Worst/Useless Meds

Try selling Spectracef, the anti-blockbuster. The product has gone from company to company and no one ever bothered to explain why the original product was ever brought to such a crowded market.


You must be jealous of the fact I have won more Excaliburs than all but 4 people at TAP. You can keep trying to be as good as me, I hope that move you made to Santarus to sell Zegerid paid off!

I am one of the 4 people at TAP that has won more Excaliburs than you. The 4 of us always laugh and ridicule you behind your back. I mean really, your clothes are a nightmare, your ass is so big it has it's own zip code, your skin has more pockmar spots than a bombing zone in downdown Baghdad, and your breath smells like turkey shit. Yes junior, it is now wonder you are way back at number 5.

Hi everybody. I am a Pharmacist. Do you know what that means?

It means I wasted 6 years of my life in a Pharmacy program so that I can count pills. Sometimes I count by 5s, sometimes I count by 6s just so I can use my superior brain.

I am also very important, my mom told me so. I get to tell those "stupid" doctors that they are making a mistake in my opinion when they write the wrong drug. I hate when they remind me I am just a pill counter and tell me to shut the f up. Oh well I can always be mean to the reps when they come in. I wonder if we have a lunch today.

Yes. Physicians have so much training in human pharmacology that they easily know more than a pharmacist. They have one semester in clinical pharmacology and pharmacists spend four or more years learning the physical, chemical and biological properties of pharmaceuticals.

Sounds like you applied to pharmacy school and got turned down because of low grades, no brains or both.

Your BS in psychology or liberal arts makes you qualified to order lunch, drop off samples and lie about your call reports to your DM. Every one here is so jealous...

Hi everybody. I am a Pharmacist. Do you know what that means?

It means I wasted 6 years of my life in a Pharmacy program so that I can count pills. Sometimes I count by 5s, sometimes I count by 6s just so I can use my superior brain.

I am also very important, my mom told me so. I get to tell those "stupid" doctors that they are making a mistake in my opinion when they write the wrong drug. I hate when they remind me I am just a pill counter and tell me to shut the f up. Oh well I can always be mean to the reps when they come in. I wonder if we have a lunch today.

WOW. As a rep who is currently pursuing a pharmD, I have to pipe in. Here's the foodchain kid (not ranked by income but by general perception in the medical community)

Physician (MD, DO)
Physician Assistant or NP
Chiropractor/Physical therapist
Receptionist that shoves your catered lunch down her pie-hole
.Grocery Bagger
.Insurance Sales
.Used Car Dealer
Pharma rep

Got it little Johnny? Because here's your scenario - 4 years at a mediocre college getting a monkey degree (communications/business admin, maybe you forked over another 40K for an MBA - very impressive and worthless in this industry). 3 weeks at big pharma memorizing medical terminology and suddenly you've become a self ordained expert in 'multiple disease states'. Your mom think's you're very important too so you go out and...how did you put it...."tell those "stupid" doctors that they are making a mistake in my opinion when they write the wrong drug." Sound familiar? Unfortunately for you, the company kool-aid never wore off and you still think you're bringing "value" to an office by catering troughs of food, sample dropping, sending fake success stories, playing pretend-doctor when trying to find new patient types for your me-too product, wasting endless hours at starbucks with your twenty irritating pod partners attempting to strategize how to "sell" against factor's you have ZERO control over, spending 90% of your working day sitting in a lobby reading magazines and playing solitaire on your PDA.

Every industry has its own set of shit to put up with but none can compete with the pharma industry. At least the problems (and monotony - and don't tell me that being a pharma rep isn't monotonous) that a pharmacist faces are REAL problems, whether it's from a patient or a physician. Problems that can actually be solved. Reps are at the mercy of managed care wins/losses, bonus restructuring, territory alignments, top prescriber leaves a territory and moves to another, shitty marketing, shittier products to promote, bad management direction and actually thinking a physician takes us seriously. All issues a pharmacist doesnt' have to deal with. Don't worry son, you're still the one being laughed at at the end of the day.

WOW. As a rep who is currently pursuing a pharmD, I have to pipe in. Here's the foodchain kid (not ranked by income but by general perception in the medical community)

Physician (MD, DO)
Physician Assistant or NP
Chiropractor/Physical therapist
Receptionist that shoves your catered lunch down her pie-hole
.Grocery Bagger
.Insurance Sales
.Used Car Dealer
Pharma rep

Got it little Johnny? Because here's your scenario - 4 years at a mediocre college getting a monkey degree (communications/business admin, maybe you forked over another 40K for an MBA - very impressive and worthless in this industry). 3 weeks at big pharma memorizing medical terminology and suddenly you've become a self ordained expert in 'multiple disease states'. Your mom think's you're very important too so you go out and...how did you put it...."tell those "stupid" doctors that they are making a mistake in my opinion when they write the wrong drug." Sound familiar? Unfortunately for you, the company kool-aid never wore off and you still think you're bringing "value" to an office by catering troughs of food, sample dropping, sending fake success stories, playing pretend-doctor when trying to find new patient types for your me-too product, wasting endless hours at starbucks with your twenty irritating pod partners attempting to strategize how to "sell" against factor's you have ZERO control over, spending 90% of your working day sitting in a lobby reading magazines and playing solitaire on your PDA.

