Worst micromanagement of my career

There lie-in the problem. Leadership doesn't like to admit that they made a hiring mistake, sometimes they hire a friend. Actually, they will allow poor performance to go on for years before admitting a mistake was made, giving the incompetent way too much leeway. However, if her numbers are reasonable, they will keep her on, hoping the discord goes away, if they even know that it exists.

I pray they can her...worst manager ever! Entire team hates her. She hasn't a clue

Yeah, you've been trying for a long time and obviously failing miserably. They should just sack you for being an idiot. At least you have to live with yourself for being an idiot.

Yea, the minute they see B+L on resume they get nervous. Am i the idot for being hired? Or is the person who hired me the idiot?

It really depends on how long you've been working. If you've been working only 5 years, worst is all relative. If you've been working 30 years, then you need to get out.