Woke AstraZeneca


Am I wrong, or does it feel that AstraZeneca cares more about their ESG score than the safety or feedback of its people?

I’m so tired of hearing how we are saving the planet by forcing people into unsafe vehicles. Especially, when we tell these same employees to get rental vehicles when traveling to parts of their territories where EV vehicles are unrealistic. How is this approach efficient or cost effective?

It’s all about our company perception to the ESG gods and it makes Pascal feel warm and fuzzy as he flys in his private plane to attend Davos 2023. So hypocritical….


You are 100% correct that AZ is now a full-woke organization. The evidence is everywhere (i.e. the EV email that came out this past week). Once again AZ has become just another spineless corporation like Coca-cola and others, worried more about ESG scores and diversity than its true responsibilities to its employees and stockholders.
You have to admire the companies that instead stand strong and focus on building solid services and products and being the best their field, vs. going down the destructive path of focusing on political posturing and woke policy. Unfortunately, we’re not working for one…..

You are 100% correct that AZ is now a full-woke organization. The evidence is everywhere (i.e. the EV email that came out this past week). Once again AZ has become just another spineless corporation like Coca-cola and others, worried more about ESG scores and diversity than its true responsibilities to its employees and stockholders.
You have to admire the companies that instead stand strong and focus on building solid services and products and being the best their field, vs. going down the destructive path of focusing on political posturing and woke policy. Unfortunately, we’re not working for one…..

Oh Cry me a river....

What has AZ done - in the pursuit of being "woke" - that has hurt employees and shareholders? You sound rediculous

Oh Cry me a river....

What has AZ done - in the pursuit of being "woke" - that has hurt employees and shareholders? You sound rediculous
Seriously? Did you somehow miss the memo on the one size fits all EV policy? EV' batteries/technology and EV infrastructure are no where near ready for prime time as territory vehicles in large swaths of the US and world.

This hard headed, listen to no one way of decision making is going to lead to massive turnover in the field everywhere. It is also going to be costly as many will be left with no choice but to frequently rent gas vehicles to cover and manage their territories. The concerns expressed and cost to productivity and morale are very real whether the cubicle farm folks understand or want to acknowledge reality or not.

Turnover and diminished productivity are very costly to organizations. That is going to be the exact result of decisions such as these.

Seriously? Did you somehow miss the memo on the one size fits all EV policy? EV' batteries/technology and EV infrastructure are no where near ready for prime time as territory vehicles in large swaths of the US and world.

This hard headed, listen to no one way of decision making is going to lead to massive turnover in the field everywhere. It is also going to be costly as many will be left with no choice but to frequently rent gas vehicles to cover and manage their territories. The concerns expressed and cost to productivity and morale are very real whether the cubicle farm folks understand or want to acknowledge reality or not.

Turnover and diminished productivity are very costly to organizations. That is going to be the exact result of decisions such as these.

How in the heck does putting field people in electric vehicles justify your chicken-little, the sky is falling, rant about woke culture? And people are going to quit over it? I think not. You’re being alarmist. Not to mention stretching the definition of woke - which refers to broadening awareness of, and endeavoring to reduce, social inequalities

How in the heck does putting field people in electric vehicles justify your chicken-little, the sky is falling, rant about woke culture? And people are going to quit over it? I think not. You’re being alarmist. Not to mention stretching the definition of woke - which refers to broadening awareness of, and endeavoring to reduce, social inequalities

Oh Cry me a river....

What has AZ done - in the pursuit of being "woke" - that has hurt employees and shareholders? You sound rediculous

Well for starters you can’t go a week in the OBU without some diversity and inclusion content being pushed out. Which is fine, except for the fact that it’s all designed to rectify past wrongs by punishing innocent people - white men over 50 - today. Look at the head count reductions that have taken place, and focus on the demographics of those let go. Those are the ones who were hurt.

Seriously? Did you somehow miss the memo on the one size fits all EV policy? EV' batteries/technology and EV infrastructure are no where near ready for prime time as territory vehicles in large swaths of the US and world.

This hard headed, listen to no one way of decision making is going to lead to massive turnover in the field everywhere. It is also going to be costly as many will be left with no choice but to frequently rent gas vehicles to cover and manage their territories. The concerns expressed and cost to productivity and morale are very real whether the cubicle farm folks understand or want to acknowledge reality or not.

Turnover and diminished productivity are very costly to organizations. That is going to be the exact result of decisions such as these.
sill people focus on the sprinkled donuts-so good lazy boy

How in the heck does putting field people in electric vehicles justify your chicken-little, the sky is falling, rant about woke culture? And people are going to quit over it? I think not. You’re being alarmist. Not to mention stretching the definition of woke - which refers to broadening awareness of, and endeavoring to reduce, social inequalities

People have already quit because of the EVs. AZs vehicle offering was already one of the worst in the industry, this has pushed several over the edge. Call it spoiled or whatever you want but when your option is pay 140$ for a Chevy bolt that eats into your day, or go work for a real specialty company that gives a fully loaded explorer? You’d leave too

OK, so I am leaving for a few reasons;
EVs, no way I am driving all day in one of those. If it was a good car, I would have bought one myself.
ONX kept talking about white people like they are bad. If a white person said half the things that was said about another race, we would be fired.
Northstar and pay- northstart created a mess in my territory and we are under paid compared to the rest of the industry.

I will miss the people but not the company.

OK, so I am leaving for a few reasons;
EVs, no way I am driving all day in one of those. If it was a good car, I would have bought one myself.
ONX kept talking about white people like they are bad. If a white person said half the things that was said about another race, we would be fired.
Northstar and pay- northstart created a mess in my territory and we are under paid compared to the rest of the industry.

I will miss the people but not the company.
There was an African American HR lead who, on a Town Hall call, told people to think like our black President. Imagine it those two races were reversed.

OK, so I am leaving for a few reasons;
EVs, no way I am driving all day in one of those. If it was a good car, I would have bought one myself.
ONX kept talking about white people like they are bad. If a white person said half the things that was said about another race, we would be fired.
Northstar and pay- northstart created a mess in my territory and we are under paid compared to the rest of the industry.

I will miss the people but not the company.

I'm sorry but what or who is ONX?

People have already quit because of the EVs. AZs vehicle offering was already one of the worst in the industry, this has pushed several over the edge. Call it spoiled or whatever you want but when your option is pay 140$ for a Chevy bolt that eats into your day, or go work for a real specialty company that gives a fully loaded explorer? You’d leave too
Perhaps this is AZ’s wish. Natural attrition is better than having to lay off. In addition, they retain the weak minded followers who will follow along with whatever work agenda they have.

I left after 16 years. Had enough of the bullcrap. az is not going to attract or retain top talent when competitors are paying more and giving their reps way better benefits.

She should be fired. Someone should have filed a complaint.

To who, the ethics hotline? Hahahaha. That thing exists only for show, something they can point to and say see, we’re an ethical company without actually having to walk the talk. It’s no different than their ESG Index score: a useless metric to appease a woke BoD and investor class.