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Working at Merck is like living in a Fascist country...


this place is so creepy...built on lies and deception...

Merck is like a corrupt government that care so little about being human and decent
that it is like some fictional nightmare...

but it is all too real...

just ask the people that work here...

the misery index is off the charts...


this place is so creepy...built on lies and deception...

Merck is like a corrupt government that care so little about being human and decent
that it is like some fictional nightmare...

but it is all too real...

just ask the people that work here...

the misery index is off the charts...

Years ago these pages would sing the praise of Merck. Now, these pages spit on Merck (which deserves it by the way)

Years ago these pages would sing the praise of Merck. Now, these pages spit on Merck (which deserves it by the way)

Yeah, hard to believe Merck once had a reputation beyond reproach. Twenty years ago I recall hearing horror stories from competitor reps about their company's shenanigans and sleaze and downright awful treatment of their reps. I was so thankful to be working for Merck at that time. But how times have changed! The deceit and dishonesty going on at various levels makes me very sad, disgusted, and wanting to see wrongs made right.

I have worked with some of the people in the management in the past. They would do anything to move up the ladder. Now they are half way up or higher. They are not visionaries like Roy V. They are excellent opportunists but now plotting the future of Merck. We are nothing but a second-class company and we may as well accept the fact.

I've been with Merck for 30 years and I've never heard so many whinning, bitching little children and exist on this website! If you have something specific, then say it but the moaning and crying and acting like your 'diaper' needs changing is almost too funny! It's hard to imagine that any of you bastards actually went to college! The posts on this site are another good reason for a compulsory military draft...at least the men would not bitch like little schoolgirls!

I've been with Merck for 30 years and I've never heard so many whinning, bitching little children and exist on this website! If you have something specific, then say it but the moaning and crying and acting like your 'diaper' needs changing is almost too funny! It's hard to imagine that any of you bastards actually went to college! The posts on this site are another good reason for a compulsory military draft...at least the men would not bitch like little schoolgirls!

I agreewith you that we need to resume the draft. However, having spent 30 years at Merck myself you have to admit it is not the same company it was 15 years ago......

I've been with Merck for 30 years and I've never heard so many whinning, bitching little children and exist on this website! If you have something specific, then say it but the moaning and crying and acting like your 'diaper' needs changing is almost too funny! It's hard to imagine that any of you bastards actually went to college! The posts on this site are another good reason for a compulsory military draft...at least the men would not bitch like little schoolgirls!

I had 30.5 years with the company and agree with the original posting. The leadership is full of mediocre folks who only care about their paycheck and bonuses. They are trying to maximize shareholder values at the expenses of customers, employees, and the public at large. The correct path should have been the other way around. You maximize value for the customers, employees and public, who will ultimately reward shareholders with value. Our economy is in decline just because of the greed you see at the corporate level at Merck and many other companies.

I've been with Merck for 30 years and I've never heard so many whinning, bitching little children and exist on this website! If you have something specific, then say it but the moaning and crying and acting like your 'diaper' needs changing is almost too funny! It's hard to imagine that any of you bastards actually went to college! The posts on this site are another good reason for a compulsory military draft...at least the men would not bitch like little schoolgirls!

30 years here and just retired. Merck has really changed over the decades. We also hired too many kids that think a small cut will lead to a fatal bleed. Yes, they need to be toughened up.

30 years here and just retired. Merck has really changed over the decades. We also hired too many kids that think a small cut will lead to a fatal bleed. Yes, they need to be toughened up.

You are so right. Aside from the lies and deception and some less than honorable decisions made by people occupying seats of power at Merck, the company is great. It's all these wussy punks we have on board now that really stink the place up.....;)

30 years here and just retired. Merck has really changed over the decades. We also hired too many kids that think a small cut will lead to a fatal bleed. Yes, they need to be toughened up.

It's funny you write that. I am 47, left Merck with a good package. Where I work now they don't believe in hiring kids out of college. I did not really notice it until I was there for a few months. The senior manager who approves the hiring there is younger than I am. My boss told me he does not hire kids right out of college because:
1. No real sense of reality
2. Have no desire to work hard. They feel they are entitled to everything.
3. They don't listen because they are too busy talking
4. They can't admit they make mistakes. They always have excuses about things.
5. They love to play politics and kiss ass rather than provide results.
6. You save 25-35k by hiring them but over the long run it's just not worth it.

