You have been Warned

While cp is hardly a fair sounding board, I am currently involved with Conmess and I can say without any doubt that this is one of the worst managed companies I have ever been involved with. From the very top down through middle management out to the field I have never incountered such backstabbing, finger pointing and mind numbing jibberish as I find here. From outdated me too products, to a complete lack of corporate vision and then an uninspired and for the most part under prepared sales force this has beome a very unfortunate situation for many people. In my opinion these are the reasons there is a resounding lack of interest in buying Conmess, or any portion of it. Of course, while this isn't my first rodeo this is the first carnival I have been involved with, so in the end my opinion may not count for much. If it wasn't for a contract with a fair paycheck attached I would even sign my name to this, but then again, we all have to make a living don't we?

It rolls down hill, not just upper management, but among production too.
Still cheerleader bull$#!T in meetings "We are projecting big numbers, we will come up, we will be pulling in 2 BILLION DOLLARS BY 2020 :D

hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahaahahahhaahahahah! Sinking ship still won't go down....yet.....

Poster # 12, you're damn right. It's like being back in 5th grade with ES management. Especially the little mini Brian Ellis. Power trip bastard.

It's quite obvious that Conned has ZERO management training or accountability. BE should do everyone a favor and disappear.

Anyone know what happened to this guy?

Well Gersh is gone and yet Shannon, Dennis and everyone else involved with the move of CMO to PMO are still highly paid and for what? And now more than a year later PMO is still totally fucked up. Funny that we are an FDA compliant company although we still have two different standards depending on which state you work in ( Cali or Florida) And I speak in regards to Largo as we continue to inspect parts that go into the human body and are principle in the surgical procedure with two different inspections processes. So fast forward. Let's hire more quality engineers who have no clue as to what we do. More ways to reinvent the wheel when the only problem all along has been with the current junior management who continues to hire employees that are not qualified to get a quota. That process hurts everyone and just to make a point. Look at all the 10's of thousands of dollars of damage done to very expensive machining centers at Lago at the hands of these under qualified new hires. And this had happened in the last year so without pointing a finger it is very easy to identify the management that hired these employees. We all know who you are and yet you still have a cushy job. Seems like Utica just does not care anymore and why should they? Stock is at an all time high and every board member and all the VP's, Site leaders, Management, Etc. are sitting fat and happy. If they close the doors next week do they care?

Wasting your time. They do not care. As long as they continue to allow guys with little dicks the authority to make up the rules and continually pissing on each other we will never be the company we once were. They have no clue as to what it really takes to make this company "Great Again".

Well Gersh is gone and yet Shannon, Dennis and everyone else involved with the move of CMO to PMO are still highly paid and for what? And now more than a year later PMO is still totally fucked up. Funny that we are an FDA compliant company although we still have two different standards depending on which state you work in ( Cali or Florida) And I speak in regards to Largo as we continue to inspect parts that go into the human body and are principle in the surgical procedure with two different inspections processes. So fast forward. Let's hire more quality engineers who have no clue as to what we do. More ways to reinvent the wheel when the only problem all along has been with the current junior management who continues to hire employees that are not qualified to get a quota. That process hurts everyone and just to make a point. Look at all the 10's of thousands of dollars of damage done to very expensive machining centers at Lago at the hands of these under qualified new hires. And this had happened in the last year so without pointing a finger it is very easy to identify the management that hired these employees. We all know who you are and yet you still have a cushy job. Seems like Utica just does not care anymore and why should they? Stock is at an all time high and every board member and all the VP's, Site leaders, Management, Etc. are sitting fat and happy. If they close the doors next week do they care?

I'm finishing the year at over $130k in the GI and P division. If you work hard, it can be done. Good changes seem to be coming for ConMed....the turnover has re-vamped the teams and the energy has shifted greatly (for the best) since I started with them two years ago. They do need new products, but it's not a secret and I do believe it will come in time as management has already presented this case to the new CEO.

Ok, so I'm in the same division and I couldn't disagree with you more. How can you say the energy has shifted for the better? Reps talk to each other.... Everyone's pay has dropped significantly and that's the reason half the reps have either left or have their resumes out and about. A good rep should make 160k + in this industry and the attitude of this division is if you make over 120k you should be happy and lucky to be working for this company. I guess there's different ways to look at everything though.

You people have the same conversation in these threads. Can you give us anything new?


Well Gersh is gone and yet Shannon, Dennis and everyone else involved with the move of CMO to PMO are still highly paid and for what? And now more than a year later PMO is still totally fucked up. Funny that we are an FDA compliant company although we still have two different standards depending on which state you work in ( Cali or Florida) And I speak in regards to Largo as we continue to inspect parts that go into the human body and are principle in the surgical procedure with two different inspections processes. So fast forward. Let's hire more quality engineers who have no clue as to what we do. More ways to reinvent the wheel when the only problem all along has been with the current junior management who continues to hire employees that are not qualified to get a quota. That process hurts everyone and just to make a point. Look at all the 10's of thousands of dollars of damage done to very expensive machining centers at Lago at the hands of these under qualified new hires. And this had happened in the last year so without pointing a finger it is very easy to identify the management that hired these employees. We all know who you are and yet you still have a cushy job. Seems like Utica just does not care anymore and why should they? Stock is at an all time high and every board member and all the VP's, Site leaders, Management, Etc. are sitting fat and happy. If they close the doors next week do they care?

And here we go again. Site leader Cotter has left the building for good. Let's not forget his former employer was Stryker where he did very well financially. Seems to be a trend. Let's go Stryker.

Ok, so I'm in the same division and I couldn't disagree with you more. How can you say the energy has shifted for the better? Reps talk to each other.... Everyone's pay has dropped significantly and that's the reason half the reps have either left or have their resumes out and about. A good rep should make 160k + in this industry and the attitude of this division is if you make over 120k you should be happy and lucky to be working for this company. I guess there's different ways to look at everything though.

Good for you and I say that with God's blessing. You have no understanding and compassion for the very skilled employees that work hard every day to make the best product for our company. We take pride in what we do. You have no idea. We come to work everyday. We have two 10 min breaks and 30 for lunch. Everyday of the year. On average we make 17 dollars an hour. Let me ask you whinny mofos? Can you have the life you have without us? I am proud to work ay Conmed Largo in assembly.

Good for you and I say that with God's blessing. You have no understanding and compassion for the very skilled employees that work hard every day to make the best product for our company. We take pride in what we do. You have no idea. We come to work everyday. We have two 10 min breaks and 30 for lunch. Everyday of the year. On average we make 17 dollars an hour. Let me ask you whinny mofos? Can you have the life you have without us? I am proud to work ay Conmed Largo in assembly.

Sounds like a manager's pet/suck up to authority.