WTF?? Englebert Humperdinck is Dave Moore's Replacement?


And what did DM accomplish ?

Really?! He implemented a new commercial model the likes of which has never been done before - except in every other pharma company. Also, by moving our VP’s around and forcing them to move to NJ, he was able to weed out those who were performing and building business KOL’s prior to a launch.

Also, he managed to generate a whopping $4 increase in share price in that time frame. Thanks for the memories, Dave! I really enjoyed the two dozen times I heard from you in the last 2 years, half of which involved layoffs! You will be missed!

Also, he managed to generate a whopping $4 increase in share price in that time frame. Thanks for the memories, Dave! I really enjoyed the two dozen times I heard from you in the last 2 years, half of which involved layoffs! You will be missed!

Two dozen? You must be in an office near his. Us lowly field personnel may have received 6 total non-lay-off communications, including his farewell.

Really?! He implemented a new commercial model the likes of which has never been done before - except in every other pharma company. Also, by moving our VP’s around and forcing them to move to NJ, he was able to weed out those who were performing and building business KOL’s prior to a launch.
Get JK back.

Dumb gone when is dumber going? And then hopefully the idiotic HS model goes too...but wait a minute didn’t people get like 10-15% raises to do the same DCS jobs????

Actually, I recieved 20%, but we’ll talk about that when you’re crying about being displaced at the end of this year. Regarding the other D - good thing he hasn’t got a neck, because if he did, the noose would be tightening.

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