Working at Shire

This is why I have checked out. All of this admin stuff instead of selling is redonk. The amount of successful reps with updated linkdin profiles speaks volumes.

You are not alone bro. I feel the same way. I just had a fantastic interview with big pharma of all places. I interviewed just for kicks, but it turns out they are going to pay me close to $30K more a year and I will have less micromanaging. Of course no job is perfect, but I will get to sell in the field, trusted by the leaders, no busy work and no overbearing management. I have ridden out with 2 of their reps and contacted 10 others and they all love the job, managers and direction of the company. Most have been with the company over 7 years and are very tenured. I would be replacing a rep who was promoted to management. If that wasn't enough, they also have several products, several more in the near pipeline, excellent benefits, excellent car choices that anyone in your immediate household can drive, stock options, the list goes on. 5-7 years ago I would have never thought I would consider leaving Shire. I have one more interview and I hope I get it. I will stay until the end of Q1 to get my retention bonus and start training a week later. There is hope outside of Shire everyone.

What was the name of the fire breathing dragon in HR that refused to give us the gold for a bonus? Sunny day in the Shire today - - - time for a cup of tea and pipe full of tobacco!

This is why I have checked out. All of this admin stuff instead of selling is redonk. Maybe if my RD spent their office days actually working or less time in the field pretending to be busy (wasting our time) they could figure out the needed information on the KOL's. I just started logging TOT for all the BS admin, extra communication with overlay, itinerary, calendar, KOL notes, endless meetings, time spent sifting through the 100 emails, and every other busy work item they push down. I went from being in the field full days to half days. Time spent in front of customers is now spent behind a computer screen. Nice Job, KK and PS. You have turned my RD into a chicken running around with her head cut off just so she can look busy. We have lost reps and are on the verge of losing more great sales people. You sure know how to run a company...intro the ground. The amount of successful reps with updated linkdin profiles speaks volumes.

VA RD? You are spot on with the description. If I get one more email asking for KOL information that can be looked up on their own I will literally slice my wrist. Every top rep with a updated Linkdin profile for a reason.

So when will Kathy & Perry understand real pharma and not some recycled bullshit from the 1990's? If they even took a minute to understand our customers or the market instead of ramming an old model down everyone throats, they may actually get an ounce of respect. Totally clueless (and classless) leadership.

Exactly! Like using an old Big Pharma model of "overlay" reps. The industry is trying to get away from it and they initiate it. Not to mention that these overlay reps have a cake job-core reps have a big percentage of doctors in C's that are solely theirs while overlays have very few, if any C's that are theirs-yet, they get paid on all the C's that the core reps call on. Where is their accountability? How in the world do they think that is motivating to the core reps? I've never seen reps in this company so sad and such an unfair model.

Exactly! Like using an old Big Pharma model of "overlay" reps. The industry is trying to get away from it and they initiate it. Not to mention that these overlay reps have a cake job-core reps have a big percentage of doctors in C's that are solely theirs while overlays have very few, if any C's that are theirs-yet, they get paid on all the C's that the core reps call on. Where is their accountability? How in the world do they think that is motivating to the core reps? I've never seen reps in this company so sad and such an unfair model.

It depends on how you look it it. I agreed with you at first but then I realized the potential of this if you work it correctly. You can only call on C's/micros and get paid total dirt on the A's/B's (which is 80% of your goal/bonus)? You are both paid on total dirt. The A's/B's have been writing for several years. Let the Overlay rep beat their head against the wall trying to go after the very young pediatric or adult patient that wants IR. I get paid regardless and would much rather focus on my C targets.

Exactly! Like using an old Big Pharma model of "overlay" reps. The industry is trying to get away from it and they initiate it. Not to mention that these overlay reps have a cake job-core reps have a big percentage of doctors in C's that are solely theirs while overlays have very few, if any C's that are theirs-yet, they get paid on all the C's that the core reps call on. Where is their accountability? How in the world do they think that is motivating to the core reps? I've never seen reps in this company so sad and such an unfair model.

It may vary by area. My overlay rep has their own C and Micro targets. I don't mind total dirt because I still get paid for their targets and we work better together than before with the adult reps. In the old system you would lose the scripts of any target they had. Several of my pysch's would diagnose and start patient's but I would always lose the script because once they were started they would go back to their primary care docs which in most cases were aligned to the adult rep I had. That was a much more unfair model. I prefer total dirt where I get paid no matter where the script starts or ends up.

Why would anyone have an issue with getting paid on total dirt? Why would you want the company to go back and take out doctors, scripts and money from your paycheck? The adult focus role proved what a disaster that was. You complain about accountability when it comes to the overlay but you don't complain about all the money you have made from your dirt targets. Many of which you have never called on. Where is your accountability? If you don't want to call on your C's, don't call on them. I don't like most things leadership has done to Shire but you sound pathetic right now.

