You heard it here first

Who are you talking about? We were told we're ok in pc for a long time....

I wish we would just get some plain truth around here. I am not sure if you are the original HQ person or not. Well, next time...not so many flowery words. More facts and actual predictions that come true. Then we will know who to believe. Re-reading the threads now and come to think about it, there really isn't much verifiable information on any of these threads. I thought something was supposed to go out yesterday or today. I didn't see anything. Oh I forgot, you said by next Thursday or Friday...OK. We will see.

I wish we would just get some plain truth around here. I am not sure if you are the original HQ person or not. Well, next time...not so many flowery words. More facts and actual predictions that come true. Then we will know who to believe. Re-reading the threads now and come to think about it, there really isn't much verifiable information on any of these threads. I thought something was supposed to go out yesterday or today. I didn't see anything. Oh I forgot, you said by next Thursday or Friday...OK. We will see.

You are correct. Of the numerous posts from this HQ insider, nothing specific has ever been mentioned. This day or that and something significant but never anything of substance indicating some privileged view of the future.

You are correct. Of the numerous posts from this HQ insider, nothing specific has ever been mentioned. This day or that and something significant but never anything of substance indicating some privileged view of the future.

My opinion is that HQ wants this! They want this fear. Think about it. How may of us have one foot out the door already. It would be significantly less expensive to have people leave from their own fear and not have to pay them severance then set a date and pay severance to the masses. This would be a cold, calculated, business move. I believe that it is true. Very sad.

My opinion is that HQ wants this! They want this fear. Think about it. How may of us have one foot out the door already. It would be significantly less expensive to have people leave from their own fear and not have to pay them severance then set a date and pay severance to the masses. This would be a cold, calculated, business move. I believe that it is true. Very sad.


"In all previous posts our "friend in HQ" never resorted to calling anybody an a-hole, or loser or screw yourself. That is why the FU Merck gang is behind the hijacking of this thread."

I am not the OP, but I totally agree with what this poster has said. I think we should just disregard those posts and now trust this thread as being the REAL continuation of our link to HQ.

I work in the development of respiratory products in summit. They told us after we move to kenilworth we're safe and we might expand. but no projects. so many good scientists have been run off and left though.

OP here. I do have a couple more details of things to come next week. You will see exact numbers and no more approximations of the number of cuts and the savings it will produce. The focus and priorities have been set by the most senior level management. As for changes down the food chain, expect HIV to be trained on HCV in order to be flexible to handle the vacancies that will result from next weeks announcements. Women's Health Care is still being worked out. There are legal hurdles that still need to be overcome. There is much more to come. Again, good luck to all of my friends and colleagues.

A friend in HQ

Thank you Mr. Know-it-All. While everyone seems to be buying what you are selling, I remain skeptical. Keep in mind that every field force segment has been told that we are good until 2014. We will see how accurate you are as the next four weeks pass. Keep your predictions coming, they are entertaining however not accurate. Love and Kisses, Doubting Thomas.

Thank you Mr. Know-it-All. While everyone seems to be buying what you are selling, I remain skeptical. Keep in mind that every field force segment has been told that we are good until 2014. We will see how accurate you are as the next four weeks pass. Keep your predictions coming, they are entertaining however not accurate. Love and Kisses, Doubting Thomas.

I am confused. All sales forces are safe until the end of 2014? I thought he just said HCV was gone. Didn't he say something about Vaccines and CV and resp. earlier? Can someone put all these predictions together for me in an easy to read summary. Thanks.

"Keep in mind that every field force segment has been told that we are good until 2014"

How can this be possible if they are going to lay off 8000 by end of year. Again its simple math:
"The actions under the 2013 Restructuring Program are expected to be substantially completed by the end of 2015 with the cumulative pretax costs estimated to be approximately $2.5 billion to $3.0 billion. The Company expects to record charges of approximately $900 million to $1.1 billion related to this program in 2013, a majority of which will be recorded in the third quarter. The Company estimates that approximately two-thirds of the cumulative pretax costs will result in cash outlays, primarily related to employee separation expense. Approximately one-third of the cumulative pretax costs are non-cash, relating primarily to the accelerated depreciation of facilities to be closed or divested.
The Company expects the actions under the 2013 Restructuring Program to result in annual net cost savings of approximately $2.0 billion by the end of 2015. The Company anticipates that the actions under the 2013 Restructuring Program, combined with remaining actions under previously announced restructuring programs, will result in annual net cost savings of $2.5 billion by the end of 2015 compared with full-year 2012 expense levels."

3 billion spent but 1 billion is "accelerated depreciation of facilities" and 1 Billion spent by end of 2013. Therefore if 16,000 to be laid off by 2015, then 1/2 of the remaining 2 billion meant for layoffs (of 16,000) will be spent in the next 3 months = 8000 laid off in next 3 months.

"Keep in mind that every field force segment has been told that we are good until 2014"

How can this be possible if they are going to lay off 8000 by end of year. Again its simple math:
"The actions under the 2013 Restructuring Program are expected to be substantially completed by the end of 2015 with the cumulative pretax costs estimated to be approximately $2.5 billion to $3.0 billion. The Company expects to record charges of approximately $900 million to $1.1 billion related to this program in 2013, a majority of which will be recorded in the third quarter. The Company estimates that approximately two-thirds of the cumulative pretax costs will result in cash outlays, primarily related to employee separation expense. Approximately one-third of the cumulative pretax costs are non-cash, relating primarily to the accelerated depreciation of facilities to be closed or divested.
The Company expects the actions under the 2013 Restructuring Program to result in annual net cost savings of approximately $2.0 billion by the end of 2015. The Company anticipates that the actions under the 2013 Restructuring Program, combined with remaining actions under previously announced restructuring programs, will result in annual net cost savings of $2.5 billion by the end of 2015 compared with full-year 2012 expense levels."

3 billion spent but 1 billion is "accelerated depreciation of facilities" and 1 Billion spent by end of 2013. Therefore if 16,000 to be laid off by 2015, then 1/2 of the remaining 2 billion meant for layoffs (of 16,000) will be spent in the next 3 months = 8000 laid off in next 3 months.

That still leaves 8000 for next year...Gulp! ( that's only IF they don't increase the number- Merck would not do that would they?)

I am confused. All sales forces are safe until the end of 2014? I thought he just said HCV was gone. Didn't he say something about Vaccines and CV and resp. earlier? Can someone put all these predictions together for me in an easy to read summary. Thanks.

All sales forces haven't been safe since 2004. You're not safe, especially if you're white, under 50 and nearing 15 years of tenure. Accept this reality, as the thousands of those axed before you learned is the true reality.

All sales forces haven't been safe since 2004. You're not safe, especially if you're white, under 50 and nearing 15 years of tenure. Accept this reality, as the thousands of those axed before you learned is the true reality.

but faith in ... I mean I have FAITH that... I mean... Those people that got laid off didn't have enough faith in...Well, what I think I am trying to say is that...If you just have enough FAITH then Ken and the Boys will magically change their cold, calculating, business plans to...Well, Maybe now that I hear myself talk...maybe if you just have enough FAITH then all those thousands can get their job back and...Well, I guess that's not really possible...Maybe If I just had enough FAITH then Ken and the BOYS will see the TRUTH and change their cold, calculating, business, plans and...Well, OH SCREW IT...

The word of the day is: FAITH

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