would rather make 45k year then work here


Seriously?! I would have to sell my home for that. Everyone has to take some shit to obtain the lifestyle we do. I'd rather deal w/ the stresses of this job and live a very comfortable lifestyle, than make 45K and stress that I can't pay my bills.

I don't live a comfortable lifestyle. I work 70 hours a week and have people crawling up my a-hole with a microscope everyday. That is not in anyway a "comfortable lifestyle". Yes, I make decent money but after doing this for a year it is just not worth it in my mind.

Do all of us a favor and Quit your job!

Exactly! Why is it that reps like you come on CP and bitch about how much you hate your job as if all of the other CSR's are going to feel sorry for you and all the people that would like to work here will be scared off? Turn in your resignation Monday. There are literally thousands of good reps out there that would kill to have a chance at your territory right now. I fought like crazy a year ago to get this job and have absolutely had a blast since. It's definitely stressful toward the end of each quarter trying to hit numbers and the management philosophy is way more involved than other industries. I actually appreciate that though. You must be in a bad region or with a douche bag manager. That can be all the difference. My mentor has always said though, "if there's something about this company that you don't like, wait 6 months."

Exactly! Why is it that reps like you come on CP and bitch about how much you hate your job as if all of the other CSR's are going to feel sorry for you and all the people that would like to work here will be scared off? Turn in your resignation Monday. There are literally thousands of good reps out there that would kill to have a chance at your territory right now. I fought like crazy a year ago to get this job and have absolutely had a blast since. It's definitely stressful toward the end of each quarter trying to hit numbers and the management philosophy is way more involved than other industries. I actually appreciate that though. You must be in a bad region or with a douche bag manager. That can be all the difference. My mentor has always said though, "if there's something about this company that you don't like, wait 6 months."

You owe your soul to the company store. A very well paid slave. But a slave none the less.

Typical DM paid cocksucker. I also fought hard to get the job and a year into it, looking back it was a big mistake. your a-hole is examined everyday by management. If you have a family you won't see them or have time for them because company comes 1st, they could care less about anything else. That is the attitude here and if you don't like it then leave. Yes, I am looking for another job while getting paid by you.

Typical DM paid cocksucker. I also fought hard to get the job and a year into it, looking back it was a big mistake. your a-hole is examined everyday by management. If you have a family you won't see them or have time for them because company comes 1st, they could care less about anything else. That is the attitude here and if you don't like it then leave. Yes, I am looking for another job while getting paid by you.

So glad you decided to post again. People that plan appropriately and those who's activities are in line with their strategic objectives are not constantly questioned. I'll echo what was said before, please quit.

I dont know if you look at the growth year over year - it is pretty impressive - numbers don't lie - there may be some bad seeds and some reps who dont want to work, but the company is growing like crazy!!!

Original poster here-The company's product is good, That is how the company convinced me to work here. After being here, Everything else sucks-hours, management-which by the way is so awful. I am on my way out. Was a big mistake to take the job.

I've been here for a little over a year, and the job is very demanding. However the QOL here really depends on your CSM and your work ethic. I work for a good CSM that respects the CSR's and works as a peer rather than a tyrant. Regarding the work ethic, face it you jerk-off, you're used to knocking off everday at 2pm and an actual 50 hours work week is the end of your world. My dad worked 60hrs/week while making a little more than min wage to take care of our family. I work about the same but make $230k/year. So quit telling everyone about how bad your life is and just leave.

I will be leaving, not soon enough. No, I'm not used to being done at 2pm. But my spouse is more important then this job, and working from 6am to 7pm with additional hours in the mix throughout along with tight-wad ass examining management is the issue. If I didn't have anything else to do in my life I wouldn't care.

I've been here for a little over a year, and the job is very demanding. However the QOL here really depends on your CSM and your work ethic. I work for a good CSM that respects the CSR's and works as a peer rather than a tyrant. Regarding the work ethic, face it you jerk-off, you're used to knocking off everday at 2pm and an actual 50 hours work week is the end of your world. My dad worked 60hrs/week while making a little more than min wage to take care of our family. I work about the same but make $230k/year. So quit telling everyone about how bad your life is and just leave.

Awesome post. A lot of us in the field echo what you're saying. Unfortunately, the majority of people on this board are the bitches we wish didn't work with us anyway. Intuitive is too great a company and has too much going for it in the future. See ya in Dallas at the WW

Exactly! Why is it that reps like you come on CP and bitch about how much you hate your job as if all of the other CSR's are going to feel sorry for you and all the people that would like to work here will be scared off? Turn in your resignation Monday. There are literally thousands of good reps out there that would kill to have a chance at your territory right now. I fought like crazy a year ago to get this job and have absolutely had a blast since. It's definitely stressful toward the end of each quarter trying to hit numbers and the management philosophy is way more involved than other industries. I actually appreciate that though. You must be in a bad region or with a douche bag manager. That can be all the difference. My mentor has always said though, "if there's something about this company that you don't like, wait 6 months."

Subjectively, right on point. Unfortunately we will always have some CSMs out there who makes their reps lives a living hell. And their reps will be the ones on this board complaining like this is the worst company ever. It's like that everywhere and years ago we had way too much of that. The corporate philosophy is adapting for the better though. Lots of those douche bag CSMs are being rooted out and asked to leave. They may have been great reps at one time, but the best reps certainly don't always make the best managers. I'm happy to have gotten lucky and had decent managers over the past 3 years as a CSR in the Southeast Region. I'm still driven by management to hit my number every quarter but would I really want it any other way? NO.

Awesome post. A lot of us in the field echo what you're saying. Unfortunately, the majority of people on this board are the bitches we wish didn't work with us anyway. Intuitive is too great a company and has too much going for it in the future. See ya in Dallas at the WW

Shut the fuck up fruity boots. Ya look great in that cheerleader outfit sucking koolaid like a champ. Go back to playing pretend doctor.