Would real leaders please stand up

there are no leaders at Astellas; it is company utterly devoid of any decency, morality or common sense. the list of people that have left or were fired over the last several years is enormous. when all you do is put out fires generated by thugs in human resources or compliance simply to protect or satisfy management, how can there be a successful, dynamic business? the big question is how did this happen. the most unethical company i have ever seen.

You either haven't been here very long or you are blind and deaf. Your diversity comment is completely wrong as anyone w/ even 2 yrs here would know.

The thread is referencing "leaders". I would take that as meaning directors and above. No diversity there except the one in HR who does the firing. Those working at Astellas know who I mean.

Just when you think the nonsense will end...we see a new low to the lack of leadership at Astellas. Check out the self-praising video JR and some guy named Chib created for a consulting firm on insite. How rediculous! Who the heck is this guy Chib? Never heard or seen him before and I've been with Astellas for 3 years. This is what senior douchbags are spending time on instead of managing our business. We pay the consultants $ millions so that we can tell them how great Astellas is! F'n crazy.

Just when you think the nonsense will end...we see a new low to the lack of leadership at Astellas. Check out the self-praising video JR and some guy named Chib created for a consulting firm on insite. How rediculous! Who the heck is this guy Chib? Never heard or seen him before and I've been with Astellas for 3 years. This is what senior douchbags are spending time on instead of managing our business. We pay the consultants $ millions so that we can tell them how great Astellas is! F'n crazy.

3 whole yrs huh? You weren't even here for the good part. Good luck pal!

there are no leaders at Astellas; it is company utterly devoid of any decency, morality or common sense. the list of people that have left or were fired over the last several years is enormous. when all you do is put out fires generated by thugs in human resources or compliance simply to protect or satisfy management, how can there be a successful, dynamic business? the big question is how did this happen. the most unethical company i have ever seen.

Employees at Astellas more than 3 years have witnessed the huge turn-over and culture decline. But what I can't understand is how they scrub their performance results to Japan and justify more money.

In this tough climate, how does IT G&A get the budget to go from Capgemini to Accenture (a top-tier outsourcer)? We can expect top-tier service now?

Employees at Astellas more than 3 years have witnessed the huge turn-over and culture decline. But what I can't understand is how they scrub their performance results to Japan and justify more money.

In this tough climate, how does IT G&A get the budget to go from Capgemini to Accenture (a top-tier outsourcer)? We can expect top-tier service now?

Has anyone noticed how management loves to use words like "leadership" and "strategic" as if it really makes the bull shit sound believable. I've never seen such incompetence at this high a level in any company. The only thing protecting upper management stupidity is our inbred Japanese culture. If this company was publicly traded in the US, these senior idiots would be exposed and fired!

Thanks senior management for letting us know about the "early retirement"/downsizing hidden in the Accenture notice! Another example of how ass-poor the management is at this company and the lack of trust that exists. No doubt the first of more "optimization". Keep spinning your bs on TBO and engagement..This place is completely F'd Up!

Thanks senior management for letting us know about the "early retirement"/downsizing hidden in the Accenture notice! Another example of how ass-poor the management is at this company and the lack of trust that exists. No doubt the first of more "optimization". Keep spinning your bs on TBO and engagement..This place is completely F'd Up!

Yet the company surveys will say IT is doing great. 0't00le sucks and needs to go.