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Wtf??? Why is everyone still working?


If you are not focused 110 percent on finding a job out of this sinking ship you are truly an idiot. If you do not fake 95 percent of your calls you are an
Idiot. Only do real calls with your DSM. Otherwise stay home and hit the job boards!

Shut the F up and worry about getting out yourself. Some are looking for a way out and getting our jobs done, some are not actively looking. Either way some of us have a thing called work ethics, something you probably haven't had all your life. I pity your next employer. Gauranteed they figure your attitude out real quick and you'll be back in the unemployment line soon enough.

Shut the F up and worry about getting out yourself. Some are looking for a way out and getting our jobs done, some are not actively looking. Either way some of us have a thing called work ethics, something you probably haven't had all your life. I pity your next employer. Gauranteed they figure your attitude out real quick and you'll be back in the unemployment line soon enough.

You are an IDIOT! Plain and simple. Hope your work ethics help you when AZ lays you off in September asshole

Faking calls? It's not faking calls. It used to be if you didn't have a product discussion and you reported it as a call....you faked it. Not anymore. In this mindless metric centered company everyone has "stretched the truth so far that everything is a call." Now you drive by and see the doc's car in the parking lot...that's a call. You hear the doc's name being paged in the local hospital...well that's a call. In this madness called metrics......you are damned if you do...damned if you don't. The truth is.....any rep can be fired VP Sales,NSD, ASD, RSD, DSM and PSS are all based on lies. It's all job justification up and down the ladder. Everyone knows it...no one admits it. Some of us strongly believe what we do is morally wrong...however we didn't create this assinine system. My advice-play the game. Give them anything they want but understand it is all coming to an end. Go to meetings and learn to yawn with your mouth closed. You need to be actively engaged in a career change job search. If you think this madness with continue you will be seriously hurt. Just sayin. Have a great day brothers and sisters.

Faking calls? It's not faking calls. It used to be if you didn't have a product discussion and you reported it as a call....you faked it. Not anymore. In this mindless metric centered company everyone has "stretched the truth so far that everything is a call." Now you drive by and see the doc's car in the parking lot...that's a call. You hear the doc's name being paged in the local hospital...well that's a call. In this madness called metrics......you are damned if you do...damned if you don't. The truth is.....any rep can be fired VP Sales,NSD, ASD, RSD, DSM and PSS are all based on lies. It's all job justification up and down the ladder. Everyone knows it...no one admits it. Some of us strongly believe what we do is morally wrong...however we didn't create this assinine system. My advice-play the game. Give them anything they want but understand it is all coming to an end. Go to meetings and learn to yawn with your mouth closed. You need to be actively engaged in a career change job search. If you think this madness with continue you will be seriously hurt. Just sayin. Have a great day brothers and sisters.

Amen to that!
Anyone who thinks that this job is their's as long as they do a good job is either stupid or just plain crazy. AZ will dump you as soon as they're ready, and clearly that can be as soon as tomorrow, but probably no later than early next year. Quality and loyalty means nothing to the AZ management....how much loyalty, understanding and quality have they shown to whats left of the sales staff, or for that matter, to their customers.
You're wasting your time here trying to do your best....no one cares. Your job should be searching for your future job, and doing just enough to stay on board until you discover where your future is. It's certainly not with AZ. Get out while you can!

Faking calls? It's not faking calls. It used to be if you didn't have a product discussion and you reported it as a call....you faked it. Not anymore. In this mindless metric centered company everyone has "stretched the truth so far that everything is a call." Now you drive by and see the doc's car in the parking lot...that's a call. You hear the doc's name being paged in the local hospital...well that's a call. In this madness called metrics......you are damned if you do...damned if you don't. The truth is.....any rep can be fired VP Sales,NSD, ASD, RSD, DSM and PSS are all based on lies. It's all job justification up and down the ladder. Everyone knows it...no one admits it. Some of us strongly believe what we do is morally wrong...however we didn't create this assinine system. My advice-play the game. Give them anything they want but understand it is all coming to an end. Go to meetings and learn to yawn with your mouth closed. You need to be actively engaged in a career change job search. If you think this madness with continue you will be seriously hurt. Just sayin. Have a great day brothers and sisters.

This post is so true. It should be printed and left in your car visor to read all the time. If you like your DM let them them read it too.

Any PSS or DSM that gets canned for "calls" should immediately file a wrongful termination lawsuit and get their lawyer to ask for ALL call records on all providers in that general area. It will uncover a can of worms so big that the person fired could win a huge settlement.
SSLT created this mertic driven BS, they will also die by it.

Any PSS or DSM that gets canned for "calls" should immediately file a wrongful termination lawsuit and get their lawyer to ask for ALL call records on all providers in that general area. It will uncover a can of worms so big that the person fired could win a huge settlement.
SSLT created this mertic driven BS, they will also die by it.

I don't agree with you. You are an employee at will. That basically means you can get fired at anytime for any reason. There have been hundreds and hundreds of reps fired in this company for this reason so the company is on solid ground. AZ has so many lawyers sitting around doing nothing they live for this work. They contract it out to a local lawyer who is the best in the area and don't care what they spend. You, on the other hand will never find a lawyer to take a case like this on a contingent basis. Well you might find some bozo who went to law school at night. You would have to pay through the nose to get this to court. Once you sue....try and get another job with another company. Overall, my friend it's just not worth it. Every sales person in this company violates some policy that could get them fired daily. Everyone knows this. If you get caught-take your lumps and get whatever severence they will give you (perhaps three months salary with a termination by mutual consent). Then leave and be glad you are out of this cesspool.