You have been Warned

Yeah your dreaming dude. I doubt if this was really posted by a sales rep. I'm with this division as well and we have lost 70% of our sales force over the past 12 months. They just had two separate training classes the past 3 months for new hires. As long as they have VS and DT the turnover will continue. Their both clueless and full of themselves. I hope to be gone in Jan 15. Just started looking.

With your grammar I have no idea why you are not succeeding

With your grammar I have no idea why you are not succeeding

With your punctuation, you shouldn't be so quick to dismiss someone's post based on grammatical errors.

The company has been lost and rudderless for over a decade and cannot be seen as a growth opportunity for anyone looking to take a position in any division. Leadership is tying to turn it around, but there may be too much momentum to overcome.

Hello this is Bill A. Anyone remember me? I use to make hundreds of thousands of dollars and still not sure why. I use to feel asleep in meetings all the time and if not sleeping would pick my nose a lot in front of people. Wish I was back. Miss you all.

People say on this site what they can not say to their boss. Or cannot discuss with internal people. YOU WILL NOT MAKE $130k… company is in the shitter bad management.[/

Puhleeze don't push CP as a bastion of free speech. This is a site for people who don't have the guts to say what they believe and want to snivel and whine about it in a public forum believing in their minute mind that somehow they are making a difference. Read some other companies posts, they are all the same thing. Management stinks and are not delivering on promises. It's shocking I know but please find a way to get past it and whine elsewhere.

I think each of us who has experienced the slow motion train wreck that working for Conmed is would love to name names and tell specific instances, but why take the chance, why don't swivel around in your chair at your corner office in Denver, look out your window and pray that today isn't the day that your are arrested for theivery for getting paid every week.

While cp is hardly a fair sounding board, I am currently involved with Conmess and I can say without any doubt that this is one of the worst managed companies I have ever been involved with. From the very top down through middle management out to the field I have never incountered such backstabbing, finger pointing and mind numbing jibberish as I find here. From outdated me too products, to a complete lack of corporate vision and then an uninspired and for the most part under prepared sales force this has beome a very unfortunate situation for many people. In my opinion these are the reasons there is a resounding lack of interest in buying Conmess, or any portion of it. Of course, while this isn't my first rodeo this is the first carnival I have been involved with, so in the end my opinion may not count for much. If it wasn't for a contract with a fair paycheck attached I would even sign my name to this, but then again, we all have to make a living don't we?

While cp is hardly a fair sounding board, I am currently involved with Conmess and I can say without any doubt that this is one of the worst managed companies I have ever been involved with. From the very top down through middle management out to the field I have never incountered such backstabbing, finger pointing and mind numbing jibberish as I find here. From outdated me too products, to a complete lack of corporate vision and then an uninspired and for the most part under prepared sales force this has beome a very unfortunate situation for many people. In my opinion these are the reasons there is a resounding lack of interest in buying Conmess, or any portion of it. Of course, while this isn't my first rodeo this is the first carnival I have been involved with, so in the end my opinion may not count for much. If it wasn't for a contract with a fair paycheck attached I would even sign my name to this, but then again, we all have to make a living don't we?

Don't pay attention to any comment on any company's board made by anyone. CP is an entertainment site nothing more nothing less. If you take any of this seriously please run immediately to the nuclear shelter in the backyard. We will give you the all clear within the next 10 to 20 years.
Bitter yes. Over exaggerated yes. But alway still the truth in my opinion.


This industry has changed so much in the last three years. I am happy to be working for ConMed, considering all the current/pending layoffs from the other big med device companies. It's not a perfect company, but the grass isn't greener over at Covidien or should I say Medtronic.


This industry has changed so much in the last three years. I am happy to be working for ConMed, considering all the current/pending layoffs from the other big med device companies. It's not a perfect company, but the grass isn't greener over at Covidien or should I say Medtronic.
I beg to differ. I started with Conmed when it had less than $5 million in sales. I believe I helped Conmed to grow to over $770 in annual sales a couple of years ago. I was let go in the 4th quarter of 2015 as part of the initial $15 million in cost savings needed by Conmed to accomplish the SQ merger. Over the last 18 months, under the new regime, I have seen sales decline to under $715 million in annual sales. Now in order to claim growth, Conmed had to pay $265 million to try and get back in sales where we were 3 years ago. But, a large number of employees are being let go so that the interest on debt can be paid off. 18 months ago, our new CEO told the world that Conmed was not for sale because all the "stakeholders" (Shareholder, employees, etc) had to be considered. But for a growing number of us, it is as if Conmed was acquired by Hartman and Partners, a division of Stryker, 18 months ago. The only stakeholders who seem to be profiting by this takeover is a small group of senior managers in the new ownership of Hartman and Partners. Honestly, for many of us we would have been better off being bought by a larger company who would have had the ability to help us grow. Would many of us be any worse off than we are now. Except, for the select few who are lining their pockets. For those of you still at Conmed, try and get thru all the daily wondering if your next. There are many more jobs to be cut, because Hartman and Partners will do anything to keep their golden kingdom going for as long as they can.

I too got the axe from conMed recently, very suddenly. My position was, ahhh, "eliminated" not too long before Christmas. It seems like there was a lot of that going on, sadly. I feel bad for my friends still working there, as I fear they're all next. Not only that, but important, key personnel and positions were lost, obviously by someone higher up, who knew nothing about the value of the employees to the company. Now the co-workers have to do all the work the departed used to do, and that's not in their skillset......

ConMed has been doing the financial shuffle for decades to mask anemic growth. Wall Street still seems OK with the extraordinary expenses found in the footnotes of each earnings release. CH is a puppet of the Board and you'll know things have institutionally changed only when they replace the current CFO and VP of Ops. Until then, keep praying. Hope that those recently cut find life better in another company.

i am surprised the huge write down in Q1 2015 for restructure went off without notice? They did not let many go then and the meeting in Florida was expensive. (Because king Curt demanded it be slopped together at the last minute.) I cannot believe the shareholders did not raise any complaints about the misappropriation or misrepresentation of how their funds were spent.

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