Working from Home - Pay for our Internet


AZ now that the reps are working from home, don't you think that our internet is an expense you could reimburse us for? We need a better speed to accommodate being on these remote calls and Skype meetings all the time. We are giving up our lunch hour and aren't even getting to eat. The money you are saving by not feeding us could go towards paying our internet. It is a reasonable business expense! Many companies pay for the reps internet as a standard benefit all year long!


Agree with the guy above. What is wrong with you? People in most other industries are losing jobs while you are over here complaining about $75. AZ should be disgraced you represent them in any way.

AZ now that the reps are working from home, don't you think that our internet is an expense you could reimburse us for? We need a better speed to accommodate being on these remote calls and Skype meetings all the time. We are giving up our lunch hour and aren't even getting to eat. The money you are saving by not feeding us could go towards paying our internet. It is a reasonable business expense! Many companies pay for the reps internet as a standard benefit all year long! snowflake putz. Like you are "working" from home.

I will gladly take your high-paying job and forgo any internet reimbursement. I would forgo all the other nice reimbursements you get as well. Most salespeople don't get them in other fields. If you ever lose your job you will be sadly prepared to operate in the "real" world.

AZ now that the reps are working from home, don't you think that our internet is an expense you could reimburse us for? We need a better speed to accommodate being on these remote calls and Skype meetings all the time. We are giving up our lunch hour and aren't even getting to eat. The money you are saving by not feeding us could go towards paying our internet. It is a reasonable business expense! Many companies pay for the reps internet as a standard benefit all year long!

Are you freaking kidding me!!! What an ignorant comment! Be thankful we still all have jobs and work in an industry that is stable through something like this! You're worried about that at a time when other people are losing their jobs and meanwhile you're getting paid to sit at home!! I bet your the same asshole who complains about having to wear a tie in summer or that your company car isn't a minivan. LOSER!!

AZ now that the reps are working from home, don't you think that our internet is an expense you could reimburse us for? We need a better speed to accommodate being on these remote calls and Skype meetings all the time. We are giving up our lunch hour and aren't even getting to eat. The money you are saving by not feeding us could go towards paying our internet. It is a reasonable business expense! Many companies pay for the reps internet as a standard benefit all year long!

will do. Just show that you didn’t have home internet access before you were ‘working’ from home and we’ll reimburse. Jerkoff

AZ now that the reps are working from home, don't you think that our internet is an expense you could reimburse us for? We need a better speed to accommodate being on these remote calls and Skype meetings all the time. We are giving up our lunch hour and aren't even getting to eat. The money you are saving by not feeding us could go towards paying our internet. It is a reasonable business expense! Many companies pay for the reps internet as a standard benefit all year long!

They used to pay for our internet and it was reimbursed. What is wrong with asking for reimbursement? It is necessary to do business. Do the people that work at the home office pitch in and pay for the internet?

Agree with the guy above. What is wrong with you? People in most other industries are losing jobs while you are over here complaining about $75. AZ should be disgraced you represent them in any way.
You're an idiot if you think it's only $75. That is $900 a year or $9,000 over the next 10 years. That is $9,000 less in my kid's college account.

You're an idiot if you think it's only $75. That is $900 a year or $9,000 over the next 10 years. That is $9,000 less in my kid's college account.

great. You’re not obligated to have internet at home. Use your iPad as a hotspot for your computer. dont you dare use your internet for personal purposes if the company pays for it then.

You're an idiot if you think it's only $75. That is $900 a year or $9,000 over the next 10 years. That is $9,000 less in my kid's college account.

Entitled forgot interest over ten years....I, like others, can't believe how ignorant this thread are sitting home getting a paycheck, using a company car, have health benefits and complaining about AZ not paying for your internet. Millions out of work and don't know how they will survive and you are posting this nonsense.

They used to pay for our internet and it was reimbursed. What is wrong with asking for reimbursement? It is necessary to do business. Do the people that work at the home office pitch in and pay for the internet?
I also think they should be givin us an allowance for food and other essentials while we are out of the field. I am spending money on breakfast and lunch, plus normally I take a dump at an office, I’m spending a lot more on toilet paper now. Idiot.

I also think they should be givin us an allowance for food and other essentials while we are out of the field. I am spending money on breakfast and lunch, plus normally I take a dump at an office, I’m spending a lot more on toilet paper now. Idiot.
You are just being stupid. This thread is about expensing internet, which we should have some sort of allowance for.

great. You’re not obligated to have internet at home. Use your iPad as a hotspot for your computer. dont you dare use your internet for personal purposes if the company pays for it then.
They are not paying our electric bill to power our phone, iPad & computer. There are already things we pay for out of pocket. No, we are not obligated to have internet but whenever there is an upgrade, they say we should be connected to Wi-fi. Just saying.

AZ now that the reps are working from home, don't you think that our internet is an expense you could reimburse us for? We need a better speed to accommodate being on these remote calls and Skype meetings all the time. We are giving up our lunch hour and aren't even getting to eat. The money you are saving by not feeding us could go towards paying our internet. It is a reasonable business expense! Many companies pay for the reps internet as a standard benefit all year long!

Not get to eat? Who are you trying to BS? Millennial? I would bet "yes"