm no fraud and I firmly stand by my reps and my comments. There's an obvious difference between a DM leader like me, and a DM manager like you. See, I learned a long time ago as a rep that I didn't mind following the lead of a DM who could teach me something and make me better. These leaders proved they knew their stuff and proved they were worthy of emulating, and so I've done just that.They were tough on me when they needed to be as they challenged me to hone the craft that is true sales. As a result I learned to really sell and value both the process and the results. Your comments reveal you are focused solely on the process: not the people, not the results. You're obviously only trying to manage these processes and metrics, but what about the sales? What about helping your reps become great sales people? You; and a lot of others of your ilk are so focused on managing you aren't doing any leading and thus we get the comments all over this board about pathetic DMs, RDs, fake calls, blah blah blah. The last time I looked there's no bonus money for hitting call metrics but there is for hitting sales goals. How about trying to support and develop your people as opposed to looking for fake calls? How about trying to lead instead of managing? Can you do it? Can you?

Sir, your post is why Forest is the "scum" of the pharma industry. My suggestions to you is: 1: Keep taking the roids. 2. Start collecting "motivational" sports clips for the next POA.3. Please, go back to Enterprise, they miss you. 4. You are a joke.


Yes I made Pclub 3 times in 5 years. I misspoke it was not just lucky breaks. I did work my ass. Off and had some great reps. What disappoint s me is the gradual degradation of the quality of the new reps. They lack the detailed product knowledge we oldsters had. So many are bragging about all their fake calls and working only several hrs a dsy- if that. My RD is aware of this and has confided that there has to be a turn around or we will all go down. Wall Street is watching how management responded to tI his crisis.

Thanks for clarification. You are right on the point about the bee generation of dumb reps. Some cannot even comprehend a post on this site.