Sorry, but there are a myriad of legit and reasonable explanations senior reps are insulted and biased against hiring pharma reps with no OR experience straight into ISI! These toddlers need to go to Covidien, Ethicon, BSC, or another great device training program so they can cut their baby teeth!!
In the Northeast, a 26-year pharma rep (female) was hired as a Clinical Sales Associate. NOTE: NOT a CSR-role, a JUNIOR role in which she was "passed around" to all the other CSRs who had a million other things to do instead of training a newbie! Granted, she was nice enough - but she had ZERO device training, knowledge or experience. It didn't help that she looked young (baby face) -so she looked 20!! It looked like all the reps were allowing a little sister or in some cases (daughter) to tag-along on surgeries. Green as green could be - she didn't know whom to speak with about getting scrubs, access, surgical schedules, credentialling info, access to RepTrax or whatever vendor system was used...Seriously....HOW can you justify the TIME spent on training this new hire when there MUST be more qualified reps that interviewed?
Early on, while observing cases at a highly regarded (flagship) teaching institution, she admitted that she had NO clue what a sterile field was before coming to ISI! Seriously, that's just unacceptable. To be THAT in over your head? That's not fair to anyone! WHY would ISI want to set her up for failure like that? The surgeons were pissed, the robotic team/coordinator felt like THEY were un-important since they were given such a rookie rep! And let's remember - at the end of the day - it's the PATIENT and family that deserve to have a qualified/competent/CLINICAL expert in the case. NOT someone who can't identify what's sterile or where to stand in a case observation.
So, that's an assessment of how some pharma reps can't hack the CLINICAL Sale. Shall we now bullet point the incompetence on the CAPITAL sale?? Seriously, selling drugs/dinner programs is NOT a CAPITAL sales process. Period. Unless you've actually been a hunter/farmer/qualifier of leads - how the *&^% are these folks going to help collaborate with the the ASM/ASD to justify costs/upgrades to the health system's CEO/CFO/CMO/Etc? Pharma folks JUST don't have the chops/best practices to sell to these folks. Period.
If ISI continues to hire straight from Pharma reps, they'll reap what they sow. They really should hire reps with at least 2-3 solid years of device experience first. Sound investments that have properly set expectations typically pay off.
I have worked in the northeast for over three years and we have never had a female csa.