Women in Leadership

One lesson I learned from CW and KD is that piss poor, vision-less leadership does not have a gender bias. It can cross the aisle and they continue to be living proof. How can't the boss see this, unless it is a virus?

The boss is getting ready to split the company in half and the boss does not care. Soon there will be the "innovative side" with specialty products and lyrica and eliquis and the rest of the products will be the "established side" where the contract reps will sell everything else. Plus the KAM's and ISS's thrown into the mix. There are already Publicis reps selling Xeljanz making $65K per year. WHy invest in leadership when they are getting ready to implode Primary Care?

The boss is getting ready to split the company in half and the boss does not care. Soon there will be the "innovative side" with specialty products and lyrica and eliquis and the rest of the products will be the "established side" where the contract reps will sell everything else. Plus the KAM's and ISS's thrown into the mix. There are already Publicis reps selling Xeljanz making $65K per year. WHy invest in leadership when they are getting ready to implode Primary Care?

So, when do u think all this will shift? I am in IS and I am concerned my salary will be a red flag. I would rather take a $30k pay cut than get canned.

So, when do u think all this will shift? I am in IS and I am concerned my salary will be a red flag. I would rather take a $30k pay cut than get canned.
You aint going to have a choice, I'm afraid. Plus, I would guess that this will happen a few months after speakers at Town Hall meetings and the CP undercover hacks INSIST that there will be no cuts.

Actually, what the previous poster says makes a lot of sense. I know a bucket load of experienced out of work ex-Pfizerites that would jump at a chance to make 75K dropping off Viagra, Celebrex, and others.

So, when do u think all this will shift? I am in IS and I am concerned my salary will be a red flag. I would rather take a $30k pay cut than get canned.

Sorry to break it to you, but they will probably get rid of IS about the same time they get rid of Cluster 3 and 4 and whittle cluster 1 and 2 down to nothing (right around November of this year) They want cluster 2 to launch eliquis, then hand it over to rent a reps. Cluster 3 and 4 are full of high priced senior reps who they want to quit instead of paying 6 figure severances to them (along with a few problem children mixed in who would be HR nightmares to try and manage out). Cluster 1 is walking to the end of the plank as well

If older reps have been placed in Clusters that will be killed off shortly, then there is an age bias that is illegal under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act

Trust me, they have thought of a hundred ways around that. It's people they don't want anymore, stratified across all age/gender categories. That's all that matters to this company

"My point was - in the long run it is mostly about the products, not the sales leadership. Some very good leaders were sent packing, but the company goes on, the stock is going up finally, life goes on. I do miss the award trips though, and all the free clothing, and really that is about all I miss."

you aren't missing anything then...not now

Our success had nothing to do with those little boys at the top. Are you friggin SERIOUS? If they were "all that", why did most of them get walked outta here in the past 7 years, right when we needed them most?

Look, we hit the jackpot with late 70s and 80s R&D (Minipress, Feldene, Procardia, Diflucan, Zoloft, Norvasc, Zithromax) and then Eisai, UCB, Pharmacia/Upjohn, and Warner Lambert picked us to help sell their stuff. Unlike Merck back then, we were willing partners to co-promote. And then we ate (most of) them.

Give credit to where it's due. Before you glorify those ol' boys at the top, keep in mind where they are now (and why they aint here no more!)


Doesn't matter if your white, green, red, black, male , or female....there are no sacred cows. Either ride it as long as you can or jump ship now. I'm on year 16 and I'm riding it out but not even close to retirement age. There's no integrity with this company, the sales reporting is a joke! I bust my butt and have no confidence in the system regarding my sales. I hate it almost everyday but it's very hard to replace. Sometimes I'm thankful to have a job but other days Im not sure why I'm still trying.

Our success had nothing to do with those little boys at the top. Are you friggin SERIOUS? If they were "all that", why did most of them get walked outta here in the past 7 years, right when we needed them most?

Look, we hit the jackpot with late 70s and 80s R&D (Minipress, Feldene, Procardia, Diflucan, Zoloft, Norvasc, Zithromax) and then Eisai, UCB, Pharmacia/Upjohn, and Warner Lambert picked us to help sell their stuff. Unlike Merck back then, we were willing partners to co-promote. And then we ate (most of) them.

Give credit to where it's due. Before you glorify those ol' boys at the top, keep in mind where they are now (and why they aint here no more!)

You picked Pharmacia for their portfolio and then screwed it up big time as seen with Bextra and Celebrex

You picked Pharmacia for their portfolio and then screwed it up big time as seen with Bextra and Celebrex

Pfizer had nothing to do with screwing up Bextra & Celebrex. The paracoxib CABG trials and the off-label pain promotion of Bextra (remember the "Cox2 Pain Protocol" push?) were all Searle (Pharmacia) initiatives. Go ahead and blame Pfizer for letting the FDA bend us over in the post-Vioxx chaos (it may or may not have been avoidable), but the ammo the Feds used to screw Pfizer came from the Searle folks.

Pfizer had nothing to do with screwing up Bextra & Celebrex. The paracoxib CABG trials and the off-label pain promotion of Bextra (remember the "Cox2 Pain Protocol" push?) were all Searle (Pharmacia) initiatives. Go ahead and blame Pfizer for letting the FDA bend us over in the post-Vioxx chaos (it may or may not have been avoidable), but the ammo the Feds used to screw Pfizer came from the Searle folks.

You are wrong on one big point. I was just starting here when those made-up Bextra pain protocols were seemingly everywhere! The Bextra pain and DVT protocols were created by (and named for !!) a ARM from Brooklyn, then exploded when his RM spun it into a mandatory practice for her region. I heard that the Brooklyn DM at the time was put under house arrest for back-dating his computer and sending out fake emails? There is Pfizer culture for ya, baby!
This is old news, but it really showed "the Pfizer culture" was like up until just a few years ago. Please show us what Searle or Pharmacia or Wyeth have done that resulted in a 2.3 BILLION DOLLAR FINE!


Doesn't matter if your white, green, red, black, male , or female....there are no sacred cows. Either ride it as long as you can or jump ship now. I'm on year 16 and I'm riding it out but not even close to retirement age. There's no integrity with this company, the sales reporting is a joke! I bust my butt and have no confidence in the system regarding my sales. I hate it almost everyday but it's very hard to replace. Sometimes I'm thankful to have a job but other days Im not sure why I'm still trying.

Amen! Here, Here!! Couldn't have said it better.

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