Wrongful termination lawsuit!!!

Yes, however in some jurisdictions the law allows for an implied employment contract or partial employment contract in at will States. Also, the OP could be from a communistic locale like NY or CA where all employment is contractual as a matter of law.

The implied contract theory applies when the employer has a written code of conduct and other such rules thereby creating the implied contract. If the employer terminates in violation of its own rules or acts inappositely of them resulting in mistreatment, then the aggrieved party may likely have an actionable cause of action in breach of contract, although it's an at will job.

Yes, however in some jurisdictions the law allows for an implied employment contract or partial employment contract in at will States. Also, the OP could be from a communistic locale like NY or CA where all employment is contractual as a matter of law.

The implied contract theory applies when the employer has a written code of conduct and other such rules thereby creating the implied contract. If the employer terminates in violation of its own rules or acts inappositely of them resulting in mistreatment, then the aggrieved party may likely have an actionable cause of action in breach of contract, although it's an at will job.

Spoken by an ambulance chasing lawyer obviously...

Dumbass? Wow, a tad bit of knowledge and you become an instant asshole expert?

Where in my post did I say that Pfizer won't represent the individual employees? Even if they do, it doesn't matter. There are so many strategies to overcome that and get them to turn on each other it would even make your tiny little head spin.

Read my post again, numbnuts, then apologize to me, then stop believing you know the law and shut the fuck up!

you really are a dumbass, why would I apologize for stating an obvious fact? I guess we are to believe that somehow this strategy is the novel idea of an ambulance chasing lawyer flunkie who lurks around CP looking for clients...

you really are a dumbass, why would I apologize for stating an obvious fact? I guess we are to believe that somehow this strategy is the novel idea of an ambulance chasing lawyer flunkie who lurks around CP looking for clients...

You act like an angry, bitter little boy. You should apologize twice for calling me a dumbass twice, unless it is a term of endearment with you, which is doubtful?

Your "fact" may be correct but your conclusion was wrong.

Lol! "Ambulance chasing lawyer flunkie"? Why on earth would a personal injury attorney look for clients on CP? Only an angry know it all such as you could surmise such a stupid thought. You should do some serious I trospection about the fact that you are likely just an over paid drug pusher. Yes a drug pusher. I'm certain the Doctors heard you the first time yet you come back over and over again to push for your drug to be prescribed. Technically, you are a drug pusher. So stop throwing stones with your lame attempts to demean those who have a higher education than you and without a doubt, have better life than you, and I mean just you.

Here's some more free advice. Heed it well. You desperately need an attitude adjustment for the better. Your Emotional IQ is literally in the toilet.

You act like an angry, bitter little boy. You should apologize twice for calling me a dumbass twice, unless it is a term of endearment with you, which is doubtful?

Your "fact" may be correct but your conclusion was wrong.

Lol! "Ambulance chasing lawyer flunkie"? Why on earth would a personal injury attorney look for clients on CP? Only an angry know it all such as you could surmise such a stupid thought. You should do some serious I trospection about the fact that you are likely just an over paid drug pusher. Yes a drug pusher. I'm certain the Doctors heard you the first time yet you come back over and over again to push for your drug to be prescribed. Technically, you are a drug pusher. So stop throwing stones with your lame attempts to demean those who have a higher education than you and without a doubt, have better life than you, and I mean just you.

Here's some more free advice. Heed it well. You desperately need an attitude adjustment for the better. Your Emotional IQ is literally in the toilet.

Another fact for the simpleton, I am not a drug rep, far from it. And exactly how would I do some serious "I trospection"?

You act like an angry, bitter little boy. You should apologize twice for calling me a dumbass twice, unless it is a term of endearment with you, which is doubtful?

Your "fact" may be correct but your conclusion was wrong.

Lol! "Ambulance chasing lawyer flunkie"? Why on earth would a personal injury attorney look for clients on CP? Only an angry know it all such as you could surmise such a stupid thought. You should do some serious I trospection about the fact that you are likely just an over paid drug pusher. Yes a drug pusher. I'm certain the Doctors heard you the first time yet you come back over and over again to push for your drug to be prescribed. Technically, you are a drug pusher. So stop throwing stones with your lame attempts to demean those who have a higher education than you and without a doubt, have better life than you, and I mean just you.

