"World Class" Employee Of The Week


I guess if we are left, we are the world class left overs. Or the ones that make the least!

This is the most disfunctional place I have ever seen. There was no ciriculum in school about dealing with idiots and a**holes of this magnitude. This is the best Water street could come up with? SAD!

Just answer the question, OK? Let's try again. Who said this, I work in the pharma industry because I make sick people feel better? Yet his actions are to the contrary.

All we are going to get is tired. AAI will work us to death and then trow us away just like they have done with so many others. There is no appreciation or loyalty, just abuse and more abuse.

No, our Thanksgiving/holiday bonus was used to make a big Tax write-off so our CEO could protect the profits.

He is so blessed to be able to do that for us! I hope when he's enjoying the holidays in his Landfall home he thinks back on all the shameful things he did this year to save a few dollars or protect his buddies. There have been a lot of good people kicked to the curb for trying to do the right thing.

You are too funny. PW does not give a rats ass what anyone thinks about him. He does not care if he has ruined peoples lives, he doe not care if he has ruined this company. He only cares about PW and his ego, money. To hell with everyone and everything else. Go AAI.

My nomination for "Employee on the Month" goes to the employee who pinched a "Yule Time Log" on the toilet seat in the men's room this week !!! This must be recognized as an outstanding task and outstanding balance to perform this very difficult maneuver. This kind of performance is "World Class" . The next time put Gueto's lunch in the refrigerator.

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