Every industry has its own set of shit to put up with but none can compete with the pharma industry. At least the problems (and monotony - and don't tell me that being a pharma rep isn't monotonous) that a pharmacist faces are REAL problems, whether it's from a patient or a physician. Problems that can actually be solved. Reps are at the mercy of managed care wins/losses, bonus restructuring, territory alignments, top prescriber leaves a territory and moves to another, shitty marketing, shittier products to promote, bad management direction and actually thinking a physician takes us seriously. All issues a pharmacist doesnt' have to deal with. Don't worry son, you're still the one being laughed at at the end of the day.

Wow you're clearly a giant fag. I work pharma so I don't have to work. Honestly, no BS, must work 20 hours a week for 108K, car and all that crap. Oh ya and I have a side business like every rep padding the w2 also. So you're leaving this to go stand on your feet for 12 hours at CVS? Oh sorry to offend you, so you're gonna go work as an MSL starting at 110K to work your ass off everyday. Unless you're working for yourself you're no-one. "My job is better than yours. No my job is better than yours". Just shut up PharmD bitch and kill yourself....................fag

Wow you're clearly a giant fag. I work pharma so I don't have to work. Honestly, no BS, must work 20 hours a week for 108K, car and all that crap. Oh ya and I have a side business like every rep padding the w2 also. So you're leaving this to go stand on your feet for 12 hours at CVS? Oh sorry to offend you, so you're gonna go work as an MSL starting at 110K to work your ass off everyday. Unless you're working for yourself you're no-one. "My job is better than yours. No my job is better than yours". Just shut up PharmD bitch and kill yourself....................fag

Ha! 108K? That's it? I mean, for having a side business sucking off your fraternity brothers, I guess that's pretty good. I figure with that whopping 70K base you're making and zero bonus, you gotta find some way to make some extra cash. And I appreciate the heads up about the possible career choices kid, but those two ain't it. Now be a good monkey bitch and start making some pharmacy calls. Walgreen's needs a good laugh.

WOW. As a rep who is currently pursuing a pharmD, I have to pipe in. Here's the foodchain kid (not ranked by income but by general perception in the medical community)

Physician (MD, DO)
Physician Assistant or NP
Chiropractor/Physical therapist
Receptionist that shoves your catered lunch down her pie-hole
.Grocery Bagger
.Insurance Sales
.Used Car Dealer
Pharma rep

Got it little Johnny? Because here's your scenario - 4 years at a mediocre college getting a monkey degree (communications/business admin, maybe you forked over another 40K for an MBA - very impressive and worthless in this industry). 3 weeks at big pharma memorizing medical terminology and suddenly you've become a self ordained expert in 'multiple disease states'. Your mom think's you're very important too so you go out and...how did you put it...."tell those "stupid" doctors that they are making a mistake in my opinion when they write the wrong drug." Sound familiar? Unfortunately for you, the company kool-aid never wore off and you still think you're bringing "value" to an office by catering troughs of food, sample dropping, sending fake success stories, playing pretend-doctor when trying to find new patient types for your me-too product, wasting endless hours at starbucks with your twenty irritating pod partners attempting to strategize how to "sell" against factor's you have ZERO control over, spending 90% of your working day sitting in a lobby reading magazines and playing solitaire on your PDA.

Every industry has its own set of shit to put up with but none can compete with the pharma industry. At least the problems (and monotony - and don't tell me that being a pharma rep isn't monotonous) that a pharmacist faces are REAL problems, whether it's from a patient or a physician. Problems that can actually be solved. Reps are at the mercy of managed care wins/losses, bonus restructuring, territory alignments, top prescriber leaves a territory and moves to another, shitty marketing, shittier products to promote, bad management direction and actually thinking a physician takes us seriously. All issues a pharmacist doesnt' have to deal with. Don't worry son, you're still the one being laughed at at the end of the day.

Was this a cut and paste from your application to the PharmD program? Maybe a little slice from a session with your therapist entitled "my job defines who I am, right now I think very little of myself, but someday I will be a pharmacist and then I'll be important."
What makes you think anyone should care if someone above them on your prestige totem pole laughs at pharma reps? If everyone sought out 'respect' as the ultimate endgame of their careers we'd have a country exclusively comprised of teachers, firefighters, servicemembers, and police officers. Ever wonder why a society that respects these professions so much doesn't bother paying any of them jack shit?

