Wraser is a great company!

Who uses the word "Behold" anymore? What an antiquated word... who do you think you are? King Arthur, Robin Hood? Now there's a thought...Robin Hood! Didn't he steal from the rich and give to the poor? Hmmmmmmmmm. WraSer, you pay your employees 25K right (wow, by the way) and then you steal from them to line your own pockets. So you're stealing from the poor to give to the rich (well, it's all relative living in Mississippi)? Ah, yes. Maybe you should take the money you're ripping off from all your employees and have some more crawfish.

Let them eat cake.....errrrrr, crawfish.

true. legally the actions are classified somewhere between theft of services & breach of contract. but it will take more than one rep to make that happen.

Ok, this is crap. Here's the truth. You may have worked here for years... and there may have been a time when u made a few dollars (though 70k isnt any real money). However, no one is making any money any longer (highest paid reps are barely making 1k in bonuses anymore). And where do you get your balls. Over the last 12 months there has been no justification or logic in any of the hirings, firings, or layoffs at this dumpster. I am not bitter. I was a top performer for my entire time here (with every month documented to prove it)... then about 7 months in, i realized I was being stolen from; my commision reports did not match my doctor convesations or my pharmacy purchasing reports. So where do you get your fucking balls. I was continuously blown off when confronting Heath and Cole directly - obviously because their position is - Fuck you little rep, try and prove it. The email response to me basically said this, in nice mississippi style way. It is obvious that this is widespread. If you have been here and are content to make your little 40k (maybe 70k in a good year), good for you... u obviously know how to settle. Much like your employer you have no class, no balls, no future, no vision, no ambition - and you are excatly where you belong. Anyone that would sit here more than a year and know and accept being stolen from, lied to, and jerked around in every possible direction to confuse you (how many times has the pain division changed payout in 12 months... answer is no less than 6) then enjoy your life as a bottom dwelller. I realized long ago that i am better than this and I will not tolerate this bullshit. Very soon I will get real answers and retribiution; anyone with any spine or self respect should plan to do the same.

That's right "little rep"
It's a job, don't like it, go somewhere else. U got nothing

So if you were a "top rep" then why aren't you with the company anymore? I've been the top rep for over a year and I'm still on board with no major complaints. I also know several other top reps that have been with the company for longer than myself and they're still here. Clearly, we're doing something right. With out a doubt, everyone should hate the low salaries/lack of raises and constantly changing commission structures, but I'll take $40-70k any year, especially in today's poor economy. I'm very thankful I still have a job with WraSer making sufficient money and gaining the experience I need to move on down the road. Of course we all here want more, but speaking for myself, I'm not settling, then again, I'm also not in a position to bitch about unemployment which seems to be your current predicament. If this is the case, stop wasting your time posting negative comments about WraSer and focus on finding a new job!

In addition, as most companies, if you become a nuisance and bitch to management, you're just setting yourself up for early termination. I understand all reps wish they had a position to voice their opinions to the CEO's, but there are plenty of unemployed and experienced people out there today that would happily work for $40-70 without bitching. Learn from your mistake versus dwelling on it by posting negative comments on here.

In addition, as most companies, if you become a nuisance and bitch to management, you're just setting yourself up for early termination. I understand all reps wish they had a position to voice their opinions to the CEO's, but there are plenty of unemployed and experienced people out there today that would happily work for $40-70 without bitching. Learn from your mistake versus dwelling on it by posting negative comments on here.

I've never worked for a company that steals from sales people, that's not a negative post, its a verifiable hard fact. And WraSer specifically set up the corporate structure such that heath and Cole are the only ones that can answer ANY question. It was an honest, fair queation - why are these bottles not on my report. Bubba, Ford, tom are all just empty bodies taking up space. And none of us are making 60k right now or in the last 18 months.
And those people happy to make shit money, enjoy ur shit life. Enjoy never having an honest relationship with your employer. Enjoy changes to ur commission every 6-8 weeks.
There are plenty of opportunities out in the world and unemployment doesn't have to be one of them.

So if you were a "top rep" then why aren't you with the company anymore? I've been the top rep for over a year and I'm still on board with no major complaints. I also know several other top reps that have been with the company for longer than myself and they're still here. Clearly, we're doing something right. With out a doubt, everyone should hate the low salaries/lack of raises and constantly changing commission structures, but I'll take $40-70k any year, especially in today's poor economy. I'm very thankful I still have a job with WraSer making sufficient money and gaining the experience I need to move on down the road. Of course we all here want more, but speaking for myself, I'm not settling, then again, I'm also not in a position to bitch about unemployment which seems to be your current predicament. If this is the case, stop wasting your time posting negative comments about WraSer and focus on finding a new job!

I was never ranked outside of the top 5... ever... even with the skimming of my #s. One of those 7 rounds of layoffs in 2010 hit our entire state. U tell me. Ur probably still there because U are providing them with 3-4 times the sales u actually get paid on and u take it up the butt with a smile.
Define sufficient money.

In addition, as most companies, if you become a nuisance and bitch to management, you're just setting yourself up for early termination. I understand all reps wish they had a position to voice their opinions to the CEO's, but there are plenty of unemployed and experienced people out there today that would happily work for $40-70 without bitching. Learn from your mistake versus dwelling on it by posting negative comments on here.

So then, by that logic, if I ask a question... it is considered bitching and grounds for termination. I imagine that why u tell reps not to call HR too

Fair and good dealings? If you mean in the illegal drug market. Some of your products you are promoting dont even have FDA approval. How can you feel good about working for a company who side steps saftey and legal procedures to ensure a safe product? Step away from the cool aid table my friend.