Work place for females?

LOL, I love watching the pained look on everyone's faces when she chimes in on the speakerphone. Just when people are getting optimistic that a meeting might be productive because she's not there, they hear that awful accent and just zone out. Meeting's over.

It can be a very hard place for females. You gotta have a thick skin, work hard OR be really pretty. Ask the new rep that came over from Forest. She loves it at S&N-probably because she finally gets to stop doing "favors" for her manager and trainer. Although she really likes the extra sessions with John V. He even made an appearance in Nashville.

Hey guys, keep it "Professional" and you stand a better chance at keeping your family, fortune and career. "Ain't no women in the world I know." Also, don't give dumb asses anymore power/credit than they already have given to them. Seems like an epidemic sometimes, please.

You are so right. Its like you know her. She finished with Ray M (he's got some nice picts) and now on to greener pastures. I just wish I was a manager.

Now back to the grind.

It's a male dominated company; but you're going into med device - what company isn't? I'd say there is some preconvieved notitions coming in as a girl, but override them. Keep your integrity, work harder than anyone else, know your stuff better than anyone else, and exceed your sales goal and then it won't matter if you're a male or a female.