You heard it here first

Op, What is the latest on cuts to the sales teams? It has been pretty quiet lately. It seems that most of the cuts for the sales teams will come in 2014?

Already wrote sales will not get cut significantly in 2013. Maybe very late 2014 if at all. There will be a few more rounds before they are even considered. We still have much work to do with R&D and production.

enjoy the holidays.

Op, What is the latest on cuts to the sales teams? It has been pretty quiet lately. It seems that most of the cuts for the sales teams will come in 2014?

One of my friends just got called in for yet another of Merck's famous "investigations". They accused him of everything, showed proof of nothing, and sent him home with no action plan to speak of. So, as he contemplates quitting, like thousands of others before him, I would say that Merck's cuts to its sales teams remains in full swing.

FU Merck.

Ken and his crew are just worried about themselves. They are smart but have no clue how to run a business. They talk about freedom to speak up but get pissed if someone has an opposing view. They are a joke.

The Bill of Rights only applies to certain people these days. I learned that with my second grade education. Check out the Forbes list of richest people, it only applies to people like that. Also, people who don't pay their taxes, they have Constitutional rights, but people who are fair, honest and ethical don't have rights. Your "credentials" determine how many rights you have.

The Bill of Rights only applies to certain people these days. I learned that with my second grade education. Check out the Forbes list of richest people, it only applies to people like that. Also, people who don't pay their taxes, they have Constitutional rights, but people who are fair, honest and ethical don't have rights. Your "credentials" determine how many rights you have.

basically, what you are saying is that if you go to hbs, or harvard law, you have the rights that no one else in corporate america has. in fact, you are entitled to the rights that no other american, or anyone else in the world has. then they ask you to donate 100 million dollars, get your statue built and declare your superior intelligence, which makes you protected under the Constitution. a research survey revealed that 80% of those entitled people cheated their way through to superiority via a texas instruments calculator that stored definitions, algorithms and other stuff that got them where they are. you can google it. enron, case in point. arthur anderson, case in point.

carl icahn, woth $20 billion, declared yesterday that earnings at poorly run companies are a "mirage."

basically, what you are saying is that if you go to hbs, or harvard law, you have the rights that no one else in corporate america has. in fact, you are entitled to the rights that no other american, or anyone else in the world has. then they ask you to donate 100 million dollars, get your statue built and declare your superior intelligence, which makes you protected under the Constitution. a research survey revealed that 80% of those entitled people cheated their way through to superiority via a texas instruments calculator that stored definitions, algorithms and other stuff that got them where they are. you can google it. enron, case in point. arthur anderson, case in point.

carl icahn, woth $20 billion, declared yesterday that earnings at poorly run companies are a "mirage."

i run marathons, that means i am entitled to screw people over. i am better than you, because i am thin. my cv includes this. signed, conceited.

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