Worst Day Ever!


Trained by a hypocritical company that was too lazy to memorize 1 product of ours while espousing great ways to connect in monotone and being a time nazi only to keep us from breaks on time. In my professional career, I’ve never had worse training. I could have been trained on the new blockbuster of a lifetime, but no... I got hours of touchy feely nonsense.
This on top of logistical nightmares. Get it together people. Our time is valuable.
Your money is too considering goals and not paying us in 2018.


TelePrompTer training at its worst. What kind of fake forced crap is this? How much money was wasted on a mentalist, a studio doctor office that adds nothing and a million iPads and tv screens that could just as easy be highlighters and PIs

im seeing, in the future, a whole new training department. #timesup jtoo

Salespeople sell, let us talk it through. Today was over produced, way too complicated, way too much talking at us, total disrespect and lack of leveraging the experience we have. What a crock, and the points giveaway is rigged and not fair!

Ozempic is a great product though, way to blow a no brainer

ozempic is a great product. I'm going to just ignore the noise for the next couple of days and listen to my pals that know how to sell, and think about my customers and their needs. The rest always falls into place, it's not that hard.

Couldn't we have saved 10 million bucks and just watched today at home from the comfort of our own home?

5 day meeting?! Are you kidding?! I'm a single mom, not easy to justify all this time away from home and the field to listen to all these marketers and trainers just to be on a screen

Keep it simple!

He company has been taken over by marketing. They overthink EVERYTHING. They have zero clue what sales is really like, day to day. So much money and time is wasted on pet projects and wet dreams.

The field force is sick and tired of it. Ozempic is a great drug, no doubt. We have great products across the board. R&D are doing a great job. Let sales sell!

It’s just one misstep after another with Novo. The insulin track was absolutely ridiculous today. I agree with the OP that these dudes training us on how to “present” were by far the worst presenters I have ever seen. It’s bad enough we’re not getting any training on Ozempic and that our Tresiba goals are unattainable. Just let us go home early rather than sit through that BS.
And the points game is definitely rigged. Someone at my table got 500 points for going up and talking to a buddy that’s now at home office. While people who stood up in front of 600 people and shared would get 50 points.
Cut out the bull crap Novo and save yourself the time and money in the process.

It’s just one misstep after another with Novo. The insulin track was absolutely ridiculous today. I agree with the OP that these dudes training us on how to “present” were by far the worst presenters I have ever seen. It’s bad enough we’re not getting any training on Ozempic and that our Tresiba goals are unattainable. Just let us go home early rather than sit through that BS.
And the points game is definitely rigged. Someone at my table got 500 points for going up and talking to a buddy that’s now at home office. While people who stood up in front of 600 people and shared would get 50 points.
Cut out the bull crap Novo and save yourself the time and money in the process.

They'll only get the message when people start leaving in numbers AND spell out why.

Don’t hate Tha Playa, Hate Tha Game!!! I got over 3k points today. It’s a “joke” but HEY!, if they want to treat life like a game... I’m gonna beat it.

Going to laugh my butt off all the way down the road. NOVO is a lost cause being ran by lost causes.

TelePrompTer training at its worst. What kind of fake forced crap is this? How much money was wasted on a mentalist, a studio doctor office that adds nothing and a million iPads and tv screens that could just as easy be highlighters and PIs

I usually check out CafePharma just to laugh at all the incessant whining, but every once in awhile someone nails it. Like whoever posted this.

I am fired up and ready to cultivate the hell out of Ozempic! Back off all you whiners, there is a winner coming thru and I am coming thru all the way to Rome, bitches! See you in Europe!

You guys really do suck asshole. Quit whining and get this medication moving you lazy ungreatful brats. Do a better job selling and you won’t have to worry about your ass hitting the pavement come October.

Overall I think it was a good meeting. If you were in the 2/4 meeting the first day that was brutal and a terrible presentation by Duarte. We could have condensed that into an hour long presentation and reviewed 3 or 4 basics principles of good presenting. If you agree take the time to put your comments in the survey we got so they don't roll this out to the entire company. Did you notice the two subtle Anti-Trump jabs by the one guy? What the heck? I don't care what side you are on that is not appropriate.

Points: I think everyone knows this was a mistake and rigged. Before I even got to the room in the morning there were people with almost 1000 points on the first day.

Party: I thought that was a great venue and had a blast. Band was fun, we had a good group dancing down there for hours. Well done on that IMO!