Worst "Straight Talk" session??

I give people straight talk every chance I get, and I have been doing so since the end of 2011 when the most comically unqualified RM and RBD were bestowed upon our region by the womens' movemnt here at Pfizer

So far, its amazing how well it has worked towards me achieving my goals! I was given the kiss of death on my 2012 performance review (the "partially meets") after sharing my insights last year, and I know I am well on my way towards getting a severance package at the end of this year.

I go to work with a smile on my face everyday, because they are getting straight talk every time I open my mouth

How does Straight Talk work when presented by a jerk manager?

Hint: It doesn't.

The guy kept saying "if you say things right", "If you tell me first", "If you say things n the right way and at the right time", "And I get to give straight talk right back at you", etc.

Who knew that straight talk had so many caveats and rules and restrictions.

Please read the fine print on your straight talk. Please don't say anything until you understand the fine print.

It's Safe Talk, not Straight Talk......

**Important clarification** My VP just send out an email on straight talk. What management expects from us is SAFE talk, not straight talk. Don't be bringing up real issues because that makes management uncomfortable. Talk about trivial items that everybody feels SAFE discussing.

I'm glad I understood this before I made a big career mistake and brought up a real issue using straight talk......................

Re: It's Safe Talk, not Straight Talk......

**Important clarification** My VP just send out an email on straight talk. What management expects from us is SAFE talk, not straight talk. Don't be bringing up real issues because that makes management uncomfortable. Talk about trivial items that everybody feels SAFE discussing.

I'm glad I understood this before I made a big career mistake and brought up a real issue using straight talk......................


The only thing that came out of our straight talk session was that our manager is a complete psycho with delusions of still being in the military. My god--all he did was get in our face and try and intimidate people while at the same time humiliating half the team and making everyone else uncomfortable. I always worried about getting one of those military managers--and now I are dealing with one.

If you allow it, they will do it. Standing firm may not save your position,however not standing firm is a sure way to loose it.

WIth the announcement of the new consolidated corp structure, Pfizer will have the biggest downsizing in corp history.

The Plan is to consolidate specialty and primary care. The only divisions not effected is Oncology and Vaccines. All other specialties that are 1 product divisions will be merged by March 2015. (MS, ENDO, AI, Hemophilia, Inflammation will merge together)-- MS doesnt have a product in Dec, AI products will move to generic/establish division, Hemo doesnt make any money, and the Xeljanz inflammation division is way under performing for a blockbuster drug status and need to move Wyeth reps out and upgrade talent.

Primary Care will move all products to a contract sales force model given PC doctors decision to prescribe products is payer base, not rep or product itself. This CSO model will deliver the same results given reps have little impact with results in the PC market, at the same time save the company multi millions from salary (pc cso reps avg 35-40k yr--so $100million a yr savings just in salary) as well as from not paying Obama healthcare costs, and retirement costs. A select few pfizer PC specialty reps will be placed to call only on therapeutic specialty physicians. (bottom line Pfizer like most companies are getting out of the primary care product business in the US and turning to more of a biotech/specialty product company where more profit exists-- every earnings report those products loose money and the RD pipeline doesnt have true PC products; its all specialty products.)

As a shareholder these moves will boost the stock price as profits will increase with massive operations expenses reduces while supporting resources to drive core products with the greatest profit margins. For employees it is going to be a massive change, but for those who stay it will be very rewarding with the stock price soaring--- and that's the CEO job is to increase stock price. THis is the model that will do it.

Had a ST session with hardly any talking. The manager is anti-ST. He doesn't like it or want it. We all know that already. It led to several long periods of awkward silence.

He is too much of a jerk to care though. We lied and told him went well. It was what he wanted to hear and nobody wanted to be bullied later.

Got to love Straight Talk.

DBM here:

I now have my list of people I am supposed to put on performance plans as a result of Straight Talk. One is a career screw up who has been on FW before in their career, another is a very good rep who they are trying to get rid of due to their high salary and "lack of buy in to requested information". It occurs to me, as a people manager, that this company has become so non-righteous that it is hard for me to reconcile these things in my mind. I bet I am not the only one...

Looks like things never change at Pfizer. Never give them feedback. Bunch of two faced jerks.

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