shes an idiot and has no clue about someones character.she is very awkward has no idea about the industry and the type of people it takes. There are ways to go around her. Just find someone on linkedin who works in the area for Linvatec.

I have been working at Linvatec for a number of years! Heres a insiders look at the way things are run there. We never see Mr Darling and he has never once talk to any of his employees! Even if he did talk to me I would never tell him what really goes on because I happen to need my pay check. If I did talk the coaching staff would find ways to fire me! The coaching staff is a joke too! They are on the their phones doing personal bussiness all the time. Taking breaks by going of outside of Linvatec and smoking cigs, or trying to find people who do. Sounds like a witch hunt to me and a waste of company money. The mangers in each area seems to not know what they are doing! They do know how to have meeting and read flow charts that are not correct. To many chiefs and to few workers! I really enjoy some of the people that work there at Linvatec, but sadly I saw a lot of good people get canned from the company. Sad workers makes a bad product! Too bad I need the money!!!

I have been working at Linvatec for a number of years! Heres a insiders look at the way things are run there. We never see Mr Darling and he has never once talk to any of his employees! Even if he did talk to me I would never tell him what really goes on because I happen to need my pay check. If I did talk the coaching staff would find ways to fire me! The coaching staff is a joke too! They are on the their phones doing personal bussiness all the time. Taking breaks by going of outside of Linvatec and smoking cigs, or trying to find people who do. Sounds like a witch hunt to me and a waste of company money. The mangers in each area seems to not know what they are doing! They do know how to have meeting and read flow charts that are not correct. To many chiefs and to few workers! I really enjoy some of the people that work there at Linvatec, but sadly I saw a lot of good people get canned from the company. Sad workers makes a bad product! Too bad I need the money!!!

Someone, anyone explain to me the role of the coaches. What value do they bring to the business?

I have been working at Linvatec for a number of years! Heres a insiders look at the way things are run there. We never see Mr Darling and he has never once talk to any of his employees! Even if he did talk to me I would never tell him what really goes on because I happen to need my pay check. If I did talk the coaching staff would find ways to fire me! The coaching staff is a joke too! They are on the their phones doing personal bussiness all the time. Taking breaks by going of outside of Linvatec and smoking cigs, or trying to find people who do. Sounds like a witch hunt to me and a waste of company money. The mangers in each area seems to not know what they are doing! They do know how to have meeting and read flow charts that are not correct. To many chiefs and to few workers! I really enjoy some of the people that work there at Linvatec, but sadly I saw a lot of good people get canned from the company. Sad workers makes a bad product! Too bad I need the money!!!

Coaching staff???

shes an idiot and has no clue about someones character.she is very awkward has no idea about the industry and the type of people it takes. There are ways to go around her. Just find someone on linkedin who works in the area for Linvatec.

Bump...this is sales right? Decisions left to the wrong people (HR/Recruiters) and given too much authority. "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely"

Ultimately the company is rotting from the top down. Joe and Rich couldn't find a clue if it smacked them up side their heads. They have surrounded themselves with yes men cronies. It doesn't matter what is happening with personnel below them, the ship is sinking. The new hires they have made for sales agents are idiots. When Arthrex releases their new video system our antiquated, difficult to use system when not compete. So Arthrex will have all the sports med and now the capital business. The writing is in the wall, and a lot of good former linvatec guys have read it, go to Arthrex while you still can. That is unless you had to sign a noncompete two years ago so that you could keep your job. They knew what they were up to. Stick a fork in Linvatec, it's done.

Ultimately the company is rotting from the top down. Joe and Rich couldn't find a clue if it smacked them up side their heads. They have surrounded themselves with yes men cronies. It doesn't matter what is happening with personnel below them, the ship is sinking. The new hires they have made for sales agents are idiots. When Arthrex releases their new video system our antiquated, difficult to use system when not compete. So Arthrex will have all the sports med and now the capital business. The writing is in the wall, and a lot of good former linvatec guys have read it, go to Arthrex while you still can. That is unless you had to sign a noncompete two years ago so that you could keep your job. They knew what they were up to. Stick a fork in Linvatec, it's done.

Arthrex's new video system? Oh come on, it's just rebranded to cover up the fact it's some other company's piece of crap. Don't worry about Arthrex, they will soon have more than enough to worry about and keep them occupied!

Arthrex's new video system? Oh come on, it's just rebranded to cover up the fact it's some other company's piece of crap. Don't worry about Arthrex, they will soon have more than enough to worry about and keep them occupied!

thought they had a partnership with Storz...which is prob #2 in MIS video sales...and what % is linvatec?

what's the deal on Lisa MacCalister...i hear all hiring flows thru her

Lisa is NOT a Linvatec employee, nor is she part of HR. She used to work as a buyer for the almighty Mark Snyder who gave a sweet contract deal when she needed to move. So now she gets paid great money for something she had absolutely no experience at. Same with all the "independent" recruiters Linvatec uses (former Mark employees, no experience).

Lisa is NOT a Linvatec employee, nor is she part of HR. She used to work as a buyer for the almighty Mark Snyder who gave a sweet contract deal when she needed to move. So now she gets paid great money for something she had absolutely no experience at. Same with all the "independent" recruiters Linvatec uses (former Mark employees, no experience).

Knew it had to be something...confirms some of my thoughts on my dealings with her. No exp. no clue in chrg of hiring...amazing, sounds like sharp leaders to me.

Yeah, I'm sure Arthrex is really worried about what the morons running Linvatec are up to.... Joe Darling, Rich Mckillop, Rob Christensen, etc.....

Didn't say Arthrex had to worry about Linvatec. Sometimes you create your own problems, just takes a while to bubble up to the surface. Good luck chumps!

Arthrex is too busy making money to worry about ANY company. Just step aside and stay out of our way.

And for the naive out there, and for those who question why there is so much negativity on many of these threads you now have your answer. As per the above quote, germbag reps from other companies surf Pharma and add their own brand of stupid to the proceedings. Why don't you just stay on the Anthrax thread you douche?! And stay out of our way? Typical Arthrex rep full of bs and ready to let everyone know about it.

And for the naive out there, and for those who question why there is so much negativity on many of these threads you now have your answer. As per the above quote, germbag reps from other companies surf Pharma and add their own brand of stupid to the proceedings. Why don't you just stay on the Anthrax thread you douche?! And stay out of our way? Typical Arthrex rep full of bs and ready to let everyone know about it.

Because all of these posts just prove what a joke your company is, and it makes us laugh at you.
Your own employees don't even have anything good to say.

Thanks for the entertainment.