Epic Map Fail! ZS is the worst

I agree. But reality often stinks. In our case the reality is that the majority of us have morphed into what you call that Pfizerbot. This is my experience, at least.
If you came in to the industry in the "Viagra and Lipitor glory hole" days (what my first manager called them) you had a) drugs that sold themselves, b) 4 to 5 other reps selling Lipitor and Viagra to each of your doctors, c) a DM that rarely came into the field for longer than a few hours, and d) no guidelines or limits on what you could buy for your doctors. Imagine having that lifestyle for a dozen years or more. A couple of years after that, another large company ask Pfizer to co-promote a blockbuster compound that is clearly superior to its competitors'. Good news: this company has an army of reps as large as Pfizer's!! The world has changed, so we can not buy doctors whatever they want. But since the drug is still clearly superior to others in that space, and there are more than two reps calling on your doctors, life is back to the earlier Lipitor-Viagra days. Access in my part of the country stinks, so outside of a lunch many of us struggle to even get 30 seconds of face-to-face time to get a signature from docs with busy practices. But no worries, because the drug is much better than the others and Pfizer is not the only one calling these doctors selling this med.
According to my friends that left here, Sanofi Aventis and BMS between 2009 and 2013 and landed at biotech or oncology somewhere----this is how those of us that call on (mostly) PCPs are viewed.

You can call it biased, BS, and stupid. I know that I certainly do!! But the reality is that your request that they look at the individual doesn't come into play because they said that it was too tough to discern who did the selling, and who cut out early in spring summer and fall to run over to her rental property and check people in or out. Who worked 4 hour days so that he could coach his girls' soccer and basketball teams. Who took off every day in the summer by 2:30 to get to the lake house.

I agree. But reality often stinks. In our case the reality is that the majority of us have morphed into what you call that Pfizerbot. This is my experience, at least.
If you came in to the industry in the "Viagra and Lipitor glory hole" days (what my first manager called them) you had a) drugs that sold themselves, b) 4 to 5 other reps selling Lipitor and Viagra to each of your doctors, c) a DM that rarely came into the field for longer than a few hours, and d) no guidelines or limits on what you could buy for your doctors. Imagine having that lifestyle for a dozen years or more. A couple of years after that, another large company ask Pfizer to co-promote a blockbuster compound that is clearly superior to its competitors'. Good news: this company has an army of reps as large as Pfizer's!! The world has changed, so we can not buy doctors whatever they want. But since the drug is still clearly superior to others in that space, and there are more than two reps calling on your doctors, life is back to the earlier Lipitor-Viagra days. Access in my part of the country stinks, so outside of a lunch many of us struggle to even get 30 seconds of face-to-face time to get a signature from docs with busy practices. But no worries, because the drug is much better than the others and Pfizer is not the only one calling these doctors selling this med.
According to my friends that left here, Sanofi Aventis and BMS between 2009 and 2013 and landed at biotech or oncology somewhere----this is how those of us that call on (mostly) PCPs are viewed.

You can call it biased, BS, and stupid. I know that I certainly do!! But the reality is that your request that they look at the individual doesn't come into play because they said that it was too tough to discern who did the selling, and who cut out early in spring summer and fall to run over to her rental property and check people in or out. Who worked 4 hour days so that he could coach his girls' soccer and basketball teams. Who took off every day in the summer by 2:30 to get to the lake house.

That's perfectly fine for me. I would never want to work for any manager ignorant and stupid enough to fall for this moronic line of thinking. Good reps will always rise to the top.

This is the 6th time I’ve been on the receiving end of ZS (3rd party restructuring company) catastrophic ineptitude. Why do companies keep hiring them?

I'm at 8 times. Starting to forget. Was just laid off from a different company that decided to have a rep from almost 3 hours away with no relationships and who is about to leave the company drive to my area. This is how pharma is and it is something we've had to accept for the last decade. At this point upper management must know ZS is a bunch of clowns so inept with data that they couldn't manage the sum function in an excel sheet. What ZS really sells is a liability shield. Reps can't call out discrimination in layoff decisions when the company can point to ZS and say they were the cause of it.

I'm at 8 times. Starting to forget. Was just laid off from a different company that decided to have a rep from almost 3 hours away with no relationships and who is about to leave the company drive to my area. This is how pharma is and it is something we've had to accept for the last decade. At this point upper management must know ZS is a bunch of clowns so inept with data that they couldn't manage the sum function in an excel sheet. What ZS really sells is a liability shield. Reps can't call out discrimination in layoff decisions when the company can point to ZS and say they were the cause of it.
I think that it is time to realize that the problem is not ZS. Think about it: down to the district level, our leadership has the ability to say no to maps that make no sense.

The leaders with character do. Most do not and just accept what they are given. True leaders are rare. It requires them to take risk at their own expense of “professional capital”. I’m lucky to have one and have seen it 1st hand.

This site is become so stupid. It’s full of Pfizer haters mostly people from FFO that have a lifetime grudge and have decided they are going to post once a day and account for 50% of all comments. Fake news

This site is become so stupid. It’s full of Pfizer haters mostly people from FFO that have a lifetime grudge and have decided they are going to post once a day and account for 50% of all comments. Fake news
OK. Then stop coming here and claiming that we are all retirees or terminated former employees. If everyone here is a fake, there is no reason at all for you to post, right?

I think that it is time to realize that the problem is not ZS. Think about it: down to the district level, our leadership has the ability to say no to maps that make no sense.

It’s time to stop bending over and grabbing your ankles.

Nobody was ever promised a cushy job close to home anyone where you only get to drop in on customers you like and who like you. It’s a dang job. Love it or leave it.