Here's some more free advice. Heed it well. You desperately need an attitude adjustment for the better. Your Emotional IQ is literally in the toilet.

Reading this leads me to believe you are an attorney or are at least related to one. BTW- I have seen attorney banner ads on this site so yes--law firms do come here for clients. I have seen attorney ads in the weirdest places. Quite frankly, there are too many of them and they/many need to sue people to make money. That's why I have a $2 million umbrella policy...in case someone slips on a leaf in front of my home. Anyone reading this post who is a homeowner knows what I'm talking about.

Reading this leads me to believe you are an attorney or are at least related to one. BTW- I have seen attorney banner ads on this site so yes--law firms do come here for clients. I have seen attorney ads in the weirdest places. Quite frankly, there are too many of them and they/many need to sue people to make money. That's why I have a $2 million umbrella policy...in case someone slips on a leaf in front of my home. Anyone reading this post who is a homeowner knows what I'm talking about.

No attorney uses anonymous message boards to attain clients This guys just a troll poser that's all dime a dozen on here

Reading this leads me to believe you are an attorney or are at least related to one. BTW- I have seen attorney banner ads on this site so yes--law firms do come here for clients. I have seen attorney ads in the weirdest places. Quite frankly, there are too many of them and they/many need to sue people to make money. That's why I have a $2 million umbrella policy...in case someone slips on a leaf in front of my home. Anyone reading this post who is a homeowner knows what I'm talking about.

$2 Million umbrella Policy ? Your insurance agent suckered you ! Why don't you rake the leaves

$2 Million umbrella Policy ? Your insurance agent suckered you ! Why don't you rake the leaves

Typical response from a typical Pfizer moron/asshole. Umbrella policy the best and cheapest investment a smart person will ever make. With this sue happy world filled with assholes like you and slimed scumbag lawyers looking for a w quick buck you have to be stupid MOT to have one. Remember Mickey D paying the old bitch because the coffee was too hot for her dried up crotch. It could easily happen to any one.
Fall in front of my house....I'll invite you in, kill you and bury you in the background under the leaves you slipped on . Dead men can't sue.

Typical response from a typical Pfizer moron/asshole. Umbrella policy the best and cheapest investment a smart person will ever make. With this sue happy world filled with assholes like you and slimed scumbag lawyers looking for a w quick buck you have to be stupid MOT to have one. Remember Mickey D paying the old bitch because the coffee was too hot for her dried up crotch. It could easily happen to any one.
Fall in front of my house....I'll invite you in, kill you and bury you in the background under the leaves you slipped on . Dead men can't sue.

It seems the angry guy from a long time ago is back. Time to call your therapist. You were doing so good for so long. There is actually some good in the world. You just are not looking for it right now.

Another fact for the simpleton, I am not a drug rep, far from it. And exactly how would I do some serious "I trospection"?

So, the bitter non rep trolls CP, and all he gets out of the excellent beating he got was griping about a smart phone auto typo? It's "introspection", and you definitely need more than most.

p.s. you made many typos yourself. Introspection, try it you may like it.

It's filed! I am the OP. I slept soundly for the first time in months. I would gladly appreciate any links for ANY info that can assist my case. Wrongful termination is unjust in this industry and pfe with discrimination. I can prove it, too.

It's filed! I am the OP. I slept soundly for the first time in months. I would gladly appreciate any links for ANY info that can assist my case. Wrointentionallytion is unjust in this industry and pfe with discrimination. I can prove it, too.

Can't your attorney research the similar cases? Also you can google.

The smart thing is to find those who only filed EEOC and settled or just walked away. You might get them back in or at least have evidence of prior bad acts or a showing of intentional discrimination due to repetitiveness.

It's a long, long road ahead of you. Find another job before this goes public.

It's filed! I am the OP. I slept soundly for the first time in months. I would gladly appreciate any links for ANY info that can assist my case. Wrongful termination is unjust in this industry and pfe with discrimination. I can prove it, too.

The only thing you filed is an unemployment claim !No sane person would post this if it were true Only exception is if your related to Sharpton and Holder