Working at ICT?


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What is the culture like at ICT? Is this a micro managing company? I have heard people have been fired. Why would a person get fired? Is the company overly strict on certain things?


What is the culture like at ICT? Is this a micro managing company? I have heard people have been fired. Why would a person get fired? Is the company overly strict on certain things?

girl on my team got canned due to minor compliance violations so beware culture is strict even if it’s small

Thank you for responding.
Agh that's terrible she got fired. Do you think they might have tried to find something on her because they possibly did not feel she was a fit? Or her numbers were not good?
Do you find yourself doing a lot of administrative things? And if someone were to leave the company what might the reason be?

Thank you for responding.
Agh that's terrible she got fired. Do you think they might have tried to find something on her because they possibly did not feel she was a fit? Or her numbers were not good?
Do you find yourself doing a lot of administrative things? And if someone were to leave the company what might the reason be?

Her numbers were fantastic just got caught in some minor issues which at past companies you would not get fired for. If your offices are closed you will have to fake virtual calls a lot of them. And it’s a launch so be ready for a pressure cooker...up to you though?

EEKK.. I would have thought it might be the kind of company that would let you fall down and get up seeing it is fairly new. But being in Pharma I understand how serious that is. Do you know the specifics of it? People make mistakes. What would you say is great about the company and what would you say you dislike about the company?

This is a great company to work for . Just come here with an attitude to win and get prescriptions . If you do your job, you will do fine . It’s a small company so very heavily micro-managed .

This is a great company to work for . Just come here with an attitude to win and get prescriptions . If you do your job, you will do fine . It’s a small company so very heavily micro-managed .

Respectfully disagree with this assessment. Based on what I heard on that post earnings call, upper management has done absolutely NOTHING to make things easier on the field. I, particularly, liked the non-answer pertaining to action with advocacy groups. LOL A lot of circular talk around action items that haven’t gotten done. I’ve also heard a rumor that people who are struggling with numbers, in areas heavily hit with COVID closures (read: NYC and LA metro), are getting written up during their annual reviews because they can’t squeeze top 50% numbers from the 5-10 accounts that they have access to. Not to say I’m not thankful to have a job, but we knew coming in that a lot of these RBD and Area Directors were retreads from other companies... for a reason. Antiquated styles + an ever-evolving industry = failed drug launch.

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