I know that older people are worried about finding work. Many companies are now looking to hire more seasoned people because the younger generation has many issues.

They are not visionaries like Roy V.

Read up on Roy. Enlightening facts about the background of a very, very successful CEO.

"Roy Vagelos grew up during the Depression as a son of Greek immigrants. Vagelos attended Rahway High School in his hometown. After winning a partial scholarship, he left his family's small restaurant in Rahway, New Jersey to become a doctor. He majored in chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania, graduating Phi Beta Kappa in 1950. Vagelos later earned an M.D. from Columbia University in 1954.
Vagelos was deferred from military service while in medical school, but he was obligated to serve a two-year stint as an Army doctor. As a Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons trained surgeon and biochemist, Vagelos obtained a two-year assignment as a research physician at the National Institutes of Health (1956-1966). For Vagelos, it was a fateful turning point. He was associated with Massachusetts General Hospital, Washington University and the Washington University School of Medicine (1966-1975) before joining Merck, Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories in Rahway (president 1976-1984)."

You are so right. Aside from the lies and deception and some less than honorable decisions made by people occupying seats of power at Merck, the company is great. It's all these wussy punks we have on board now that really stink the place up.....;)

"Aside from all of the lies and deception and some less than honorable decisions... Merck is a great company"

How about this: "Aside from most of what management has said, done and said they were going to do, Merck is a great company."

What a moron you are. Merck has become a stinking pig of a company. And it smells worse every day.

I had 30.5 years with the company and agree with the original posting. The leadership is full of mediocre folks who only care about their paycheck and bonuses. They are trying to maximize shareholder values at the expenses of customers, employees, and the public at large. The correct path should have been the other way around. You maximize value for the customers, employees and public, who will ultimately reward shareholders with value. Our economy is in decline just because of the greed you see at the corporate level at Merck and many other companies.

Sorry, Sir. What shareholder value are the so-called leadership maximizing? Maybe their own shares!!! I am a retired shareholder who bought Merck 20 years ago, as a blue chip company and an income stream for my retirement. I made a big mistake: my stock has dropped by over 30% and the meager dividend does not make up for the loss in my investment. They certainly did not maximize my share value!! I am sorry I trusted the propaganda. Hope Merck gets bought up or broken up so I can recoup at least part of my losses.

I used to think this company and this job was the place to be. Like I was the envy of the party. Now I am embarrassed to call myself a pharma rep because there are too many similarities to being a UPS delivery man or a caterer.

Sure I stay in it for the money but a wise man once said "Success without honor is an unseasoned dish."

Do you feel any "honor" when you get home and take off your suit?

this thread was created for hoskins trevor in reno utah group. clueless arrogant

He sucks ass big time. When is HR going to get rid of him? Cant wait to see the feedback scores this time. Last time he blamed bad scores on all his reps being upset that we all had friends fired. Not this time. I had call from his boss asking a lot of questions about him and his management methods this past week. I think maybe his time is coming. We need new leadership out here. This guys sucks!

I used to think this company and this job was the place to be. Like I was the envy of the party. Now I am embarrassed to call myself a pharma rep because there are too many similarities to being a UPS delivery man or a caterer.

Sure I stay in it for the money but a wise man once said "Success without honor is an unseasoned dish."

Do you feel any "honor" when you get home and take off your suit?

no...and that is why I finally left pharma sales...i began to lose respect for even myself
and that was a terrible feeling and one I could not live with...

Pharma sales is a joke...

Sorry, Sir. What shareholder value are the so-called leadership maximizing? Maybe their own shares!!! I am a retired shareholder who bought Merck 20 years ago, as a blue chip company and an income stream for my retirement. I made a big mistake: my stock has dropped by over 30% and the meager dividend does not make up for the loss in my investment. They certainly did not maximize my share value!! I am sorry I trusted the propaganda. Hope Merck gets bought up or broken up so I can recoup at least part of my losses.

Sir, I am sorry about your loss and faith in Merck for 20 years. You should not hold any stocks just based on faith. Company performances should have been reviewed at least quarterly and buy/sell decisions made accordingly. As I said the trend for CEO and board members in large stagnant companies (like Merck for example) is to plan for short term gains, cash in, get out, and leave the mess for the next generation to fix. Over 20 years of such mediocrity, of course, company performance is going to decline. If I were you I would wait for the next artificial bubble to sell, then take the cash to a star company of your choice. Merck may not be bought or broken up any time soon. Best of luck!