Work place for females?

We all know why some of these women get hired. I know of at least one case where the rep was transferred specifically to work with a big time sports doc. It didn't work out exactly as planned-she ended up getting married to another surgeon. Now she doesn't need to work anymore. It probably does pay to keep modeling part time. Those side jobs can come in handy when you need to get your customers into clubs or when you take those "consultant" trips to Vegas. You never know-your business might improve dramatically if you can make them happy outside the OR as well.

Those were the days. JG was the king of sleaze.

Original poster here..... I know this is not exactly the best forum to get straight forward answers to, ESP with an honestly important question, but nonetheless, before l leave what I have, I just wanted to see what the trolls that frequent here had to say. From time to time I have visited my current company's board as well those who have sparked my interest. Generally, on occasion there may be a tad of merit to what's expressed with consideration to the ppl that are pissed off about something or have an axe to grind. Thanks for the comedy and for those who aren't kidding, maybe you will find contentment eventually. For right now, I think that S&N may Atleast be worth the interview!!! The recruiter told me that they are def interested in attaining more female management candidates. Sound like a good place for opportunity to me!!

No harm in interviewing. It's certainly worth seeing what opportunity there is. I am looking to get out of device sales. With the new health care law I see big changes in how hospitals do business and therefore their need to have as many of us with access.

I know what your saying. I'm in capital equipment and hospitals are taking the best price now irregardless of the quality. It's hitting us all everywhere!! Gone are the glory days!

Actually boys and girls it is a word according to the dictionary. No need to get your boxers in a wad. Too much testosterone on the system leads to these erratic outbreaks!!! Go find a girl friend.

Actually boys and girls it is a word according to the dictionary. No need to get your boxers in a wad. Too much testosterone on the system leads to these erratic outbreaks!!! Go find a girl friend.

actually irregardless is an american word. it is NOT an english word.
from the oxford dictionary (the only correct english dictionary):
"Irregardless is widely heard in North America, perhaps arising under the influence of such perfectly correct forms as irrespective, but should be avoided by careful users of English."

actually irregardless is an american word. it is NOT an english word.
from the oxford dictionary (the only correct english dictionary):
"Irregardless is widely heard in North America, perhaps arising under the influence of such perfectly correct forms as irrespective, but should be avoided by careful users of English."

fucking limey troll

Most women in device sales are probably pretty straight with their business dealings. I admit that I am not and have crossed the line with hospital employees and even some surgeons. My business is good and there are other benefits that aren't necessarily monetary. I feel like my looks and my gender is an advantage since other than the nursing staff most of the people I deal with are men. This profession is just like any other and management will use you to improve their bottom line but I'll have the last laugh since I'm cashing in too.

I guess it depends on your skillset or if you can intelligently speak to your products. But there are some sleazy managers out there that I'm sure will give you a shot. There was this one that I interviewed with on the Endo-side in South Florida about 2 years ago. He had shaved arms and wore clear-coat nail polish. I'm sure he'll talk to you, but his reps said he doesn't know what he is doing. Hope this helps!

Just check out your local reps and ask as many questions you can before you accept an offer. If you have great relationships already In Place, then you'll do fine. If not and starting out In a new territory brand new, the males on your team will try to discourage you and send you "packing". The average make can't handle the fact that your smarter AND female. They seem to think that these jobs are cut only for the guys. GOOD LUCK!