Worst and best rm's

Read the topic asshole. Person wanted to see who good and bad managers are. We get it. We understand. You're coming in the middle of a conversation with what you feel is some profound statement. Submit your comment under the stupid profound comment tab. Asshole.

Why so angry? Bad marriage? Abusive father? Underachieving life? Unsatisfying job at Zoll?

Why so angry? Bad marriage? Abusive father? Underachieving life? Unsatisfying job at Zoll?

Sick of stupid people like you with stupid comments that have nothing to do with anything. You think your being profound with that comment? Don't confuse anger with reality. What comment are you going to bring next? Mad Bro? Do your self a favor and have a stroke in the corner.

Sick of stupid people like you with stupid comments that have nothing to do with anything. You think your being profound with that comment? Don't confuse anger with reality. What comment are you going to bring next? Mad Bro? Do your self a favor and have a stroke in the corner.

I don't mean to interrupt such an intelligent train of thought on your part, but this is the dumbest diatribe I've ever seen on CP. Sorry to hear you're sick.

Stay at Pfizer. The sample closet is empty.

At least people (pts/md) want my product(s). Mine also comes with a lot less bs. At least my manager is competent, decent and as equitable as he can be under Pfizer. Your house sounds like a pathetic mess of a boiler room with zero pride and terrible reputation. You know what is funny, medical device is jumping ship to biotech/pharma....and getting refused. Times and tables have changed.

Have no skin in this game but find it laughable that Medical Device is being refused by Pharma, if so it's because the drones are nervous folks with REAL sales skills might displace the order takers in the pill pusher industry, what a joke.

A second tier or lower tenured Territory Manager in Medical Device and run rings around middle mgmt in Pharma hands down. We don't sit in Panera all day sending emails with time stamps nor do we care too, ha!

At least people (pts/md) want my product(s). Mine also comes with a lot less bs. At least my manager is competent, decent and as equitable as he can be under Pfizer. Your house sounds like a pathetic mess of a boiler room with zero pride and terrible reputation. You know what is funny, medical device is jumping ship to biotech/pharma....and getting refused. Times and tables have changed.

So your on this web site for what purpose??? You want to stay in pharm but just decided to interview here? Why not interview with another pharma company? Because your like every other pharma rep. You want to get into device because of the money and respect. I was a DM in Pharma. And yes I worked for Pfizer Merck and Genentech. Then I moved on to device, Where I sold and managed OR, Pacers, and ablation products. Your making all of us laugh with your bullshit about device people wanting to go back into pharma. Your delirious. You should work here. Come on board. We need another mindless person who believes there own bullshit. And let us clue you into another fun fact, Zoll is not medical device. It's as close to pharma as you can get minus, your gps I pad that tells your boss where you are all day. Hey have you ever heard about the pens pharma reps hand out to customers? They only work between 10 and 2.

is that the guy running a recruiting firm? Smart guy hire/fire earn referral/placement fee. Considering the Northeast is dead last as usual and has never made a number probably only way he can make some $$.

is that the guy running a recruiting firm? Smart guy hire/fire earn referral/placement fee. Considering the Northeast is dead last as usual and has never made a number probably only way he can make some $$.

No he's the guy that made a web site trying to sell himself as an experienced medical sales manager that can provide valuable Insite on how to get into medical sales. He's got pictures of himself posted that are similiar to a rapper making a music video. All that's missing is the Bentley and girls with big asses. Unfortunately for him his site has less views than Sheila the orangutan giving birth. I thing Digigillo visited though! Needs to know how to kiss ass to get Jamie's job.

No manager can fix constant quota increases, shrinking reimbursement, intake ineptitude, ac apathy, a nonexistent IT department, out of touch marketing, a low save rate, no product specific data, lack of acc credibility, a non-standard of care product, uninspiring senior management or a revolving door sales staff.

Just say no to Zoll. Just don't do it to yourself.

I interviewed for a spot in Northern NJ, I cannot remember the Managers name but he had a fro and the worst sideburns I had ever seen. Honestly I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this guy. How do you get a job let alone a regional managers job when you look like that. I thought I was on a hidden camera show. Anyhow, the interview consisted of him asking me what the last book I read was and about my college experience and after those all the other rookie interview questions straight out of the "how to interview for dummies book". I could not believe how much of a "rookie" interview it was. Ive met some people that work at Zoll that seem sharp but that guy was something else. I told the recruiter no thanks, I could not imagine working for that clown.