Working at Onyx/Sales

The answer lies within this thread. The long term Onyx reps on the Nex side of the fence have been living with that show for more than a few years. Just sub a cougar for the white tiger.

RK's gone so you gotta wonder how long she can keep up the smoke and mirrors game she's been playing. Can Siegfried charm the pants off DS too or is he smart enough to see she's incompetent like we've seen for the past 5 years but great at insulating herself with her Yesmen

It could be that Onyx, specifically the KI franchise (Nexavar/and Stivarga) needs a revolution? Bad behavior has become the norm not the exception (what a shame). Change is necessary for an organization to grow and evolve. We need change-BADLY and a thorough housecleaning will do the trick.

RK's gone so you gotta wonder how long she can keep up the smoke and mirrors game she's been playing. Can Siegfried charm the pants off DS too or is he smart enough to see she's incompetent like we've seen for the past 5 years but great at insulating herself with her Yesmen

A bummer to see some things never change. Glad to see PS is as incompetent as ever, and pulling her cougar games like she did at sanofi.

We need to get sold prior to Celgene getting that bad boy to market. Our friends over on the kryp side are going to get their a$$es handed to them.

Won't mind getting away from the Siegfried and Roy crap. Don't know how regionals put up with reporting to roy.

More haters. These people obviously do not know oncology. Probably a Celgene rep scared!! Another IMID zzzzzzzz very sleepy to docs. And an IV vs and oral, no brainer in many ways!! Instead of hating, go sell and make some money!!

We need to get sold prior to Celgene getting that bad boy to market. Our friends over on the kryp side are going to get their a$$es handed to them.

Won't mind getting away from the Siegfried and Roy crap. Don't know how regionals put up with reporting to roy.

They are counting their $$$ and are very good at drinking kool aid. This launch is going to be painful putting up with all the bayer crap. Where's the love and bonus $$$ Onyx? PI vs KI, not The right thing to do and the KI peeps all know we are getting screwed. Don't think we don't know how much more in base and bonuses our new sales force is getting

I would recommend taking a risk like they did and move on to make your higher salary and bonus potential? I am sure they would trade you for your options any day. The entitlement you seek is not a good look. You have choices and you are not a victim, so make yourself happy and make hard decisions like the PI folks did. If you find yourself happy with what others have, you have issues. Enough said!

Does anyone working at Onyx care about the patient???? As an oncologist, I find the greed about money on this board troubling, especially in this economy. If the only positive thing you are looking for in a job is the $$$ and that you have more "things" than the next guy, you will never be happy anywhere. Maybe it's time for some of you to re-evaluate your values and priorities if you want me to find you credible as you try to "sell" me carfilzomib. I haven't met my rep yet, but you can be sure I have some serious concerns about your agenda with my patients already.

If you are an oncologist, you are laughable. Talk about greed? Who invented the Buy and bill model to generate millions of wealth for themselves? Oh yeah... Oncologists. Nothing like using an $8,000 / month infusion and netting 10% for yourself. While I am just a dumb sales person, I think that's... What, $800 / person / month. Yeah... The reps are so greedy.

welcome to onyx! what did you expect? This place never put reps first, always the scapegoat for unachievable goals. We've lost alot of reps, and more to come. Our options are in the money and given a company with new options and a better culture, many of us would leave in a second. We are just playing the game right now, especially those reporting to big brother Bayer. Actually, they are making more $$$ than us as they didn't stop the launch bonus after one quarter like Onyx did. What do our worthless managers do but keep quiet about anything and everything....don't rock the boat puhleez!