Would real leaders please stand up


If there are any actual leaders left at Northbrook would you please stand up. Someone has to put an end to this foolishness. An endless parade of brainsharks, surveys, tests, conf calls, certifications, the latest useless marketing toy, another Fusion update, iTarget reviews, DRM addresses updates (that won't stay changed), tracker for this & that, and lets not forget the eternal stream of emails telling us this is TBO to make changes. Here's a change for ya, get out of our way so we can go sell. We need 4 things: 1)samples/vouchers 2)Rx data (one report) 3)sales aid 4)clinical study. Everything everything EVERYTHING else is a waste of our time & APUS money. You don't need a Guiding Coalition to figure that out.


Don't hold your breath - This place has beome leadership "death valley" 5-6 years ago. Seriously, there is not one senior exeutive who is not just trying to justify their own existence and look good doing it. Spineless and without any moral compasses- all of them


It's too late. Look around you. Do you really want to spent your working hours at a place where you are totally not appreciated. I left, and I'm happy to tell you that all companies are not like Astellas.

No leadership exists here...remember when we went through "speed of trust", well apparently no one in senior management took the course. All we hear about is how wonderful everything is...Roadmap this, TBO that, GCL nonsense...boring sanitized BS.

Here's an idea...how about letting us know about the millions $'s spent on law suites settled over the past two years and take responsibility for shitty RSM's. Or the fact that we now have an army of compliance people calling us and harrassing us for more data that we've already submitted into the stupid Concur system. Explain why our company is now completely f'd up! That would be leadership...

This issue is pervasive here for sure... And I'm sick of hearing that we think we can be a GCL... How? We obviously dont have the right consultant helping with this because this is a unique situation for a big Pharma company that wants to buy its way into oncology and then establish partnerships and co-develop co-market everything else moving forward? Docs put enza with medivation, not astellas...etc.. We did not innovate a product, we have have a very slim pipeline, several years in and we haven't branded the oncology platform or franchise yet or made a smart enough strategic move to acquire a GCL worthy company! Keep dreaming JR and friends -there is no hope of that status. -ever -because there is not a single visionary or strategic leader in this place...

To the previous poster. Don't give feedback.
You can't fix stupid and that is how others got let go. Be a kiss-ass to survive. Walk on egg-shells if you give an opinion.

I am happy to be here. We all have a choice. Let's focus on ourselves and how to make a decent living for our family's well-being. It's not high school. We work for pay. You don't have to have fun all the time. We just have to do our job.

Our attitude defines our altitude. Rise above the stress and you will see that regardless of all else, we are blessed.

Drank too much kool-aid? Be a kiss-ass to survive, but recognize that is what you are.

Astellas has a high turn-over in many departments (not by choice, but by setting people up to fail). This downward culture change happened during Collette's reign. The egotistical nature of some so-called "leaders" was allowed to go unchecked and good people were thrown out. New hired leaders read the tea leaves when they started here and are just trying to survive.

Don't focus on actual results which can be slanted by whoever is in charge of you, focus on how loyal those in power perceive you to be.

Carry-on my fellow kiss-ass employees...

I am happy to be here. We all have a choice. Let's focus on ourselves and how to make a decent living for our family's well-being. It's not high school. We work for pay. You don't have to have fun all the time. We just have to do our job.

Our attitude defines our altitude. Rise above the stress and you will see that regardless of all else, we are blessed.

I'm the OP. It's my pay that's being effected by all this nonsense. It's not about having fun or being liked. Don't need anyone to hold my hand. What I need is ethics in leadership, adequate resources, and the freedom to go do the job. Not satisfied w/ a "decent living". I want to earn. I'm sure you have good intentions. I'm not as sure you fully understand how things are done at APUS now. It may look like some other pharma companies but it didn't used to. It's an unorganized mess disguised as a business.

You guys have certain JNJ people who implement tracking tools like they're going out of style. It's so they can have something to look at during the day. What else would they do? Busy work. Same as JNJ.

