I just walked away from this shithole and all I can say is your data is a fucking joke, the job is a joke - honestly, surprised that any company would EVER hire a pharma rep. You folks are the tops at wasting time, creating needless busy work, pissing off clients and micro-managing worthless details. I had been doing pharma for 16 years and thought it was a good gig for a while. The last four years have been horrible and even MORE horrible at AZ. I actually work now. I use real CRM software - not the B.S. you call data. My data is up to the moment correct and incredibly detailed. I provide a valuable service and go into any institution or office and they are GLAD to see me and sit and talk with me. Oh, I also almost never SELL. Isn't that a laugh. I talk about them, their needs, what I can do to help and make their life better or that of their patient. Pharma is the biggest B.S. gig on the planet and in the to distant future I predict that doctors will realize they really do not need four reps with the same damn drug calling on them every week. What do you think?
I still remember my boss role-playing with me before an important call on how we were going to get the "message" across. OMG! I may miss the income but not the bullshit.