WTF?? Englebert Humperdinck is Dave Moore's Replacement?

Here’s the truth of it: Doug’s days are numbered. Brian H is not one of Langa’s guys, and you can be sure was not his choice to replace Dave. When your boss starts hiring your direct reports for you, you can be certain that the end of your tenure is near. Maybe they’ll find a spot somewhere else for Langa, but I’d bet his Novo Nordisk days will be over within 12 months. His tenure has been a mess. I really didn’t think it could get much worse after Jesper, but I was mistaken. Doug has been an absolute failure.

Here’s the truth of it: Doug’s days are numbered. Brian H is not one of Langa’s guys, and you can be sure was not his choice to replace Dave. When your boss starts hiring your direct reports for you, you can be certain that the end of your tenure is near. Maybe they’ll find a spot somewhere else for Langa, but I’d bet his Novo Nordisk days will be over within 12 months. His tenure has been a mess. I really didn’t think it could get much worse after Jesper, but I was mistaken. Doug has been an absolute failure.
I truly wish it would be sooner than later!!! What is going to happen to the terrible HS model then??? I know people disagree but we all know, how stupid it is to pay people to do the same job with a stupid tag on it! It should be zip codes and zip codes only!!

There is a 100% chance that Doug does not oversee the Oral Sema Launch.
That will be done by a majority of Danes or handpicked people that are QUALIFIED to lead such an opportunity.
Way too much for Doug.
My guess is Dave was told something similar, and was given some notification of the plan.
At least we don’t have to hear the awkward, forced conversations about “End of Year” evaluations on stage any longer between D&D!!!

when do the incompetent ACL’s get the boot! New promotional criteriaas screwed up as the previous, just hidden in a different garb. So ready for all these yahoos to be gone!!

when do the incompetent ACL’s get the boot! New promotional criteriaas screwed up as the previous, just hidden in a different garb. So ready for all these yahoos to be gone!!

You want the ACLs gone because of the promotion criteria!? That’s a stupid reason. I’m not saying they’re great or anything, but if all you’ve got to bitch about is promotion criteria, then you’re probably ok.

please dont let the Danes decide on another leader of the US for the love of God!!!! They suck at it. They reap the profits from the US employees while their arrogance clouds their judgement. They will milk this cow until its dry. How about the US employees vote on a new leader. Not one that goes crying home because he didn't get the job he really wanted..not another little Jesper.. not another Doug.. their choices have been horrible. Blondine????? Really? Wow the politics get worse and the leaders get less competent with every hire

Brian is a great choice. You will love him. Fair, smart, cool and kind. Wayyyyyy better than Dougie, by far!! I bet he’s Doug’s replacement within a year. About time Denmark is providing the US with a solid leader.

please dont let the Danes decide on another leader of the US for the love of God!!!! They suck at it. They reap the profits from the US employees while their arrogance clouds their judgement. They will milk this cow until its dry. How about the US employees vote on a new leader. Not one that goes crying home because he didn't get the job he really wanted..not another little Jesper.. not another Doug.. their choices have been horrible. Blondine????? Really? Wow the politics get worse and the leaders get less competent with every hire

That’s the dumbest fucking comment I’ve ever read on this site. No one cares who you want to vote in as your boss. I think it’s time for you to leave.

if we don’t launch this year it’s going to be a bloody mess. Insulin taking hard hits , 10 % cut by November if we don’t launch.

The insulin team is going to be cut regardless of the launch of oral. Look at that market – it’s all about managed-care coverage and rebates. No one really cares about minor clinical differences between brands. The days of promoting insulin are numbered…

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