
It will be a serious blood-letting, but is truly needed. Just remember to take care of #1 first. This is going to be a crazy ride!!!

Just control the controllables. This is not new to Pharma and will not be the last lay-off generally in the industry in a world that is becoming increasingly ambiguous. Control what you can and don’t be sidetracked by negative people.
Stay grounded.

Just control the controllables. This is not new to Pharma and will not be the last lay-off generally in the industry in a world that is becoming increasingly ambiguous. Control what you can and don’t be sidetracked by negative people.
Stay grounded.

So true. I have two interviews lined up in a couple of weeks. Good luck to all!

Has anyone read the article on the WSJ from yesterday about the shakeup of senior management here in Novartis. My observation is to get ready it’s going to have up impact on all are divisions with layoffs. We know the drill here in the industry.

Has anyone read the article on the WSJ from yesterday about the shakeup of senior management here in Novartis. My observation is to get ready it’s going to have up impact on all are divisions with layoffs. We know the drill here in the industry.
I don’t think anyone is safe. There will be an impact on everyone.

Has anyone read the article on the WSJ from yesterday about the shakeup of senior management here in Novartis. My observation is to get ready it’s going to have up impact on all are divisions with layoffs. We know the drill here in the industry.
I don’t think anyone is safe. There will be an impact on everyone.

Neuroscience already had their cuts. Unfair and made no sense. ABL’s, sales, frms, marketing……all got hit. About 90 plus all told let go. And rank didn’t save u.

Who stays, who goes, is intended to NOT make sense. Novarts gives ZS Associates the employee roster, hone address, and ranking.

The bingo wheel cages spins and out comes the winning number of the unfortunate few to be shown the door. Someone who lives IN territory is shown the door, yet someone who lives FAR away stays and is given that zip code.

Whatever it is, however it happens etc etc, it's not limited to Novartis.
It's the way of the industry, people.

And considering what's going on in the world, there is a need to keep things in perspective, control the controllables and stay away from those who dramatise.
just saying....

get your resumes and KY jelly ready folks. V&V going to be the grim reapers for 2022! Whats comical is all the ass kissers on V&V's LinkedIn pages are the ones who will be kicked to the curb. Good luck chumps.

Management is already beginning to set the wheels in motion. HR has begun stack ranking individuals based on managers feedback. The headcount reduction has already been accounted for and it will impact every franchise.