Ha! 108K? That's it? I mean, for having a side business sucking off your fraternity brothers, I guess that's pretty good. I figure with that whopping 70K base you're making and zero bonus, you gotta find some way to make some extra cash. And I appreciate the heads up about the possible career choices kid, but those two ain't it. Now be a good monkey bitch and start making some pharmacy calls. Walgreen's needs a good laugh.

Same guy that posted above here......fag. You're not gonna make that much more with a pharmD...... I mean the best you will do is 120K to start. Plus your someone's bitch, and to top it off YOUR PAYING TO GO TO SCHOOL FOR ALL THIS SHIT. This reminds me of the PA thread.........what an a$$ packer

That's BS, i sell Nexium....but everyone knows the best 2 are Nexium and Prevacid. Aciphex has a national 8% marketshare, barely keeping ground ahead of zegerid!

Aciphex's ridiculously low share is a great example of a very good drug falling flat on it's face due to idiots on the brand team that have screwed up the marketing of this product from day 1. It truly is the best PPI overall but it is too late. The damage is done.

Ha! 108K? That's it? I mean, for having a side business sucking off your fraternity brothers, I guess that's pretty good. I figure with that whopping 70K base you're making and zero bonus, you gotta find some way to make some extra cash. And I appreciate the heads up about the possible career choices kid, but those two ain't it. Now be a good monkey bitch and start making some pharmacy calls. Walgreen's needs a good laugh.

I'm a DM at a bio-pharma company. I have a salary of 173k not including bonus (projected at 35-45k more this year.), I had my masters paid for by my company, have a company car, 401K (matched to 6%), a house bigger than the shithole you count pills in, own six townhouses (which I rent to clowns like you.) and will retire, in less than ten years. I'm fourty and will be sitting on my boat laughing at your sorry ass as Walmart puts your company out of business and you end up working for them six days a week and collecting shopping carts in the parking lot on your breaks. Now go back and count pills like a good little monkey and go fuck yourself while you're at it. I'm headed out for drinks tonight with the director of a local hospital and my MSL.

Suck it bitch!!!!!

I'm a DM at a bio-pharma company. I have a salary of 173k not including bonus (projected at 35-45k more this year.), I had my masters paid for by my company, have a company car, 401K (matched to 6%), a house bigger than the shithole you count pills in, own six townhouses (which I rent to clowns like you.) and will retire, in less than ten years. I'm fourty and will be sitting on my boat laughing at your sorry ass as Walmart puts your company out of business and you end up working for them six days a week and collecting shopping carts in the parking lot on your breaks. Now go back and count pills like a good little monkey and go fuck yourself while you're at it. I'm headed out for drinks tonight with the director of a local hospital and my MSL.

Suck it bitch!!!!!

Anyone here surprised by a "DM" who cannot even spell "forty" and has a writing style similar to a 5th grader?

WOW. As a rep who is currently pursuing a pharmD, I have to pipe in. Here's the foodchain kid (not ranked by income but by general perception in the medical community)

Physician (MD, DO)
Physician Assistant or NP
Chiropractor/Physical therapist
Receptionist that shoves your catered lunch down her pie-hole
.Grocery Bagger
.Insurance Sales
.Used Car Dealer
Pharma rep

Got it little Johnny? Because here's your scenario - 4 years at a mediocre college getting a monkey degree (communications/business admin, maybe you forked over another 40K for an MBA - very impressive and worthless in this industry). 3 weeks at big pharma memorizing medical terminology and suddenly you've become a self ordained expert in 'multiple disease states'. Your mom think's you're very important too so you go out and...how did you put it...."tell those "stupid" doctors that they are making a mistake in my opinion when they write the wrong drug." Sound familiar? Unfortunately for you, the company kool-aid never wore off and you still think you're bringing "value" to an office by catering troughs of food, sample dropping, sending fake success stories, playing pretend-doctor when trying to find new patient types for your me-too product, wasting endless hours at starbucks with your twenty irritating pod partners attempting to strategize how to "sell" against factor's you have ZERO control over, spending 90% of your working day sitting in a lobby reading magazines and playing solitaire on your PDA.

Every industry has its own set of shit to put up with but none can compete with the pharma industry. At least the problems (and monotony - and don't tell me that being a pharma rep isn't monotonous) that a pharmacist faces are REAL problems, whether it's from a patient or a physician. Problems that can actually be solved. Reps are at the mercy of managed care wins/losses, bonus restructuring, territory alignments, top prescriber leaves a territory and moves to another, shitty marketing, shittier products to promote, bad management direction and actually thinking a physician takes us seriously. All issues a pharmacist doesnt' have to deal with. Don't worry son, you're still the one being laughed at at the end of the day.

Don't forget the Scientists/Engineers who develop and manufacture the drugs, we outrank all of you put together.