“Somebody once said that in looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if you don’t have the first, the other two will kill you. You think about it; it’s true. If you hire somebody without [integrity], you really want them to be dumb and lazy.” ― Warren Buffett

Just came across the above quote and immediately thought of Astellas Management so I had to post it.

SO very happy to have moved on. Cheers!

This is actually a serious matter and unfortunately our senior management has become a laughing stock! Over the past few years we've gone from building a successful organization to creating a fraternity of idiots. Instead of adding products to our bag to sell we're spending time and resources on projects like TBO, GC 2.0 and Customer Roadkill. Are you F'n kidding me!

When was the last time they presented our product pipeline??? I can't remember anymore.
What about our great history of bringing products to market like Vaprisol, Vibativ, Sumavel Dose Blow, and Amevive? Where are we now? Let's add to that list of successful failures Ambisome, Myrbetriq and ASStagraf. What an impressive track record! Thanks senior management for your strong leadership and business acumen to bring us new products to sell. Give yourself some f'n starpoints!

Gotta go...my SD just asked me to resend my call tracker! out

You didn't get an overwhelming sense of leadership from the video that was sent to all of sales and marketing by mistake? WHOOPS we were so excited about the managers meeting that we inadvertently sent it to all our friends.... We are at a critical point with our companys future and our industry moving forward, and this is the complete and utter bullshit they are wasting time and $$ on at the home office. It's sad that they have to gather all the managers together to make sure they know what they are talking about prior to having a meeting with us. I guarantee if you lined them all up and asked some questions from the PI of their products the "manage" that nearly 75% would fail the test! But I guess that's OK they are so busy "coaching" us by telling us how they would have said it to the doctor if they had EVER sold the products themselves. TBO 2014, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS PLACE!!" Every sales force with the exception of oncology is going to nose dive next year due to one or more reasons, "It's over Johnny, it's OVER!"

You didn't get an overwhelming sense of leadership from the video that was sent to all of sales and marketing by mistake? WHOOPS we were so excited about the managers meeting that we inadvertently sent it to all our friends.... We are at a critical point with our companys future and our industry moving forward, and this is the complete and utter bullshit they are wasting time and $$ on at the home office. It's sad that they have to gather all the managers together to make sure they know what they are talking about prior to having a meeting with us. I guarantee if you lined them all up and asked some questions from the PI of their products the "manage" that nearly 75% would fail the test! But I guess that's OK they are so busy "coaching" us by telling us how they would have said it to the doctor if they had EVER sold the products themselves. TBO 2014, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS PLACE!!" Every sales force with the exception of oncology is going to nose dive next year due to one or more reasons, "It's over Johnny, it's OVER!"

Yep. Dead on. Btw the sales director that refused to work to acquire Amevive was fired over trumped up bs. If you don't go along your a trouble maker. Speak the truth and regret it.

Sure. It's pretty well known inside HQ that turn-over is extremely high and has been for 2+ years. No one is looking at the ass-poor leadership because the turn-over is brushed away by bad performance numbers. That's why we hear so much about employee engagement and how wonderful everything is from senior management. More smoke and mirrors! We've lost almost every OSI sales rep in Oncology and replaced them with industry rejects. We also lost many good hospital reps who didn't want to deal with Nazi compliance tactics and endless promises of new products...nobody wants to stick around and be sold more bullshit from JR and team!

But hang in there...the best is yet to come! Big plans brewing at HQ to "optimize" sales teams and justify more bad leadership. Really, how hard is it to buy another product so we can actually sell something interesting. Increasing our prices by 20% a year and then giving away our profit with volume discounts is so 1990's...leadership better get with the program or this will be a very slow death! How do you say we're fuk'd in Japanese?

Ain't that the truth!! Every time I try and have an intelligent conversation with my AVP or ASD all I get is the same tracker bs! We're losing our formulary coverage on VESI with no relief from the IC plan yet I still bring in big $'s for the company. A load of crap!

I've seen this story before with protopic and prograf and the eventual suprise "optimization" that comes along with a slow painful death! Keep your heads-up, mouth shut and look busy. Forget the idea of leadership...doesn't exist here and never has.