Why would anyone have an issue with getting paid on total dirt? Why would you want the company to go back and take out doctors, scripts and money from your paycheck? The adult focus role proved what a disaster that was. You complain about accountability when it comes to the overlay but you don't complain about all the money you have made from your dirt targets. Many of which you have never called on. Where is your accountability? If you don't want to call on your C's, don't call on them. I don't like most things leadership has done to Shire but you sound pathetic right now.

Correct. We fought hard to get paid on dirt. I do not want to go back to being paid on targets. Be careful what you wish for. Things can be worse trust me. If you think they are going to get "target pay only" and you are going to keep, total dirt. You are sadly mistaking. It sounds like you are more upset that you have to make more calls on "C" targets? Call on whoever you want. Your overlay can do the same. You both benefit. You both have goals and you both should want to make money. If the numbers don't grow you will both be held accountable. You are better off accepting this person and working together. I don't think its physically possible for the overlays to have as many "C' targets as you since they are calling on just as many targets overall when you combine the other 1-2 territories they overlap.

Exactly! Like using an old Big Pharma model of "overlay" reps. The industry is trying to get away from it and they initiate it. Not to mention that these overlay reps have a cake job-core reps have a big percentage of doctors in C's that are solely theirs while overlays have very few, if any C's that are theirs-yet, they get paid on all the C's that the core reps call on. Where is their accountability? How in the world do they think that is motivating to the core reps? I've never seen reps in this company so sad and such an unfair model.

And you get paid on the c's, NT, A/B and micros they call on. Shut the f-up. You haven't had
Accountability in years. You have only called on a handful of targets and have gotten credit for total dirt. You are also now getting credit for targets adult reps educated and grew from nothing last year. Not to mention all the work the patient advocate reps did before that. Please stop acting like you are high and mighty. You are part of the problem.

Exactly! Like using an old Big Pharma model of "overlay" reps. The industry is trying to get away from it and they initiate it. Not to mention that these overlay reps have a cake job-core reps have a big percentage of doctors in C's that are solely theirs while overlays have very few, if any C's that are theirs-yet, they get paid on all the C's that the core reps call on. Where is their accountability? How in the world do they think that is motivating to the core reps? I've never seen reps in this company so sad and such an unfair model.

My overlay has C targets that differ from mine. I wouldn't call them "solely" mine or theirs since we are paid on total dirt so either of us can potentially make a call on them if we are in the area.

And you get paid on the c's, NT, A/B and micros they call on. Shut the f-up. You haven't had
Accountability in years. You have only called on a handful of targets and have gotten credit for total dirt. You are also now getting credit for targets adult reps educated and grew from nothing last year. Not to mention all the work the patient advocate reps did before that. Please stop acting like you are high and mighty. You are part of the problem.

You don't know a damn thing about me. I have had accountability as I have a great RD. Believe it or not you can be successful in single rep territories. If you think you need "help" calling on the same docs with one drug then you my friend, fit right in with the big Pharna model. Good for you! And dumbass how do you know I wasn't an adult rep??? Patient advocacy was such a great money maker that's why they kept them around huh? Keep drinking the kool-aide moron...

You don't know a damn thing about me. I have had accountability as I have a great RD. Believe it or not you can be successful in single rep territories. If you think you need "help" calling on the same docs with one drug then you my friend, fit right in with the big Pharna model. Good for you! And dumbass how do you know I wasn't an adult rep??? Patient advocacy was such a great money maker that's why they kept them around huh? Keep drinking the kool-aide moron...

Never said I needed help calling on anyone. This like everything is what you make it. The best reps find a way to succeed no matter the challenges. The others will always find an excuse and complain. Patient advocacy was a great role. Customers still comment about it. It's gone because of compliance not because of value. I will keep drinking the koolAide and why don't you move on? If you are as great as you say you are why are you staying at Shire complaining? If you are truly deflated as you say, find another job.

Never said I needed help calling on anyone. This like everything is what you make it. The best reps find a way to succeed no matter the challenges. The others will always find an excuse and complain. Patient advocacy was a great role. Customers still comment about it. It's gone because of compliance not because of value. I will keep drinking the koolAide and why don't you move on? If you are as great as you say you are why are you staying at Shire complaining? If you are truly deflated as you say, find another job.

Making the best of it is exactly what I'm trying to do. I never said I was so great, bottom line, I still focus on bringing value to my customers. My customers have always said the one thing that separates Shire is no team selling. I'm just trying to understand the value that team selling brings to the office. RD's can't even answer this other than it will help when you're on vacation. Really-that's the best answer I've heard? I'm doing what I'm told and trying - at the end of the day many of us will decide if it works for us. It is ok to question the value of something while giving it a try-it's new and many came here to get away from teams so I think most are doing the best they can. It's only March. You may have a great overlay and for those that do I think the transition is far better than the ones that don't. Before you criticize you may need to think others might be in a different situation. Have a great day!