What are 2019.Q1 Xiidra volume, growth, and market share numbers vs. 2018.Q1? Or 2018 vs. 2017? Who knows, we never hear or see any sales numbers. All we hear about is calls to ask Iiris and units per script.... this is a smokescreen to distract us as the true sales numbers are way down. We keep hiring Field Reimbursement Managers as a smoke screen. We are down to 3-4 MSLs for the nation! Yes, we did hire a few reps (20 or so) in Q1 but this is after about 75 left in Q4. Again, simply a smokescreen to distract us from the obvious. I should have gotten out months ago but I was buying what HQ was selling...now I'll be on the street in a few weeks. Shame on me!