"Having worked for Bob in the past...." is a bit of a giveaway. My CSI says it's Mark S or maybe Barb.
It's obviously Pat - the posts started just after he onboarded
I've only recently got into reading and commenting on this board. So to make my position really clear. I love working for Bob, Pat and the management. In a sales career spanning 14 years I've never had such a challenging yet rewarding job. Sprix and Oxyado are great specialty products and lay the foundations of credibility for Arymo. If you can't sell and don't like hard work then don't come to Egalet. In my opinion, Egalet is the best pharma company out there.
You're one of the top selling TMs at Egalet? So, I guess your pulling in 5, or 6 scripts a week?...If you honestly believe Egalet is a great pharma company, then hopefully you live in California, Colorado, or Washington State because you are HIGH -oh so HIGH!!Hey dude, just because you're lazy and can't sell and have a miserable/negative disposition don't assume that about all of us. I'm one of the top performing TMs at Egalet, unlike you. Or did not make the grade and are just a whiner? Egalet is a great place to work. High morale and very professional Territory Management. Why don't you go and whinge on the Pfizer board or elsewhere? You're obviously a loser and not up to Egalet's high standards!! Happy Holidays.
You're one of the top selling TMs at Egalet? So, I guess your pulling in 5, or 6 scripts a week?...If you honestly believe Egalet is a great pharma company, then hopefully you live in California, Colorado, or Washington State because you are HIGH -oh so HIGH!!
Egalet is an absolute dumpster fire. Oxyado & Sprix are unwanted bastard products that were tossed in the proverbial dumpster by the REPUTABLE pharma companies that once owned them.
I worked for Egalet for 3 weeks last December, and recognized after the first day of training in Jersey that the products were garbage, and the company was a complete fraud. Fortunately, I had the intuitiveness to not quit my other job, and just use my end of year vacation time to "test drive" Egalet, and man, I couldn't wait to run back to my original job -a REAL pharmaceutical company, and dump Egalet like an alcohol-induced "one night stand". I'm sorry you have to try so hard to convince yourself Egalet is a respectable company with great products. You obviously have no other career options, considering...
Hey dude, just because you're lazy and can't sell and have a miserable/negative disposition don't assume that about all of us. I'm one of the top performing TMs at Egalet, unlike you. Or did not make the grade and are just a whiner? Egalet is a great place to work. High morale and very professional Territory Management. Why don't you go and whinge on the Pfizer board or elsewhere? You're obviously a loser and not up to Egalet's high standards!! Happy Holidays.
Hey dude, just because you're lazy and can't sell and have a miserable/negative disposition don't assume that about all of us. I'm one of the top performing TMs at Egalet, unlike you. Or did not make the grade and are just a whiner? Egalet is a great place to work. High morale and very professional Territory Management. Why don't you go and whinge on the Pfizer board or elsewhere? You're obviously a loser and not up to Egalet's high standards!! Happy Holidays.
Tim was/is a douchebag; great leaders don't communicate with their employees that way; it shows incredible deficiencies in his leadership ability.Oh you're the loser who is always whinging about Tim's challenge email last Xmas that hurt your little sensitive feelings? Grow a pair douchebag! I'm sure you're glad you didn't quit your gig as a shelf filler at Walmart
I've only recently got into reading and commenting on this board. So to make my position really clear. I love working for Bob, Pat and the management. In a sales career spanning 14 years I've never had such a challenging yet rewarding job. Sprix and Oxyado are great specialty products and lay the foundations of credibility for Arymo. If you can't sell and don't like hard work then don't come to Egalet. In my opinion, Egalet is the best pharma company out there.
What I don't understand is why our management hasn't been fired yet. Sales are pathetic, leadership and morale is non existent, Arymo didn't get approved in October and our Stock is going down again even though the Dow is racing up.
Riddle me that, Batman?
Ok so I know that Cafepharma is a whining forum but let's stop insulting Bob and his management. I think that they've done a superb job in difficult circumstances. They're developing a brand new and needed therapy to stop opioid abuse. Bob has a spectacular track record. Academically a top performer at Boston College in Chemistry. Masterminded multiple deals in his career and was recently named an E & Y Entrepreneur of the year. Personally he's a really nice guy. So give Bob a break!