Anyone who is happy that Merck just bought their company is a complete idiot or just making shit up.

Merck completely destroyed Schering Plough, and in turn Organon, and decimated both companies employees.

The crew that run Merck now are political appointees that only worry about the company from quarter to quarter, very short term, nothing else matters. No long term growth or whats best for anyone but themselves and their bonuses.

Merck will eventually crumble or be taken over, just a matter of time.

Could not have said it better!

Anyone who is happy that Merck just bought their company is a complete idiot or just making shit up.

Merck completely destroyed Schering Plough, and in turn Organon, and decimated both companies employees.

The crew that run Merck now are political appointees that only worry about the company from quarter to quarter, very short term, nothing else matters. No long term growth or whats best for anyone but themselves and their bonuses.

Merck will eventually crumble or be taken over, just a matter of time.

Way to much baggage. It's like someone buying Perdue Pharma. One of the few companies that has a worse moral compass then we do. Our R&D sucks and the only way we are getting out of this is by purchasing other pipelines. I am sure we will purchase many other companies next year. Get real scientists in here and cut what we have. It's a all or nothing now. I hope we learned our lessons from the whole SP and Organon purchases.

Way to much baggage. It's like someone buying Perdue Pharma. One of the few companies that has a worse moral compass then we do. Our R&D sucks and the only way we are getting out of this is by purchasing other pipelines. I am sure we will purchase many other companies next year. Get real scientists in here and cut what we have. It's a all or nothing now. I hope we learned our lessons from the whole SP and Organon purchases.

PD1 Came from SP/Organon. Merck would have nothing if it didn't merge.

Never heard of Cubist, shoulda bought a real company. Never seen a rep in the field.

This once again shows how stupid Merck reps are. BTW, Cubist reps get your resume up and running, you are going to need it. Merck likes Merck robots who still think they are selling out of the Merck Manuel not other people reps regardless of how good they are.

Anyone who is happy that Merck just bought their company is a complete idiot or just making shit up.

Merck completely destroyed Schering Plough, and in turn Organon, and decimated both companies employees.

The crew that run Merck now are political appointees that only worry about the company from quarter to quarter, very short term, nothing else matters. No long term growth or whats best for anyone but themselves and their bonuses.

Merck will eventually crumble or be taken over, just a matter of time.


This once again shows how stupid Merck reps are. BTW, Cubist reps get your resume up and running, you are going to need it. Merck likes Merck robots who still think they are selling out of the Merck Manuel not other people reps regardless of how good they are.

Merck is notorious for having reps who are long term employees without prior pharma or sales experience. That way they accept the bare bones that Merck gives them. They don't know better. Unfortunately, when Merck bought Schering it was a culture shock for the employees from SP. Their "Stockholm Syndrome" didn't fly with the new members of the "Merck Family," and they spoke up. Something you are never to do at Merck. Work in fear, shut your mouth, and expect nothing. You are lucky to have a job.

Merck is notorious for having reps who are long term employees without prior pharma or sales experience. That way they accept the bare bones that Merck gives them. They don't know better. Unfortunately, when Merck bought Schering it was a culture shock for the employees from SP. Their "Stockholm Syndrome" didn't fly with the new members of the "Merck Family," and they spoke up. Something you are never to do at Merck. Work in fear, shut your mouth, and expect nothing. You are lucky to have a job.

"Work in fear, shut your mouth, and expect nothing." Seriously? This is so funny. This site really brings out the trolls.

Interestingly Cubist was either upgraded or downgraded, depending on which analyst you read, to NEUTRAL a few weeks ago. Their flagship product goes off patent in 2017/18 and a new drug, from another company, is showing better results in a phase 2 trial.

This deal has 'another Merck dog' written all over it.

Way to much baggage. It's like someone buying Perdue Pharma. One of the few companies that has a worse moral compass then we do. Our R&D sucks and the only way we are getting out of this is by purchasing other pipelines. I am sure we will purchase many other companies next year. Get real scientists in here and cut what we have. It's a all or nothing now. I hope we learned our lessons from the whole SP and Organon purchases.

hahahahaha. They got the great Mark Timney as President and Chief Executive Officer. The reps will now be selling products on the street corners. No need for doctor visits.

Whatever MerckBot!


Nice first impressions folks. Don't taint their opinion with your own sophomoric ideas re what the company has "done" to you or what you are "owed". What you are owed is a kick to the curb. Hopefully we will get some quality Cubist reps to replace you. They know their products and you refuse to sell ours. Bye-Bye

Insider here. We won't retain any of the Cubist folks. They should all plan to start networking asap.

That said, they will also be getting a nice severance. At least 3 months plus one week per year of tenure. Things could be worse for them... 4-7 months should be plenty of time to find a solid opportunity.

It depends on your age. If you are over 50, you won't find anything in pharma sales....unless, of course, you have an inside connection. Good luck to all who get laid off.

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