Worst Managers

It's funny how the companies with the worst management who have the most toxic and condescending approach are the companies who always think that management is not the problem when things don't go right and the company doesn't hit it's numbers. It's comical when they try to demonstrate "why they are so great" and customers tune them out. They get the same training as the reps they manage!!! The only thing they are good at is micromanaging the shit out of people, hounding them for daily reports, and calling offices up to verify appointment.

Amen to that!!!!!! This company is loaded with this. Problem is, they are all in the Midwest from what I can see.

Amen to that!!!!!! This company is loaded with this. Problem is, they are all in the Midwest from what I can see.
The entire central region is a shitbox that needs a complete management housecleaning, starting with the RVP who takes 2 months of vacation per year and is the corporate equivalent of a spoiled rotten kid who gets whatever he wants from Rod. He gets to spend the winter in South Florida, which is somehow part of the "central" region while places hundreds of miles to the west are part of the "east". At least Jamie knows how to treat people.

The entire central region is a shitbox that needs a complete management housecleaning, starting with the RVP who takes 2 months of vacation per year and is the corporate equivalent of a spoiled rotten kid who gets whatever he wants from Rod. He gets to spend the winter in South Florida, which is somehow part of the "central" region while places hundreds of miles to the west are part of the "east". At least Jamie knows how to treat people.


There are some good managers out there. Unfortunately, only 1 resides in the Central Region. Scott is truly one of the best! The rest need to be trained on how to manage…..better yet…..just removed.

He's very smart but a complete micro manager like his boss who is the king of micromanagement. If you work hard and are successful he will stay off your ass. If not you will be looking for a new job in 6 months like everyone else in the central region

He's very smart but a complete micro manager like his boss who is the king of micromanagement. If you work hard and are successful he will stay off your ass. If not you will be looking for a new job in 6 months like everyone else in the central region

Book smart and common sense smart are 2 different things. He is book smart. As for common sense and street smarts, well, let's just say he is missing that…..those synapses just aren't firing.

He's a complete tool and he thinks he's so funny. He would be a lot funnier if he was actually helping his toes get better. He doesn't stop talking long enough to hear anyone else's ideas but his own. His reps can't stand him or his idio boss who Steven tries to impress every day by kissing his ass. Steven and James don't even know or care about people's personal lives just how hard they work. All of James stupid examples are when someone does 2 lunches a day or drives blood for 8 hours to AL. How about the impact on people's lives I make every day when I sell. No one at this company
Gives a shit about that. I love this company but I have never hated my upper management more than I do here. I can't wait to get out

Many people here care! Dont leave hang in and if you want my phone number feel free to call me we need dedicated people here focus on your dedication not on impediments on your journey.

Many people here care! Dont leave hang in and if you want my phone number feel free to call me we need dedicated people here focus on your dedication not on impediments on your journey.

That's the stupidest response you
Are really going to give your cell phone number on cp you douchbag
Are you

He's a complete tool and he thinks he's so funny. He would be a lot funnier if he was actually helping his toes get better. He doesn't stop talking long enough to hear anyone else's ideas but his own. His reps can't stand him or his idio boss who Steven tries to impress every day by kissing his ass. Steven and James don't even know or care about people's personal lives just how hard they work. All of James stupid examples are when someone does 2 lunches a day or drives blood for 8 hours to AL. How about the impact on people's lives I make every day when I sell. No one at this company
Gives a shit about that. I love this company but I have never hated my upper management more than I do here. I can't wait to get out

No…he never does shut up does he….I don't think he ever hears what customers are saying let alone his reps….He is too busy trying to act smatter than the Doctors.

Prime example at out meeting in Denver all the managers talked over the reps non stop during our panels. We want to hear our peers talk not the non stop ( I did this for my rep) chatter all hour. Will someone please hire and train some managers who actually listen and not talk over us. Please

Prime example at out meeting in Denver all the managers talked over the reps non stop during our panels. We want to hear our peers talk not the non stop ( I did this for my rep) chatter all hour. Will someone please hire and train some managers who actually listen and not talk over us. Please

Ha! What a waste of time. Did we learn anything of value from management. NO. The only helpful portion of the meeting was from the reps. This is one of the worst companies...and yes...I am like the other 60% of the reps looking for a new opportunity.

I agree….the meeting was useless. What was really amusing was listening to the St. Louis Area Manager (can't remember his name) talk about reps that have left. Sad thing is, he just doesn't get why….thinks it was just a bad hire. It's HR 101 that you just don't discuss HR issues openly where subordinates can hear the conversations. He is so inappropriate. They have really hired some un-professional buffoons. I bet his team must think the world of him…..Ugh. I can't wait to be outta here.